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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Great great great! Thanks, been trying to update the OP, but the site won't let me edit the post n quote posts/members. Happily noted tho, thanks! Tweet barrage might help. I wanna say, try to keep it professional, but we know how twitter stans can be
  2. Sup to u 2 Lana que pasa, que pasa, que te pasaaaaaa this binch I swear lolololololol
  3. I think. Presently. I'm just glad that we're gonna hear a new track in the next coming days, whether or not it's on the record, it's a new track. That and I'm just hoping that she just keeps the week/2wk period she does when she posts when she actually has something. I'll take that as courtesy.
  4. LMAO Dracarys?? Not gonna lie, what I dislike was how the producers of the show really tried rushing things, like the past seasons where the books were concerned were great bc they had those subtle moments that let the story simmer, whereas this, although the episodes are longer, it doesn't give anyone room to breathe as much.. there's a lack of mystery to it now. I do like the concept of Dany becoming the tragic villain, like it's sick how she's been going crazy ever since she burnt the Tarly's like let's be honest she was always this way, unbending, but it just escalated so obviously that it actually lessened that. I do like how abrupt Cersei's and Jaime's deaths were. They didn't go by what the fans expected, but it was pretty stupid how they were having their moment, as if there wasn't a sense of urgency, even if they were trying to escape thru the dragon's graveyard There's hardly a sense of closure now tho.
  5. Thou shall not THOT to Cinnamon. They probably can't even appreciate it the same, downlow hoes
  6. Same. It's really, actually pretty nice. Lanaboards, indivisible, with Doin' Time and snippets for all
  7. Ok but let's not lie, she sounds like she was drinking some expensive narcotic opium tea at the chorus of SoC. But KPOP? Oh honey no. If she thought we were bad like . . .
  8. The thought about the possible personal hurt after Hope was in my pool of thoughts, so I definitely think that it's very plausible, that and that at least she's aware of how that must personally go, to whatever degree. Where ever it stems from, she's defensive of her work, bc it's still a part of her, regardless of the fact that she was able to compartmentalize it and send it off as a track. I get ur point, and agree conceptually to what ur saying on that. To build on that speculation: - MAC was a strong return, similar to how West Coast was well received when it debuted w Fearne Cotton's radio show, and how VB cultivated a mini cult following. - Could explain as to why she even used an alt account, to garner exclusivity w deeper fans than the general public. --> what those trolling posts on the 29th were on insta Bc speculation is fun, but can end up getting stale real quick w/o real world answers, at least for me. let's fact check everything else. -Ben's aware of this site's existence. How he uses that information, or how it spreads, we don't know. - Do we have confirmation that Lana visits the site? If, thru who? - Lust for Life, was generally well-received by the public, but has mixed opinions surrounding it when it comes to this forum. Same pattern for Hope, allegedly (add this to the spec portion) - People have reacted poorly to what the track was, focusing on things to upset them. Motive? At least for some on this forum, nitpicking for problems w the phrases u mentioned bc of the news blackout (Genuine question tho, was anyone else via articles/media distressed about it as much as some of us on here?) - Sad Girl, introspective shit, was how she described the record. (Anyone have the exact date? I'll fill this in later). - She's halted posting about the poetry book. - Fans at most dislike the lack of effort, case a., the interlude passing mv for MAC, mixed for VB. - Minor changes from the party's management, a.k.a. possible tweaking. Loose factors: - Baddie NY resolutions. - Dating life, according to numerous tabloids, even a personal reference from close sources to her. Did it just end abruptly? The theory holds a lot. It could very well be the factor as to why she's been real silent, as much as I'd hate to admit it. Do I think it's sensible? No. Warranted if true? Definitely. What I dislike, so so so much, is how, if the previous is the main debilitating factor, is how she's lost faith in those who stuck on, and were really trying to really listen to and understand what she was putting out. Lack of comm, or bending around it, leaving only traces/clues if even directed at anyone. Which, imo is what infuriates this forum in the first place. (I'll come personally clean even, and state that 3/29 was incredibly upsetting, like how the rest of us thought. Made a post about it, genuine anger behind it, self-sickening, but damn, u just can't gloss over ur problems hoping to stand above them. It's unstable ground.) I'd like to think better that she's waiting more for society to be truly ready for her work, to let it simmer thru the tracks we've gotten so far, which imo is great, they each hold merit for a diverse selection of emotions, bc she's usually good at feeling at society nd current events/time, but that was bound to happen regardless. Ya can't not expect others to want more material after its been promised, and expect them to not get upset when everything (info)'s been fractionalized. It isn't just. This was long, but I'm not gonna hold anything against anyone til we get answers. This is like reverse-arguing, and it's just incredibly upsetting. There's just no compromise. Again, if any of this holds any precise validity that is. Makes me wonder what the leaks were all about, and how much the cover plays into things. Articles being forced to become liars, and magazines misting information. Feels a lot like the suffering we went through after Love being leaked which totally disaligned everything. She seemed alright about it tho, just gave leakers a slap on the wrist Was pretty new, and started during the LfL era, but earlier users, does this always happen? Passive punishment? July 21st still makes me squint, and idk what warranted that exactly.
