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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. it's cool. it's gotta b the album. she mentioned a second poetry book, and touched on how her first poetry book's still being processed unsure if its even still called whf, but its defo an album
  2. honestly one of the reasons why I was drawn to her in the first place was that she wasn't afraid of getting down w difficult feelings and that's a fucking STRENGTH. Glamorous
  3. That’s ok I’ll still dance to it
  4. HYPE ME KWEEN https://twitter.com/gagadaily/status/1263349754978844672
  5. Violet bent backwards over the grass with her hair in a mess bc of online, classes ne'er did she think it'd take so long of hours for her to complete her assignments she's run out of nasonex and daylight yes. in fact. she is a gopher springtime is almost over, we are enjoying lemonade now.
  6. But isnt time, like, relative? And wouldnt it b more of a constant stream, so it wouldnt really matter which direction it was pointed towards. Amd an object can be at rest but still be in motion, ie cars. Maybe bc physics works opposite there everything's in a state of contant unbecoming that the rules wouldnt even apply, which, technically, would mean it is working oppositely
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uro1H_RKI2k
  8. somebody needed to pass that baton like yesterday already and I'd be surreal having Amy singing about updated life events all witty. I wonder what she'd sing about.
  9. wait. what if the other universe is also like fucked, and we just end up colliding w each other .. ?
  10. Studio versions of Wicked Game and Daddy Issues ohmygod and live performance tracks yeah
  11. yessss and lol oh fuck no I hope not. do u think Lana'd be male? all the lyrical changes
  12. In that universe, everyone's listened to Life is Beautiful, in full. but also OP, imagine... I wonder what'd b different there
  13. I think Hope's basically her version of Hallelujah. the similar tempos, the slow progression, even sorta the subject matter. I get the same vibes from both songs
  14. without the smudge(?)? am i allowed to ask for a link?
  15. is it true that there isn't a version of Angels Forever, FA without the audio mark?
  16. so im just gonna fourth wall it and say that isn't music really based off of the environment/situation that calls for it? and that we're basically just matching the tracks as accurately as we can for said situations like hope is great for when ur serving coffee for the triads, norman when ur seeing things thru, and love song when ur in an airplane's cockpit? I think so ..
  17. perfect for my attention span
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKkV2j9DbIQ
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