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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Ok, cool, cool. Not to sound bossy, but did u both think it'd b ok, or a good idea to share ur website notes together? Maybe we can a site log going, as long as its safe etc. How can we get that to happen?
  2. Mm. Ok got that. Someone else mentioned Russian before. We found out about Coachella last cycle thru an Arab streaming site. Does anyone have those sites from before? I can make it a part of the title post for peeps to look at, to keep an eye out for
  3. Title, and sorta like a preface above. Mods I know that this might b part of an umbrella that is NfR speculation, but I wanted to try making a thread specific to practical steps that we can take, or at least ideas of them, collected in one thread. (Though if there is an issue, I'll ask of an alternative to have this directed hopefully if possible) Moving on, peeps, it'd b a lot more appreciated if the ideas ya'll would come up w are respectful, non-creepy and practical. No ideas are worthless as long as they're presented in a non-smart ass answer. Comedy's fine tho I guess lol If anyone would like to provide the numbers/emails/extensions of Interscope, or various radio stations, please do so. Tips on their protocol would also b amazingly great. Let's get something going This time around, Change.mp3 starts w u, just as potentially progress always has. Emails/ numbers: (We'll try to get someone who can respectively communicate with them in a non-pestering way. Feel free to call out of ur own volition tho. Keep it classy) Sites: Speculated extra Lana accounts: i.e. honeymoon on insta, twitter etc. Amoeba/ Stores contact info: (call ur local Target/superstores for upcoming shipments or whenever u visit) Music stores/online: Poetry: Silverlake/ West/Hollywood Bookstores: Ideas better worth building on: *Feel free to report back any info that ya already directly know back here. I can add spoilers etc. Special thanks to those who can help. Remember, this isn't only just for NfR, but hopefully, if we gather enough info, can make a mini database for sites etc. to look out for, for any future projects we might be looking forward to. Ok, yes go!
  4. I- I'm tired of theorizing atm at least, and it's great that we're discussing track placements and all, but what I've leanred from this record is that Lana's keeping mum on everything she'll b releasing til like a week or so beforehand (happened like twice already) Which is great bc we don't have to b lingering every second. I honestly doubt she'd overdo anything til DT's out, and even then, that has a waiting period til who else knows when exactly. Did ya think we can actually take practical, respectful steps on getting information? Already checked in w my local music store, theyre pretty good w that shit no shade. She's coming out w a poetry book, last time we checked. Would it b crazy to ask them if they had any word of it, or when it'll b coming out? To the peeps who called interscope, like waaay back in this thread, can ya guys collect ur notes/ have a thread made? Can we even ask thise closer to her on this site, like admin, to respectuflly message her? Who else can we ask bout the record? Cus this is a fucking mess, its not even mine and i still wanna clean it up
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkRHp4VlKcE
  6. U guys I'm real glad that u know someone that's/ are straight and L O V E -- Lana but pls it was a sarcastic jokeeee I personally find it cool that she does that, as to not have her vision diluted, but honestly, dk what the progress is yeah
  7. I've really never met a straight guy that listens to Lana's music. Maybe casual, but a fan? Nopee This faggot won't stop til the album drops. even after
  8. First n foremost. She's not all Lana, not even Lizzy Grant. She's Elizabeth, the person that she was even before when she blew up. I think after HM we're clearer to see that. The trailer park life, to her hustlin earlier on, to now, she's probably just used that experience source material to fuel what matters to her most, at least career-wise, her music. And if we're talking bout appeal. Ngl, hers is her face. Her natural beauty. Its incredibly hyperfeminine, w how small it is, bright eyes and button nose. That'll hopefully never change. Add in the charisma, and u've the capacity to charm absolutely anyone. As some others said on this thread too, just bc you look a certain way or b felt that others want more of u bc of this, doesnt mean that you'll have the most genuine experiences, but u ride the ride til it isnt fun anymore. Bc she might still b looking for her people. I totally get that. And that can get really lonely bc people dont see you for who you really are, or even long to b, but instead what they want from you. Never really saw her as a star entertainer, u can tell straight from her voice even the pain she sings through that's definitelfy felt overwhelmed by her fame. She can do tf she wants, she seems happy just hangin w her friends and sister, at least she's got that. She deserves some kind of breathing period/break. The aesthetic shes been tending to herself is real minimal, if she even is thinking about that as largely as before, does fit the music, but its not as important as what she delivers thru it. Ngl. We're just paining, waiting for her to communicate a kind of schedule bc its been so fucking loooooooong
  9. I personally love it when she has interviews when she shares her direct perspective on the tracks, vision, and how she sounds so well live, and more human if that makes any sense live. It makes the music more enjoyable, and a lot more fun to analyze imo I think Wildest Dreams was literally inspired from Without You. That and then Lana used the similar melody for Lfl's title track mess thinking Lana copied Taylor yada yada. I honestly think it would, both their voices are on the thinner, frailer side, and their styles are def different yeah This is the only collab that'll ever matter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KF6g62sLYxs
  10. Nd to think she's probably not even going to promote it after release. Trumaticccc
  11. I'd usually say something sad, like Wait For Life, or The Blackest Day, but I'm gonna opt for Love this time around. It's beautiful to hike w, while watching the sun going down after being so full to sink. I wanna change things up. Situation to listen to Coachella to? Dont fooking say Coachellaaaaaa
  12. Yes we been knew Cinnamon is the spicy Thai food version of Groupie Love but I thought we were talkin bout DT snippets (which I'm clearly not asking for just noting)
  13. Not counting the weekend, we've got somewhere round a week til the song drops. Give it a good week til it fades to b safe, n then it'll b June th did the year go?
  14. Elvis is my daddy, Marylin's my mother, Jesus is my bestest friend v. ... Is like heaven takin the place of something evil, n lettin it burn off from the rush - yeaaaaaaaah
  15. So genuinely asking. How's everyone been heightening the listening experiences of the tracks we've gotten so far? I've been listening to keyboard smash just now and feel like just unwinding w some coffee and cigarettes don't judge me I was afraid of this. Sincerity is scary.mp3
  16. Ok but she also said top of the year Also, the gayness of HiaB, spring time blooming? Norman facking his bf Rockwell, coming out, like the flowers do in spring? Getting to enjoy it the following summer season months afta earlier anyway?
  17. I think we've all got to accept it an ounce or more at this point, that the most of an apology we're getting is MAC,reasoning thru HIADT, and VB as a trip to get our heads away from this news blackout. For now she's only announcing DT bc she's part of a group project
  18. Maybe she can pull a SB release 2.0 like she did w Lfl and mirror Groupie Love w Cinnamon
  19. U and sum Sublime fan comments on insta jk but really can't relate, I love it. Lana Sinatra take my money
  20. Ty! Whata time to stan!
  21. Don't forget the haunting, horror-esque sounding piano specifically ah -
  22. Currently just actually got into her music, and hung up n over on Julien.mp3 There's a new record coming out???
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