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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. wait just to backtrack. I still really do love the album title. Idk how, but I think it's perfect.
  2. ehhh maybe it's just me, but if it's not meant to be found/ to be pryed on, I won't. just a personal motto. but sometimes I like to think that it's cool Lana doesn't like the fame, so she just releases whenever and sometimes makes it anticlimactic to random so she doesn't get too famous and u know what? I respect that. that's what I think of when it gets slow lol
  3. wasn't that secret project the concert tour video where she was getting ready?
  4. I’m not stupid, but I’m also not gonna pretend that I’m interested in pigeon breadcrumbing hell no. Where’s the style? Where’s the creative flair? Tf
  5. Still thinking about Wicked and how it touches on the layers of being good and wicked
  6. born to die was written off for being too different at the time, at the point of mockery paradise became her most famous work for a long time for it's quality and how it intersected w culture at the time. ultraviolence vindicated her honeymoon cemented herself as a true star albeit still an enigma lust for life was for the fans nfr was a resurgence of magic surrounding her music chemtrails was when she began to open up, or at least consider it. blue banisters had us all thinking about who Elizabeth was more, than Lana Ocean Blvd felt like a more cerebral LFL, similar to how they both seem like they could be anthologies of themes/ bodies of work as such. candy necklace glimpsed us into more of an active, dynamic sound again. it was refined, precise and polished. she escaped the EDM(?) genre even if she kinda dabbled in remixes etc. ie. she didn't become pop to be pop. she paved her own way. LFL seemed aged at the time of it's release, but aged well overall in sound. despite fans being confused af about it then. chemtrails was beginning to be loved 2 albums into and after it's release. some are only beginning to understand that nfr was about the kind of damage sociopathy can do to a person, a country and the kind of invisible pain it can cause. blue banisters still gets a lot of flack bc fans are honestly bored of her overall sound direction or lack thereof, not willing to understand it's strength lies in it's very resilience and it's softness - counterpoint to the norms of bravado. strength of it literally having answers to much disdain from external forces that wish to've molded it's direction. strength vs. power I personally don't really care or prefer not to bother cus music listening can be a subjective experience where it can all feel valid and to an extent is, but the point is. if it's been so many times before that she's wanted to keep doing things her way, and also the fact that for most, it takes this long for some to understand, why the eager close-minded mindsets when you can just let things be, feel it out and think about the bigger picture about this whole thing of her artistry? everyone's talking about an invitation, but for a lot, it seems like a burden to go. it's kinda giving dysfunctional and bored. but who's problem is that really? I personally don't really like country. there's little to what I can relate to it, in terms of the world of it but. we all know she'll have something for us to explore into. everyone just seems uneasy, and the communication of the record's definitely not the best. but just relax ya know. you don't have to be burdened by it so much.
  7. Personally, a lot started to parallel from NFR, and then the pandemic started for that and cotcc and following that journey to blue banisters to the cerebral overload of ob.
  8. So I’m not sure if this’ll ring true for others so much if at all, but ever since the blue banisters album. It personally felt like the music kinda transcended from music to a more, immersive and complimentary status for me. which is different from being able to relate to the music like how it is typically, but idk, it’s like a switch turned on, and the music honestly just felt like an accompanying guide or extension/ part of me with how it came about and it’s strangely enough, poorly described soundscape. For me, it actually made the music a lot more real and immersive bc it helped bring about more of it’s meanings and paralleled a kind of hope in bleakness in a sense. Another reason why I’m not worried
  9. when u really think about it. hey blue baby and happy would sound a bit dated in the music atmosphere w Sabrina Carpenter releasing short n sweet. it's gotta be southern gothic ftw
  10. well damn I already asked apparently, but hey why not. I'd love to have the lore thread pinned.
  11. This thread’s like a substance u just gotta appreciate the highs and not take the low’s any seriously thats all
  12. When the delulu finally works she gives us everything we could ever want from the era
  13. Lana choosing which roses she wants to order for the rbfy single cover online
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