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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Banned for being unrelentinglessly postively progressive
  2. I just remembered how excited I'll be scouting places to visit and drive to when the record comes out. It's been that long like ah
  3. Still emotional crockpots and Idk I have a fetish for pain like what, but not that kind of it. Did I balance things out? Some of u guys are devastating though, just, I'll stop there
  4. Ahaa sorry I mean it sounds like I'm self-sign hating, but from experience, the pisces I've met are ridiculous flirts, and was completely unwarranted. Idk it just rubs me the wrong way. I'm a Pisces too, but I've an Aqua stellium and Scorpio/Cap dom, we can b great, I guess the majority of the one's I've met were just immature. I mean we can get away w it bc idk people think we're cute, but like, save ur emotions for someone who deserves to accept them, for me, emotions don't mean anything w/o action, and it just irks me when boundaries are pushed bc of a lack of self-control, emotions are great, but there're better more collected ways of expressing them imo I can see what you mean, youthful but still unafraid of saying what's on their mind, in one way or another. I guess it's bc I hold Cancer to a higher regard, all heavenly. I feel like Cinnamon's more of an entertainer and kinkier that I can't can't really connect it w Cancer, and how conservative they can b sometimes. Real boy next dor vibes from IYC but yeah
  5. MAC - Leo, so MAJESTIC VB - Pisces, abstract, in words, not that impressive in parts, but vibes, and weirdly beautiful?? Hope - Virgo, sounds so pure and fragile only bc it wants to be HiaB - Libra, a bit corny but can still pull it off Cinnamon - Sagittarius, all playful but still truthful IYC - Seductive af
  6. Honestly tho, I find guys from ur sign so fucking attractive like a slice of heaven like WOW, but what I dislike sometimes is how there's a higher tendency for guys in Cancer to get set off over the most minuscule of things, rant and then leave, like, let's fight about it or something. Like bb what's wrong I'll give u ur space, but so passive aggressiveee ah that's coming from a pisces Aries wtfya??? !
  7. and they don't stop like what the fuck how do u do that, also quoting this just bc it belongs on a fucking plaque
  8. I love being in a self-made Madonna videooo too LMFAOOOOO bc it's fucking trueeeOOOOOoooooOOooue
  9. U nasty mtherfcker I love it AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I mean ur not wrong half full half empty heyyyy OHMYGOD THO, it's so fucking HOT when they tell u ur right like fucccccckk, just. Imma stop right there I think I'm blushing like wat
  10. I love that they're fucking kinky yesssssssss, I'm probably a bit needy for that most the time but heyo when in fucking romeeeee, they honestly fucking are. I bet some of them are scoffing and guffawing at this as we speak. HOLY SHIT THO, the energyyyyyyyy
  11. Aries - Funny mf'ers can't not have them around, let's go Taurus - Thanks for sharing ur food w me, I know it's hard for u to do Gemini - U wordy motherfuckers Cancer - I love you, but really Leo - You guys are actually pretty nice when you're not promoting urselves Virgo - Thanks for not forgetting the sunblock, or anything Libra - Let's tear shit up Scorpio - I love u bc we're just in fucking sync it's ridiculous Sagittarius - Yessssss bitcch let's b obnoxious together Capricorn - In awe of you, you could slap me and I'd thank u for it Aquarius - Thee best people to hang w as if we were kids again, u take so fucking long when it comes to emotions tho like what's up w that Pisces - U fucking annoy me I'm so sorry sweetie, I know underneath all that attention seeking there's someone who's just fucking scared to get hurt again
  12. S2g sammmeeee well, actually not to brag, but they usually find me idk maybe bc of my midheaven who tf knows, but I love them. They're not all that bad when ya get to know them but yes ohmygod YES like wtf they've their shit together and don't suffer fools Capricorns are DADDY
  13. Capricorns are HAWTTTT and ironically I can't stand others of my sign. Hate it when Cancers get so passive aggressive, like just say whats on ur fucking mind. Scorpios are the real mvps. Aquas i fucks w u too
  14. Nooooooooo I'm waiting for someone to quote me w a look mom I painted insert subject, oh thats sweet honey lets put it on the fridge but she forgets teas but I'd really like to see what she comes up with
  15. So she's gonna b painting the album cover I see. i wonder if it'll b a picture of her or just a kinda of landscape photo.
  16. So i just saw her insta post of her on a swing, comments disabled caption'd wish big, well then Lana if ur hearing this, I'm still wishing the vinyl is PINK
  17. Ohmygoddddd let her liveeeeeee it's fun seeing so many meltdowns so I guess I've an ulterior motive oop, but still
  18. Lighting is everything smh Shit back to the original topic ok, well actually don't know who the real Lana could be, but did u think Elle might know? Actually thought Graham was Rob for a quick sec so that'll always b swimming in my head but yeah, no clue
  19. When he fucking loves Venice Bitch and misses ur hands on his hips
  20. Me perpetually fixated at how HiaB and Cinnamon are gonna sound
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