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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Actually, since she's coming w some poems. I wrote a quick one right now. Not necessarily just about this thread but here let's see how it might echo:
  2. Was lookin thru my gif archives and found this and immediately thought of Lana and Ben ahahahahahahahahaha her to this thread:
  3. Maybe and same yeah! I thought they were moths at how fast they were going but it was just the strong winds. Orange monarchs?? and yes!! and Bitch. yeah they did, give us a reading
  4. The butterfly migration was passing by where I lived these past few days, it wouldve been PERFECT* if she released HiaB *italicized
  5. I get both sides, or at least try to understand it, so there. We all want something from her, which she so happens to be so good at, so it works. She's known to be extremely defensive when it comes to her work, so she's entitled to keeping it under wraps til she finds the want to tell us anything. She's been preoccupied w the poetry book, andhas been teasing it, so I'm guessing she'll do the same when she's ready - we don't know the entire story too so It'd be great if she gave us any updates on the record, but I guess no answer is an answer too, so we're basically fucked. All we can hope for is that she's pulling off some kind of does the end justify the means heaven's reward (fallacy?) shit, which she'll hopefully pull off cus I mean she actually does better when she's not listening to her fans and why like an artist if u want them to be molded thru u instead of letting them be Personally I don't think it helps as much when we're shitting on work that's basically irrevocable, and if the anguish behind the entire wait is so deep seated, then I'd recommend lessening the focus on these things like damn ma there's more to life than this I imagine Some kind of assurance would be heavenly, especially right now miss Del Rey, insta baddie lyfe can get so empty so quick, it'd be such a waste The fact that she's a Groupie Love waiting on NfR's reincarnation of SB, still both gay
  6. Lust For Life's actually pretty great, and it's a bit tedious having to defend her all the time, I guess it's a running joke that it was terrible bc of it's lack of cohesiveness, the faint political subject matter that and the WM video trailer but I mean, it's already done, might as well love it for what it is. It was honestly just a gateway for Lana to make herself seem more present in today's day and age and I think she's done a terrific job of doing just that. I can't fucking believe people had the audacity to hate on the orgasmic HM tho. Like damn u guys've never experienced the postpartum love diet and it shows (it's fucking joke don't flay me) Actually stop a sec, real question. What were the main complaints based off of each record when Lana released them? BtD, overproductions. Paradise? Don't even fucking go there bitch, she's perfect. UV? HM? How slow the record was? LFL we already kinda grasped at that. NFR?? I actually really wanna know, maybe Lana might find herself taking notes or something. . Not saying that I'm perfect, far from it, but I guess I potentially get the whole u could've done better spiel, and how that can be valid too, but basically once that album's crowned, it's out. I just don't see that much of reason of fanfare complaining about things that won't be changed. It's fun to drag an album and all that stuff for shits n giggles, but I think it'd be a lot more respectful to kinda just stick to understanding and going deeper about the album as a whole than wasting time nitpicking at em. I mean for the shit u can't stand there's always the skip or delete from library button so yeah I think maybe I might just be content w her official discog so far, so there's that. I'm not even gonna get into how she's giving music to us, even if we do pay. I guess what I'm getting at is. Sure some of the music might be shitty, or that u might dislike it. But sometimes, the fact that something was given to u that way can be a bit more intimate if u look at it from a certain perspective. I know that I'm totally discrediting myself whenever I shitpost and poke fun, all for the shits n giggles while we wait, but I guess it's all about what we take from the music. How does everyone listen to it? Do ya guys listen to the music pretending ur the character, or are u the onlooker trying to understand the song's perspective first and how those things flesh itself out (I'm more of the latter) Who do u think of? How honest are you being? Is Lana the goddess u worship when ur listening, or is she more like company when ur out adventuring while u've got her music on loud (or soft/headphones etc.) doing whatever it is u like to do (Fuck I actually kinda wanna know now, what r ur favorite things to do while listening to Lana music? I usually just like driving or swimming underwater while doing it, or going to desolate areas to just contemplate. Or somewhere higher than the city, wherever but usually alone. What do u guys do?) Totally went off topic but, short answer: it is what she fucking chooses it is. Go w it, u might learn something new. Now what the fuck do u guys do to enjoy her music more, and what do u guys do whenever u do?
  7. I only come on the thread every so often to get it to 2K bc imagine that wow, and also bc I have this faint theory that every 10 pages Lana comes out from her comforting abode to abstractly mingle w us onto the ether shite hole that is this empty ass thread like those Tuesdays or blood moons we imagined having any loose significance where is the mercy
  9. I just wanted to gush for a sec, but I've been getting more and more into her music even more now, but I just love how she came about. The imagery, her sound, just like WOW how flippin unique, like u knew it'd be her based off her voice. She seems to pull off everything she releases and owns it what a masteeeeeerr
  10. Don't tell anyone or Lana this, but I think it's actually ok that her music isn't being released yet. Diversifying my playlists w other tracks it's actually pretty cool atm
  11. Bitch I won't bc its my old neighborhood and I don't wanna get stalked again but I'll dm u
  12. Ohmyfuckingod so I'm actually laughing and a bit terrified rn bc I think I know where the video for the original HiaB was shot like, but it kinda does still look like an industrial beach vibe so there's that but damn imma walk where our fucking queen was I don't know how to feel is this what a resurgence of hyped feels like
  13. Before it reverberates into the spinal discs of this thread I just wanted to quote this below, hoping that's what they meant to say
  14. Confession I actually have to control myself w this track bc I feel like overplaying it might ruin how wholesome it is
  15. Whenever I'm a little sad I check this insta snippet, realize nothing's really changed and then start truly agonizing http://instagram.com/p/Bnbrpk2g0Wn/ . . . . lowkey highkey MAC's aging so beautifully tho
  16. I'd actually start worrying round a week or so before the 29th. She released MAC and VB around the same time on short notice, so she knows that's all she needs to have her fans rallied wallets in hand. Just a theory anyway
  17. Wth hell Joe from the record store I fucking believed in u I really did
  18. Shoutout to my local music store today, they didn't have the album scheduled for release on the 29th am I a tru detective or what
  19. I see that, but I really hope Cinnamon'll be the most Summer Bummer of this record. Need a subtle slow burner sexy track that creeps on u instead of just finishing after like 2 min
  21. KING, fuck I'm sorry. Meet me at the back, I'll help u w ur resume lmaaoooo
  22. In ur car, in ur car in the backseat (waiting for Lana to finish her green smoothies acting like a baddie when all we want is to know something concrete)* * To be sung in the stylings of "LFL rapper"
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