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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. breakup Lana + isolation Lana = some heavy shit and I'm looking forward hearing how she's been getting thru. did we ever get the voice note, or was it just mentioned?
  2. I want to say that I get vanity project vibes from this one. akin to how HM is like a well known social concept, but with how wide-ranging the title is, I'm thinking it might be a slicker, more honed(?) version of LFL. things we might've overlooked: and which get me hopeful bc of the lush sound, and wonder if she's gonna be sharing the heroine's perspective based off a Bond type of world.
  3. w all the commotion, I forgot we're getting this towards the end of sept.. I just wanna read it now
  4. July 28th. sept 29th. she didn't mention the album at all.. knew she was gonna get to the poetry first, just based from her posts and excitement towards it from before but. wonder when she's gonna start teasing/mentioning the album .. next slot would be, 2nd week of aug, end of 1st week? hmm also.. the amount of vinyls for the poetry book just gets me all anticipating for cocc's amount of releases
  5. oof. that was like, felt like an eternity ago. but ok cool thanx! guess that means the bundles won't b with em then
  6. I think it might just b the light effect and the shade of blue? and how it's like centered
  7. does it give u like, 80s family photo pictorial, w/o the clown outfit bc
  8. lol youtubers / I'm kinda wondering how Behind the iron gates book is gonna b scheduled w cocc. Violet's already gonna b out. 29th. would b eventful for the 5th. but she hasn't mentioned the second book yet so
  9. so far, from listening yeah, and it's really important to just unravel sometimes, so u know which pieces to keep and leave. and isn't it great??
  10. honestly, these days, it's dangerous to really be open and tender, especially without any ego protections. no pretenses and at the end of the day, mounds or trenches, don't we all just want a quiet moment to ourselves w the people, environment we want with us at home (wherever/whoever that might be?) when shit's going on, all around you in life, busy busy busy. this record's a great refuge. and it doesn't go all Big Bang on you, but it's the soft little moments of wonder and realizations that make it beautiful. the production really aids the storytelling. soft drones, guitars. psychedelia, it's great to really unwind. and she mentioned at the start how the album's more like islands of refuge to collect and protect u from future events, so it's more introspective in tone. for some, people go about running from themselves their whole lives, regardless of intelligence n awareness. jeez if we were talking more danger, what's more dangerous than not being contented and grateful for ur life at someone's winter? I genuinely wonder if anyone'd be saying the same if we got info from the academy and what the critics were saying etc. regardless, this record was necessary, and really, without it, I think Lana would've just burnt herself out further, and we'd get somethings less than truthful. norman fucking rockwell, breaking down the ego MAC, a song about being the bigger person venice: overcoming ones' self and envisioning ur future filly: feelings. admitting feelings for someone? that's FUCKING hard enough as it is. w life experience? still pretty difficult. if not moree. DT: this one. it's like a reversion of herself for protection's sake imo Love song: it is plain. but its stripped enough to capture the feeling of nostalgic love. once in a lifetime? surrendering. the taste the touch, the way we love. it all comes down to make the sound of our love song. quite literal, gets metaphoric, but also truer than true. literally even says, "is it safe, to just be who we are?" Cinnamon: touches on abuse. but also, growth from it. HTD: another song about disappearing parallel'd w being selfless. California: fuck its dangerous to be so fucking desperate, but she did it anyway. TNBAR: love relapse imo. TG: the realization and accepting that nothing's ever gonna be the same. Bartender: contemplation of her peers where she questions if what she really wants is still what she even wants. HiaB: cool down. hope: alright, she's processed. she's gonna keep going. definitely less outward than her past work, but solid enough, and even piercing norms/ shifting focus from the world outside, to the one already inside yourself. did she guise it with self refs, and caricatures of herself? I call that stripping and being made new. do u know how difficult it is to just be conventional, when ur not? like fuck. especially w all the bravado and chest pumping and the emotions wheeled from those motives. it's actually quite a strength to be soft and flexible, that while keeping true to yourself. triiggoo. this album's far from safe. maybe it's just of what we're used to in this day and age, but damn. the contrast of what it stands for already does so much. it's literally a counterpoint to what society wants of you. the point was to be subdued, introspective. do u know how annoying it is to have external forces, let alone chaos in ur mind from getting u to that point of self, un-manipulated, free state? overproduction would've diluted the emotion, her prime empathic conduit. regardless, it works bc simplicity is what it is. I feel like this record was her trying to have a conversation with shifting it back to how what some call boring, is actually peaceful. and we'd be so lucky to experience that honest solace. like, when ur really tired. ur just. tired. even the most troubled souls can appreciate a sense of wholesomeness. some of the stuff on here's the closest she's gotten too so. really don't wanna reply but if anyone's gonna quote me, don't just pick. on topic, I feel it's a bit too soon for me to be guessing stuff, so i'm just gonna say I've been looking forward to what she's gonna follow hope up w next.
  11. so anyway she looked real happy, I wonder what she's gonna put up next. she mentioned she would as it came up so.. lol yeah
  12. don't even know where to start rn. went out for a walk in the neighborhood. some people just aren't wearing masks, and I'm so disappointed. it's- people shouldn't need any further incentive to be wearing these thing when goin' out. we're literally banned from the world to travel as everyone else opens up its. if ur gonna be selfish, leave others out of it.
  13. wish I hoped for more bc I did get a fancy, saber looking L which kinda works out for sales again, bc more than ever I need that proper album cover vinyl in pink ..
  14. that was the cutest!! glad that she's real excited for her work, great sign, nd doing it for a great cause too
  15. I'm listening to the demo(?) and it's great. I like it.
  16. the cover's positioning is actually pretty balanced, taken into account the huge and slapped on title. so in that way, it's balanced, but there's just the issue of how unfinished and lacking in effort the red bar's been placed. like there's going for a tired effect, but this just looks careless from her team's behalf
  17. ngl just happy that we're getting vinyls?? on top of the book and, but still pokerface'd bc we dk if we're gonna get any cocc news so
  18. but did u also know that I actually mean it this is some future self-concert shit PAGE ONE
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