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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. ok but real quick. how was that message worded? she literally just mentioned something about her sanity being called out, and the words mental health probably didn't do so well.. edit: why is she secluding herself..
  2. As much as I'd like to chat n theorize w u like always Max, I'm gonna have to shelf it for now.. but I know isn't the film series amazing??? Immediately, I thought that it's might've been how she's been seen or how she sees herself in a way. I'm not entirely sure as to what she wants to say thru this tho atm..
  3. well. usually isn't it that 007's a spy and he has tirades w amazing women, and they're usually just used as eye candy to support his main story?
  4. a 007 and probs a leading lady. can't recall which film it is atm
  5. Look. I get it. but it's not wise to just name drop, and then further a sentence that she's ok w them not mentioning anything. like, great. but at least it would've been better to keep the channels open if anything. maybe we don't know a lot, but leaving it at the first post would've left things a little bit more hopeful. It's just not wise to pull someone into your vortex like that and not give them room to breathe. if she's going to ask for some kind of solidarity or support, there's got to be more diplomatic ways to do so. and mm yeah maybe she's already done that and got her replies. but leaving a rope would've just been so much better..
  6. I. Someone needs to give her a hug..
  7. this is so incredibly manipulative hate that..
  8. I think, and for me this resonated deeply, is that didn't she mention always wanting to find, her people? This might be a way of her trying to find that out.
  9. so nfr's 4k pages. would it be possible to just eventually merge this thread w the pre-release when the time comes? Idk I wanna beat our numbers from last time lmao
  10. so as the album's getting closer and closer I kinda wanna form like a preface or something, but were tribes ever announced or something? brb googling
  11. I think it's only natural to care for someone who means a great deal to them. we can't take that away, it's innate. years made that clear for a lot. so i'm thinking that fans might really get split, ie the page count growth. what we see might not be the full picture, but with the way she chooses to express thru social media of course is gonna put into focus, bc I mean, that's what social media does (that's another convo). if anything, this is a sort of test of trust. what I don't get or what worries me is if there's anything behind her need for such expression. I just hope that there are people she can trust to help her see things through, no bs. it's probably already difficult enough being so alone in the industry, it's such a teetering dance. but that could also mean that it might b difficult for the average person to look her in the eyes and sit her down. we overcomplicate so much but really, I think she needs a genuine connection rn. it might be difficult to really get back to that place of centeredness, especially after the feats she's done herself. which ironically, can just have her end up feeling even more secluded. maybe she's searching for that sense of support from others bc that's what she thinks she needs rn? no doubt things exacerbated. Lana if ur even like, reading. we're here for u girl. hope ur alrite.
  12. they probs want some sort of control semblance bc they don't wanna get hurt so they go on the offense bc misery loves company but it's like. did that help anything?
  13. https://twitter.com/gagadaily/status/1263349754978844672 I am SO READY
  14. I love the subject matter and metaphors
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