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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Brooklyn already gives me so much idgaf attitude I'd honestly be floored if she amplified it somehow
  2. it gives me Kylie Minogue's "Wow" vibes
  3. Idk bout u guys but I really need Fucked My Way To The Top level satire for the next one
  4. I was out and completely forgot that it was gonna b out soon ohmygod OHMYGOD my souuuuuuuuuul I'm liviiiiiiiiiin
  5. @@Foxglove I def think shes getting back there and for her sake I hope so too. There's just so much to b done
  6. I feel u. Definitely! I'm seriously thinking she's still got a lot of thinking to do on her hands, but to me, it also might mean that her outlook's changing as well. Which personally, I'm glad. Again, we've always known her to b sensitive since the start, and I'm rooting for her to just balance things out. I seriously won't lie tho, today was a breath of fresh air. I see both sides, and it's really just a complex and compiled, enmeshed sort of convo. Should she have worded it better? I get that, yes. Is she allowed to also speak her mind? I think that's something we should all be at least open into doing more. I really think that pain eclipses a lot.. and its incredibly valid. But if there's a conversation where u can at least try to set ur pain aside, and practice a little bit more of empathy for that, if even a sec. That's not a stepback, thats moving together as a species, forward. I genuinely believe that. If the atmosphere wasn't so guarded I def think we'd b able to work together on these things. Gurl just lashes out mygod, it's a mess but her heart seems to be in the right place. I can't help but at least try n understand that she's hurting too. The Lanaverse, amirite lol Edit: I gotta brb n run some errands. If u wanted to talk more, I'll reply but I probs wont b able to for a while, just letting ya know
  7. Stir the fucking pot bitch I live :elmo:
  8. points were made. but regarding the whole grip part of it she can't help it if this is what she wanted to do for a living. and who wants to be bad at what they like to do? I actually think it was incredibly sweet of her to care, and pull a lust for life, or nfr. I definitely think she's got a love/hate relationship w fame, and that she's still processing a lot about what that means to her. it was a kind gesture nonetheless. Caring is such a double bladed sort of thing, and I think it's really important to tackle the issues, not people if anything. if it genuinely upsets a person, perspective can and still might b delayed a bit, but that shouldn't mean that the upset can just be bought away.. we're all human at the end of the day.
  9. honestly think about this A LOT. today was stronger than multiple caffeine shots
  10. Ok I might regret this but who if anyone was the hulk going to b
  11. Since it's on here now I really wanna know if she's gonna follow thru w the star signs track
  12. Let the people discuss hahahahahahaha its all cool. I'm sure we can agree how aspects might resemble zodiac archtypes
  13. I honestly have no idea atm, but I do know Venus is. I think some other users'd probably b better explaining the astro forecast than me. She claims to b a cancer via insta which is like yesss amazing (water signs rep) but aside from that, I dont really focus much about that when it comes to her
  14. Gemini's can be emotional af, and cancer's can be lethal when they choose to get sassy. She's born on a cusp week tho so
  15. take it one step at a time gl
  16. was literally mood streaming it all day last night
  17. wait.... is there a new snippet where
  18. Imagine having dead covid dna/rna imprinted in the record, but safe. FUCKING BADASSERY
  19. https://twitter.com/ladygaga/status/1263590414163951618 TSUNAMI ME KWEEN I'M READY
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