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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. We don’t know yet but her website keeps redirecting us to Spotify if we try to preorder stuff so I expect it it to be there eventually? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. Ugh I’m always unsure what to type in for my “race”. I think I’ll just type in my roots or say it’s mixed.
  3. I tried to order the book from that free delivery site but it wouldn't accept my money so I had to buy it from waterstones instead for much more and now I'm lowkey sad because I'll have less money for the audio versions. It'd be so much better if the hardback was sold here in Sweden too, sigh...
  4. Sorry, no. I would try with bookstores and record stores there and see if they have/can import them for you, or order online from Lana’s website (or maybe an Australian store?). Good luck!
  5. I’m sorry some of our users were rude to you, you’re right that you’re allowed to voice your opinions but like electra said, you could’ve worded it differently and I’m sure people wouldn’t have come for you. You’re not the first to talk about her weight and, honestly, it’s getting tired. People gain and lose weight. I don’t think it’s healthy to comment her weight, a potential pregnancy or her looks every time she shares a picture of herself. Also, there might be people here who are self conscious of their body and might get affected about someone’s words about Lana, even if it wasn’t directed to them. Not too long ago, I felt really uncomfortable reading someone’s comments here on LanaBoards. I think @mergirl/@Deadly Cruel Girl might’ve gotten too personal since they have sad memories of their siblings. Lana might’ve gained weight (I personally haven’t noticed anything but maybe I’m not scrutinizing her enough) but she’s not obese, and comparing her to Adele who’s been bigger for almost her entire career as a singer isn’t fair. We all care about Lana, but that means that we support her no matter how she looks and worry for her when it’s for a good reason. You guys are clearly worried about her now, but most of us aren’t. But don’t think we’re cold hearted either, we have written plenty of times about our worry for her smoking and vaping habits. That being said, don’t think you can’t voice your opinions, but try to do it when it’s for a valid reason and to word it better next time. This time, you hit the nerve on quite many of us. This wasn’t the first time we’ve read negative comments about her weight and it sure won’t be the last time either. How come no one ever comments that she looks slimmer? I do agree though that some LB users can have bad manners when they get upset, calling others bad words or telling them to suck a dick/kill themselves/etc is never really necessary. That’s something I’d like to see an improvement of.
  6. I’ve tried several sites as well but no one seems to sell it here in Sweden. I expected it since we’re not a big country and not that many might know about Lana and even fewer of her poetry, so I guess I’ll have to order it from overseas. :/
  7. Yeah, I think it’s time for me to end this day, I don’t think the white vinyl or bundles will go up soon, I better catch som zzz’s. Hopefully they’ll be there when I wake up.
  8. Eh, I expect her photos to be random LA streets with palm trees a la the Venice Bitch cover art.
  9. Yes, we understand that now.
  10. Let’s just all agree that she looked super happy and proud of her work and is allowed to look whatever she’d like and doesn’t have to be in makeup or perfect hair and wear pretty clothes just for a less-than-a-minute video or when she’s out and about. She’s a human being too.
  11. I thought for a second she was bare underneath because she had only the top button buttoned, I was like nsnsnsmsnsm.
  12. She looks so happyyyyyy! :flutter:
  13. I think I’ll stay up and play some animal crossing and see if everything is back later tonight. Lana better not announce something at 3 AM. :c
  14. @@RormanNockwell does http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/11446-are-they-oranges-or-lemons/
  15. I dunno. I think I'll wait for more info before I preorder anything. I'll try to get the book and then we'll see, I feel too moody to shop rn lol.
  16. Pure speculation: Collector's edition: CD + print disk/white vinyl Analogue: black viny l+ cassette Double disk: picture disk + white vinyl Oranges: Uhhh. an orange vinyl? Orange cassette? Orange gang won!
  17. I'll order from here I think, I don't remember any other EU stores to order it from. https://www.waterstones.com/book/violet-bent-backwards-over-the-grass/lana-del-rey/9781471199660
  18. Maybe the white vinyl is a thing, two Swedish webshops have a Violet casette to preorder but neither of them have pictures so I don't know if it's true or not.
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