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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. This. is. my dancefloor. I fought for. this feelin' devotiooon
  2. Yesssssss definitely something like this. I was thinking of some sort of reduced citrus variant jam, to mix w the overall sauce. maybe have a raspberry and mint leaf on top to sort of moderate the palate after eating. that or some kind of lemon zest but this is so so so goooooood / @@Barttender what's ur take ma friend
  3. I'm not sure, I'm not sure, but I imagine some liquor heavy desserts for anything Honeymoon Salvatore'd be some kind of fresh caviar, over a spiced poached egg, garnished w some sort of tart glaze reduction. Honeymoon'd be some salted caramel flan, with liquor-soaked grapefruit/ semi sweet citrus Cherry, a cherry fruit tart w a hint of some citrus extract for addded aroma Religion, a Baked Alaska Flambeeee
  4. I was honestly just gonna say I made one. and then- hahahahahahahahahaha!! The other's more food based if anything. Swear, catering a menu already BEEEEEEEEEEEENN oh wait: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/11483-lanas-music-as-flavors/
  5. Ah jeez as inspired by the collector's guide thread : http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/11481-lana-del-rey-collectors-guide/ What flavors come to mind when u think about Lana's music? Any type of dish/dessert/drink etc. .. . Like, Salvatore'd be some kind of fresh caviar, over a spiced poached egg, garnished w some sort of tart glaze reduction. Honeymoon'd be some salted caramel flan, with liquor-soaked grapefruit/ semi sweet citrus Cherry, a cherry fruit tart w a hint of some citrus extract for addded aroma Tequila Sunrise for GKIT The list goes on. Ok, go
  6. @@Ben Mawson this would b a DREAM. and mm yeah! I love visiting museums in my city, and maybe it might be a stretch, but imagine an exhibit with a ur cafe attached to it like jeeez what do we need to do to get that to happen.... I love love LOVE all of those ideas, n being self-sufficient that's real good of ya and girl. same. just- same. +1 I'm honestly so tempted to get a cafe/menu/flavors thread goin. Maybe in a bit. @@RormanNockwell I know ur love of lemons, maybe u can participate too? but mm yeah Imma cut that convo short on here op op
  7. Can u imagine the SODA POP FLOATS. I wonder how it'll be curated etc. I miss Cola.mp3 ngl Do u think UV snacks'll have some kind of spice? Would Paradise b considered savory. Honeymoon'd probably have the sweetest snacks
  8. Ur basically already sorta doin part of that so I hope u get noticed.. and Ohmygooodddddd nooo don't get me excited I would facking visiiiiiit whattttttt. and that's not even like. that's- what WHAT consider me a customer like W H A T. It's time's like these where I wish Lana had more enthusiastic managementtt I think so too.. I loved how easy it was to access, and the pop up shop was a nice touch. Wish she expanded more on it... I'd say keep up the great work but like we already know u've been.
  9. This might be like a weird comment but. Imagine her team collaborated w u on future merch bc what u have. That or u could b contacted for a future Lana exhibit who knows
  10. Some. I'm putting a spoiler just bc. ASIB Pokemon The First Movie Avengers: Infinity War The Pursuit of Happyness
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFic-xaLsPs
  12. So..twitter's sorta useless. I. Ï . She's so GAY. Fucking FAB U LOUS
  13. ok so um. i'm speechless rn bc: like. what happened.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJNeiBaEMIE
  15. Wait up, hold up. UK deluxe version?? do u have a site?
  16. ohmygod its already sold outttttttttt Edit: does anyone think she'll have a vinyl w the album cover? holding out hopeee
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