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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Sorry, I only have Wild World, Pocket Camp and New Horizons. And only one amiibo that I’m keeping, I’m afraid. Maybe you can find an amiibo card online? I don’t know how much one can cost though... but surely not as much as an amiibo statue I hope?
  2. Hozier was just on Instagram Live, reciting some of his poems, which he announced on Twitter is something he’ll try to do every Friday at 8 PM (Irish time). He also said that he doesn’t know when the album will be out, but that he writes melodies all the time and even hinted that Icarus was an inspiration in one of the songs (or even name dropped? can’t remember). He also said he’s doing okay and tries to wear a mask whenever he’s going out!
  3. If you have Pocket Camp, you can download cute items from the game to your New Horizons game, like a camper and a campsite sign. https://www.polygon.com/animal-crossing-new-horizons-switch-acnh-guide/2020/3/20/21188622/pocket-camp-items-crossover-unlock
  4. I’m so tired of all these birthday posts and friend pictures, I’m glad she’s in a good place now and seems to be happy (happier?) but I just know she’s not gonna post about the album anytime soon so I don’t bother checking the posts as soon as the notification pops up on my screen. I slept for several hours and had breakfast before I decided to check what she’s posted.
  5. I just listened to how you like that... Why do I feel like the song could’ve been soooo much better, it had potential to be something greater. .______. It’s the chorus, I swear... it’s a mess. And I feel like the lyrics were lacking too. It’s like an arena bop to get the crowd jumping but not especially good when you listen to it. (And like... I felt like I had seen the music video before too, it didn’t bring anything new.) I guess Whistle and Playing with Fire will remain as the only BP songs I really like. Maybe Boombayah too. Shame.
  6. I haven’t checked this thread since like page 2, I miss pre-release threads - hi, guys, have I missed anything? :3
  7. I don’t think it’s fair to compare the fan photo with this where she had her makeup and hair done for a special event. :/
  8. I bought a hydrangea the other day and planted it outside my house.
  9. The 00’s called! I drew a chic 00’s chick today... ... and the orange dress, tulip hat and star pochette from Animal Crossing: New Horizons. :3 The legs are a bit short but I was running out of space, I need to remind myself to start drawing higher up on the paper.
  10. Her hair has gotten soooo long and she looks so pretty I’m glad she’s showing up at the protests too, I hope she tries to stay safe so she won’t catch the virus though.
  11. My sister in law’s vote didn’t count in the last election. It got “lost”. She called several times asking where it went but nobody did anything. She won’t stop voting of course, but it’s not exactly encouraging people to vote if 1) you need to register to vote (you should be able to automatically), b) your vote gets lost and c) making it hard for minorities who can’t take a day off of work to go and vote.I agree, Trump needs to get out of the White House because as long as he’s there, all those fucking racists will think it’s okay to be racist. Nobody’s stopping them. But like others have commented, the Democrats’ candidate doesn’t look too inspiring... but he can’t be worse than Trump I think.
  12. Yeah, I didn’t connect the dots between the looting video and George on her stories either. I had it on low volume when I watched her story and didn’t catch everything but like... if she really thinks stealing things is a problem bigger than protesters getting seriously hurt and POC getting treated unfairly every day... I... I don’t even know anymore, Lana. I guess I’m going back to being disappointed.
  13. If I didn’t want some albums anymore, I would just donate them to a second hand store or sell them and donate the money instead of smashing them. But I guess it wouldn’t look as impressive on social media. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. Friendly reminder that posts in the threads should be in English. Maybe you guys can edit a translation before (if?) you get a warning point.
  15. And that was not something he should’ve done. But he deserved a fair trial for that and not an execution in the streets by several police officers who decided to take his life before a judge had a say.
  16. It feels like the last few pages have been the same comments going ‘round and ‘round in circles, I think we know pretty well what everyone’s opinions are on this matter by now. Maybe it would do us some good to take a break and come back later before things escalate.
  17. @ This is pretty long so I’ll keep it under a spoiler.
  18. She can start this week then!
  19. Also, it feels like she’s been trying to be more aware of the world around her since she dropped LFL (When the world was at war, the Trump hexing, Looking for America), I actually expect her to say or do something this time. If she’s staying silent because she doesn’t want to look too involved in politics, well... Today is not the day to stay silent.
  20. Of course I don’t know what she’s doing or not doing. If she has donated or signed a petition, great. But I don’t think it would hurt to let her fans know that she has done something to help the BLM movement, the worst thing that could happen would be that people wouldn’t believe her after last week, but honestly, that shouldn’t bother her if she knows she’s done something to help. Like others pointed out already, she can take time to make multiple posts explaining her “question for the culture” message, promote stores and send DMs to Instagram moms... Why can’t she take a minute to, say, I don’t know, post a BLM picture and a link to petitions or donations in the caption? It’s the least she can do.
  21. She could sign petitions for other problems in the world too, but this is something that’s going on daily in her own country. I think it would hit her closer to home than something she might not even be aware of in a foreign country. There’s no way she has missed news of the recent days and what’s going on in America right now.
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