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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. U know the drill, news dry - title Doesn't have to be a literal person, could be a group of people, ur pet? A person u idolize/ fantasize about. Bonus points if u list the specific song and who. Ok go!
  2. I still think of the Young and Beautiful "diamonds" note from time to time. The resonance, the ethereal sound of it
  3. I think this thread deserves to be a Black Mirror episode. Anyone watched the miley cyrus ep yet ? Looks interesting
  4. Sex money feelings die is her main boop!
  5. I mean I personally still kinda feel bad whenever I need to criticize but try to apologize like the others, but I really just wanna hope that the others are only doing this bc they tremendously care. I try to. Not saying that it's right, ur rite, but that's how I swallow some of the comments on here. Hope she's strong enough to do the same, bc its obviously not gonna stop anytime soon.. just tryna make an observation..
  6. I wonder if she thinks or takes it as some kind of sick endearment from her fans. xoxo us fags
  7. Defo there has to be some solid facts about this there w LFL. Coachella and WM, 'specially w the alleged video switch. There was this one article (too tired to post rn) about how LFL was her gateway record, in trying to really be more present w society, not from an outsider's perspective, but as someone who really mingles w society, GBA, Coachella, Love being a universal kind of theme etc. We do know she's at least been made aware of the fact that her fans would rather not be teased to death, hence her random posting a few weeks before til she actually has something, learning from the YAIL leak and how that ruined the LFL schedule (I even remember the Lana Love filter that was like off a week or two) so there's that. Carry that into the equation of Hope, and how she really isn't posting/ doing as much visually like she used to which riles the fanbase MORE, it's a recipe for conflict. That and the insta comment filter, sounds like it yeah. Points on this though. - Does she even read the stuff on here, let alone visit? - What about the people who actually enjoyed the tracks, legit (not to kiss ass, but I've praised Coachella for that bridge alone, WM is like weirdly lewd (excuse me lol)) ?
  8. I kinda wanna cycle back to that whole image discussion a lot of people were having like pages ago nd tie that to the I love u but u don't understand me quote she made on insta? , and her releasing HIADT, the seeming lack of visuals/image etc. Did ya really think that that might've been enough for her to postpone the record? Shutting down the poetry book, barking at her lifestyle, needing the next best thing even. Like ok it's warranted w the news drought yada squared but. and at the back of my mind it's always been there even if I wanted to deny it, but like damn maybe she was trying to pull her Joanne era, to be more vulnerable and we shut her down, well mostly the users, and that put her off? It's the only theory that still sticks Oof i'm gettin emotional just thinking about it
  9. Ms. Lana where u at, we need a miracle please transmit - --
  10. Had a shit day that I actually let affect me this time like an idiooooooot. @@salvatore Sal ur golden. @@Lana release the record. We're dying , pls. ty
  12. Ooh hunnty after 9 months of anticipation I think tf not, but sure I'll play along what? what abloom?
  13. I sadly agree?? And the mini audacity for them to come up w a doc after the show? Where was the effort for putting that into the actual show? Swear these writers have diff priorities
  14. Call me cruel but I think watching it makes the thread more enjoyable dontyathink
  15. I- Hm. I hate redundant questions but did u think we'll b getting a DT video lol
  16. Kinda bad, but not as hyped anymore after last weeks episode. Is that bad? The writers told the viewers they wanted things to not b predictable but after watching ep 5, I think it jus tmight b too obvious what'll happen next and it worries me, everything's been leading to this? They honestly shouldve just not rushed it.
  17. Do NOT get me wrong, DT is a slice of bliss, but mygod I didnt want to fully accept we'd already be typhoooning in this teacup so soon after a few days since it's release
  18. They laid waste to the previous seasons 1-4, or wherever the books stopped. Season 6 was ok, but
  19. Defiiiinitely.... ! I was like a bit lost as to why she was slaying the entire population, it just disappointed me and made me sad, like I get how Arya was good running around the city and helped show the view shots of the people, but really, it was pretty pointless.. I mean yeah I get that first point about how the people in King's landing were pretty horrible, I was watching season 7 and it was mentioned w the ed sheeran episode that the people of kings landing were the worst anyway, and Jaime ,referencing how the same people praising Euron, would be clapping the same if his head was a put on a pike. Maybe the show just hasn't really fed us all that obviously.. or, maybe Tyrion just pissed her off, which caused her to go too far? He did reference the bells, which rang, which caused her to get so frustrated . I think I trailed off a bit, but basically yeah, I wanna know what drove her to that point exactly, without the writers having to explain after the episode..
  20. Hey Blue Baby is too western saloon, and Stupid for being happy cancels out and polarizes HIADT, Bartender, seems real interesting, but sounds a bit too polished to end up on the record, conceptually, and we're not even sure about the "stronger than u really are" snippet being a different track. She mentioned in Elle Canada that she's expecting to release a couple more tracks before releasing the record, and if DT is actually one, then we've blurted out a single already.. We've already heard HTD, but I doubt she'll be willing to release that as a formal single atm, she seems like she's riding a happy wave rn so, HIAB?, dislike how she was laughing at not knowing the lyrics in that one insta snippet vid, but maybe she's just pretending that it doesn't phase her, our tourlyfe disses. Cinnamon? Too much of a spicier niche track. I'd be totally surprised if she gave us a completely new song next tho - come to think of it, have we even heard the title track even? If there is one?
  21. I was watching this like a few hours ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4bff4LyuDM Also, real quick, I just need to know from other GoT peers, got an HBO figure of Dany, like wow cheap, did u think that it'll build value, with how this last season is going? It's been great to watch, at least for me, even if episode 5 got lukewarm reviews, but overall, would that totally just woodchip the entire project?
  22. U know. U probably already know this, but ur great don't change tf LMAAAAAAOOOOOOO and yes. It is. She's actually designed the poetry book, and passes em out like tracts to cha cha customers, lures them into making postmates orders, and takes the bevs for herself, that's why she's doing time, but from the look on her face, u can tell she thought, thinks! it's worth it. every. single. time
  23. Ok let's shake things up, but holy shiiiiiiit I've only discovered this song for a few months now, still hooked on it, but vibessszs Lanaaaaaaa vibesszs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixw_bLVUL34
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