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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Ok but wait no, her damage is due to just, I'm guessing, her bad health and the weight gain she's done nothing much about. With the combination of the lack of rest she'd usually get, her vocal node and basically just her aging, of courer her voice isn't gonna to shen as well as it did before. Mariah's actually a lyric soprano so it's a lot more natural for her to revert into that stylistic singing, which she started around the Butterfly (?) album cycle. Idk, it's actually a lot easier to transition thru the registers also, because of the lack of force behind an airy voice, if done properly on another diff yet similar note, Buy and Stream #Caution
  2. So, do all u guys like to be this needy and hope-deprecating as to save ur limp feelings bc wow see you when she releases new music
  3. Sameeeeeee idk Venice Bitch seems more like an after track, so it has to be after some track, bc of how solid the nostalgia from it would be. I'd be surprised if it were tho actually.. The production on HtD reminds me so much of Because of You, and I'd love for it to be an album-ender, but we'll have to see. I wonder if there's any more heart wrenching tracks on the album, or that she'll just be playfully or coyly letting out her pain little by little, like in Cinnamon, or Sylvia. Cinnamon actually rmeinds me of a much more diluted Maha Maha, but I hope she sticks away from hip hop for the record, Idk it's probably the beats or something.. I usually think of the story of the album first, rather than sound, but I get what you mean about the soundscape. They could sorta accompany each other. and another note, for me, it's a lot easier to listen to the first half of the record of Lana's albums, and then the soft transition tracks, to the heartbreaking tracks towards the end. I just hope we get to listen to tracks that we haven't even heard snippets of. I wanna be surprised by at least one unknown song lol
  4. Plot twist, it'll actually just b a bonus track.. ok but hm no I don't think so either. Originally guessing it could be like track 4 or something, but it's pretty obvious that it'll be difficult to follow after its length. So it could be a bridge of a song, transitioning one album sub theme to another. Its nostalgic, and would seem geared more towards the end of the record bc of its penchant for nostalgia, so its either she wants us to really linger about it, or get it through at the beginning for us to get over it. Knowing its a song more about the past, I'd choose the former for more of a dramatic effect.. so maybe track 8 or two tracks away from the last track? Idk.. Mariners seems to be more of an opener, Cinnamon sounds like track 6 like Groupie Love. Sylvia? Idk yet, maybe somewhere in the middle. HtD seems geared more towards the end, if not the last track, maybe the track before it.. I'm hoping the In Your Car song makes the cut, it sounds like a mid track. HiaB seems like track 5 at this point. But what do we really know lol
  5. I think the records gonna be like an hour and 12 to 21 minutes. Just a guess. But anyway. I hope the vinyl's pink
  6. She's been prepping us for the cotton candy skies concept for a while. #vapeinfluencer, shoulda known smh
  7. HOLY FUCK IN YOUR CAR EXISTS but still, don't mess w HM. HM's a classic
  8. Norman's like UV's gay brother or something and I'm here for it
  9. and what was it's last words Singing bout a place, surrounded in greenery just what WHAT
  11. Yessssssss if I'd been into her during BtD like I was w UV, the picture discs gaaahhhh and the Paradise dvd w the music videos. Was supposed to get one of the heart-shaped vinyls, but waited on a friend to get it, and never got one just tskkkkkkt Maybe it could b a double single vinyl release like she did before. UO exclusive, that sorta thing
  12. I hope she does some kind of single vinyl release for MAC and VB like she did w Love and Lfl. The heart-shaped vinyl was so cute, and sold out
  13. Ditto on the atmosphere, and the HBTB single cover. For me, the cover's got to have some kind of balance to it, bc it'd give a sense of strength and stability to it, which in turn would make me think that the artist's confident in their work, like how solid is intent
  14. YES! The first rumored photo seemed more like an unpolished idea didn't really fit in well with much of anything, like it looked like it was idk 2 deviations away from what the record was bc it had the spunk, but it would've just fizzled out quick and would've left the music some kind of awkward stale, and all disconnected
  15. and I mean that's cool but that doesn't mean that ya gotta will it to depraving the rest of the peeps that do, two cents
  16. Controversial, but I actually like the cover that we got for UV, the original pic seemed a bit too loud and upfront, and actually, at least for me, felt a bit flat bc of the lighting and didn't really feel like it could've encapsulated the charm UV had. The muted gray on the cover felt like a fucking silent scream, and how faded yet controlled it looked pixel wise, and how the light escaped thru the foliage from the back, with her standing out of the car, felt more dreamy, and mysterious, which gave the record's aesthetic more of a slowburner feel like how Cruel World opens it. The alt cover felt like it was too pandering towards some kind of false edginess with the centeredness of her head, that she didn't really need to have proven. Also, it looked less elegant and didn't have all that much magic to it, even if the cigarette was being ignited. Didn't really have that staying power, unlike the cover that we actually got
  17. Actually thought it to be about something underwater. That or she's gonna go skydiving or something lol who knows for sure
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