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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gejbbL1AaJk
  2. Oof this is gonna sound a bit annoying, but I usually argue w myself in my head, and exactly! But. I think it'd b awkward for the team to not get paid. So maybe have that kind of pocket fund for them, and then have it released.. right..? At the same time, it's her work, so she's ownership of that, but I'm thinking if she had some kind of fundraiser for it, then at least the music would go around, associated w relief efforts. which. would hopefully do really well on the market (if anything) and go back to the people. the only thing I'm thinking about with this is that, how will Gaga get paid from the label, and how much they'll want for themselves (the label) this could literally be like a movement. like, ARTPOP 2.0, concept w music and success. the interactivity would be real great, and it'd leave a positive impact forsure. if what she says what the music's like from the previous mag interviews. can u imagine -- people get the music. lasting impact. The royalties aspect is just the tricky thing..
  3. So.. maybe controversial but. What IF she released the album and had profits go to aiding the organizations fighting the pandemic.
  4. Yes ah, idk about u, but Fiily and TG were like, real movie quality videos. Even if TG was just her hanging around shipping containers and stuff, the feeling was somehow still there. Ride sort of got overplayed for me, and the narrative sorta just got old. I loved WM's retro future aesthetic, but it was just real hard to connect the video to the song bc of TNBAR. Gods and Monsters is LEGENDARY it gets me thinking what happened w MAC, and the mini film this cycle. It passed but I wonder if she had other ideas besides relying on special effects in her backyard
  5. I've already got my opinions n perceptions about this record but. What does this album mean to u guys?
  6. this feels like artpop leaks 2.0 except. shorter
  7. anything new? or just like rain on me?
  8. Quit playing games w my heart , backstreet boys this video was so gay. i love it:
  9. the athome performances concert regarding the covid fundraiser. she's working w the WHO
  10. MAC vid's great as a kind of store visual. Venice was charming. DT's ICONIC Fiily/TG well made. I don't really know what to say about the mini film, but I still loved that HiaB got visuals Personal fave film works of art: Blue Jeans West Coast Shades of Cool Tropico Lust For Life oddly, Honeymoon UV trailer ALONE
  11. April 18th is so far awaaaaaay
  12. I'm hoping the actual book, with the cover unwrapped if anything, would be some kind of rich forest green, or a soft shade variant of red.. I always thought soft red spines looked charming on books. and the forest green is just so calming and easily looks timelessly classic. I personally don't see a physical cd with it right now, I think some kind of cassettes would lend well to current aesthetics tho.. and I think Lana postal stamps or that sorta thing would look real cute.
  13. I wonder how the spine of the book'll look. What color it'll be. Do u think it'll have its own ribbon bookmark with it? I hope we're getting a physical book.
  14. ok cool. let's do this. personal top 5. Bad Romance Heavy Metal Lover Perfect Illusion So Happy I Could Die Applause
  15. ma ma pa pa pa perfect illusion ?
  16. I- maybe I'm like oversimplifying or something. but. I think this record's a lot to do with love. Like, Born to Die's about transformation, making the most of what she knew. Paradise is, about reaching that identity she wanted for herself. Ultraviolence is about living with everything she's got, but dealing w the fact that life's still not perfect even with all the success. Honeymoon is about clinging to what she still has. Taking care of herself. Lust for Life is about trusting herself, and opening up to the world. Being able to let go of her demons and joining society, not just thru her bubble. NFR! is her testing herself, and actually letting herself be vulnerable. even if that means that she's left all alone.
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