  9. I'm glad even more that she got to release the track, and if yeah it took 3 years to fully form and tweak how it ended up, then I'm grateful and happier that she finally outwardly expressed and released those thoughts, this song. How liberating that must be, and even stronger for her to actually share it in front of the world. Lemme permeate my own thought tho, regardless of whether or not I'll seem cross, so I'll try wording things delicately, no malice, but it makes me question so so so much, as to what would've changed/has changed that changed the temperament of the release era? I know for LfL, she gave way to Coachella as one of the tracks of the final record, blurted out Beautiful People and opted for the hopeful globalist track that is 'Beautiful People, Problems' , and added Change as well, among tracks that really changed the record from the first version she envisioned for it. Grateful for what we got, aside from how she saw it first, bc it felt like a kind of gateway record for her to really explore and be more present in society. Then we have this record that's rumored to have been completed, where she's excited for it to be released, livestream footage to back that up, and her triumphant self-return w Hope. Then, blackout. I'm not blaming her, at all, again no malice, I just wanna understand if we can, at how the meta-weather for this waiting period dramatically shifted. No point in saying anything or pointing fingers, bc we can't know for sure til we've past the pre-release and when Lana decides to communicate things about it on her own time. How do people outside the forum enjoy LfL? The previous tracks we've gotten from the record so far? Time flies when ur having fun, so I get the diff perceptions of it in regards to how intent we're waiting or not for the record, nd the more invested u are, the higher chance of disappointment, would it matter when the record comes out anyway, but really. What changed? What's holding her back from authentically being able to release/ or even just muttering anything about the record?
  10. U know. B4 I read anyone else's comments on the episode. I just wanted to say. I'm glad that not all the Dothraki died, but like ohmygod. Those people did NOT deserve to die. I'm just. *gasps for breath* like, oh fuck that was horrible. Disappointed and just feel so sad for a lot of the characters. No malice whatsoever, but the episode had tragedy of it all over. What the hell was she thinking. There was hardly any closure, but at least it wasn't predictable but fuuuuuuuuck it didn't have to end that way.. Feel like Dany's gonna die soon
  11. 8! We love our racejacket-wearing cola-promoting kween
  12. Ok yeeessssss thank you to those who want a disco space lsd trip tantric groovy Lana record. She needs to come out her voice is a dj's dream imagine the remixessszs Can u imagine other tracks like Dayglo Reflection this gay has been WAITING
  13. On mobile, but I'll have this part on the OP. Maybe even have some kind of timeline post or something, so we'll know what we know if that makes any remote sense. Got it, noted. Ok, cool thanks !
  15. This post. just pasted it here from a few comments above, direct quote from u So that's the chairman's number? Did he himself answer, or were there all the transfers? What was the call experience like? I'm thinking that when we get the info, we could assign people to contact them, yeah, politely for any news bout the album. If ya also have any more ideas about how we could get their attention positively/ in a peaceful way, feel free to comment below, and thank youuuu !
  16. I'd actually like to really know what Ben's opinion is on this whole record thing. That and how much he'll take from the 1 dollar sales of her poetry book
  17. I love staying hydrated too, trust but let's try ta keep things productive We've so much info to collect still
  18. We both know that I'd want to, but I don't wanna b labeled, taken as some kind of creep gahaaaaaa eee
  19. Keep the ideas and info coming guys, me and @@RormanNockwell could literally just come up w matcha gift baskets to send to her managers etc. but I mean dk if that's exactly practical lol Totally get that. We're gonna need to have some kind of representative(s) to contact them periodically if anything. No need for comm overkill. Maybe we can all agree to assign some peeps to do that once we get the info.
  20. Thank uuuuuuu, would u mind if u could update us whenever Lana posts or something? Just to keep updated, if that's ok w u Also @@MoreCruelThanYou if u can elaborate or talk more in depth bout this, pls thanks :
  21. Sorry, that was pretty unclear, but meant if u guys could PM each other on here, get the sites u both know on 1 post or something. I'm thinking since the thread's just starting out, the comments for info basis and concept is ok for now. But, ok cool, thanks! Thank you, last one CCartel won't be listed bc of the other post on this thread, but thank uuuuu srry for the extra quote, site wouldn't let me, and just had to organize it gahaa
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