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Atom Heart

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Everything posted by Atom Heart

  1. I'm not here to educate you. If you can't read my previous posts then you don't need to reply to me.
  2. Black people can use the n word. Gay people use the f word. T girls and T guys use the slurs against them. Women use the b word. It's called reclaiming the slurs used against you. So would that not make the people HYPOCRITES? You clearly can't read. Bye.
  3. I mean the brand of annoying white gays who don't realize they're being offensive or just don't care because they're part of an oppressed group.
  4. Atom Heart

    Melanie Martinez

    Although I love Pacify Her I would consider that to be a filler along with Cake but M&C is definitely apart of the core story. Like....Melanie give us WDBCF not Cake...
  5. Azealia only starts talking shit after being attacked, nothing more, nothing less. Y'all saw it during her feud with Perez Hilton in 2013. As I said before, Azealia doesn't find random people to pick fights with on a daily basis. She has only been retaliating against people who are calling her everything but her name. Just look at any tag on Twitter "Azealia + really any slur", it's not hard to see people are rude and disgusting just for the fun of it. I do not condone her use of the word faggot whatsoever, don't put words in my mouth. The part in bold answers your own post. She's not crying because people are calling her those things, she's just not letting it slide by unnoticed as many black female celebrities (or female celebrities in general). The gay men in her mentions are hypocrites, they post rude messages about her appearance, race, sexuality, etc. (filled with more slurs than I can count) but once she said faggot then the entire world is against her and won't give her a chance to speak on a level field with the media without making her the stereotypical angry black woman character. People are literally rising from the dead to @ her with some bs about how she should love and respect people that are sending her death threats. Azealia is still very much a person who is in pain from all of the constant harassment from losers behind the computer screen who would never do it to her face. Unless you're one of the hundreds of people attacking her on a daily basis, I don't think her comments are directed to you...
  6. She doesn't just go out of her way to attack random people, she's not just @ing the Pope or Michelle Obama or some random lady. People are attacking her first. And for the example, it doesn't really fit this situation but Azealia, like everyone else, deserves respect and decency of human compassion. If gay people weren't such hypocrites in the first place then she wouldn't have to defend herself against them. She clearly doesn't hate gays or whoever else, she's just tired of the "omg Azealia is ranting, let's call her a :) and hurl 2000 insults at her until she mentions me so I can feel some attention". It's pathetic and needs to stop.
  7. Dark Blue (Dark Blue) Experience Tour...it'll probably be the Art Deco Tour.
  8. Atom Heart


    And the @ feature is free! You're clearly trolling when you say Baldlands is anywhere close to the top 100 albums in the last century when it's middle of the pack at best for at least the last year alone.
  9. I'd consider it trap influenced, not entirely trap but the beats definitely dabble in the genre.
  10. I feel like I'm one of the few people that are taking time to look past her insults and rants, but clearly you're doing the same thing. People fail to realize 99% of the time that even though someone is considered famous doesn't mean they'd have to put up with the shit people are saying to them, that's why I like Azealia's attitude. Even though you did sell your ticket I think you really should've experienced her show live.
  11. Maybe people should stop calling her a :), dyke, bitch, cunt, whore, etc. then maybe she would stop saying faggot? It's literally common sense that a lot of these people are lacking in those tweets against her. She's clearly lashing out because people are attacking her. Great for you, you shouldn't have bought a ticket to begin with. What she's doing isn't new or even new for her.
  12. Boohoo. Y'all already know she's like this when people attack her so why even cause the drama? She's an artist, not your friend or some kind of advocate.
  13. Kill Eminiem Fuck Elvis Marry Kurt Macklemore, Bruno Mars, The guy that played Ross on Friends.
  14. Atom Heart


    That is delusional, and you know it.
  15. Atom Heart


    I already bought LP1. Thank you.
  16. Atom Heart


    Delete it fat Too late I was a fan before ha thread here
  17. Atom Heart


    I almost bought Badlands cd in my local record store but I bought Empress Of's album instead.
  18. Apparently Lana mentions a few songs (Heavy Metal And Reflective + Ice Princess) because she says cool/cold and black/gold.
  19. People said the song was about Azealia because it said ghetto. Smh.
  20. Atom Heart

    Azealia Banks

    She called a flight attendant a faggot...which you are well aware doesn't equate to :). Don't even try it.
  21. Atom Heart


    The album is literally called "this is ACTING" lol. It fits.
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