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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I'm shook. I remember not liking the early poems very much but lately, they've floored me. Whew.
  2. I'm starting to wonder if she likes to call her boyfriends her husbands as a joke or to daydream what it'd be like to have a husband and domestic life.
  3. Pull yourself together, you'll hear everything soon. It's not worth losing your job. ♥
  4. Omg what is this, I- I did not expect this. "I'm an orphan" If she really means it, she must have felt really alone and unimportant to her family or her parents sometime, or maybe it's just her mom. I can hear the sadness, confusion and frustration when I'm reading this. And even thought I can never understand what she's feeling, she somehow makes it very easy to understand what she's trying to say. I really like this poem!
  5. She speaks so fast, I didn't expect that. Ayyyyy I'm so excited to hear it all!
  6. Shit. I didn't expect the LA poem to be like that. Poor Lana sounds mad and frustrated. I like it though! Can't wait to hear her read it.
  7. Maybe... I should finally preorder the album now, haha... I keep forgetting to do it.
  8. Yeah, I’ve shamelessly listened to some of the Tintin audiobooks on Spotify like two years ago or something, so they definitely have books and podcasts.
  9. I think they made it look better because they blow dried it straight which takes away her natural frizz that comes with wavy hair. Maybe they even gave her some oil or cream as treatment too.
  10. Yep... they’re definitely back together as I see it. The blonde color is alright, I feel like a medium/sombre/balayage blonde like she had last summer suited her very well and maybe something like a strawberry blonde with a hint of red. But this is nice, she hasn’t been blonde for this long in forever.
  11. I haven’t preordered anything either, but I think I might go for the cream one only because of money. The dark green one looks good too, but I’m not sure if my record store has it so then I’d have to order from Fnac... I haven’t looked too closely on the prices, but it might be cheaper to order cream + picture disk from Lana than green + picture disk from different places. :/I’d like to have the green one though...
  12. I bought my very first tablet for some uni classes I will be taking later, so I tried to familiarize myself with it this evening. Here's my first digital drawing with it! :'3 It was difficult at first, I'm not used to at how hard to press the "pen", how to move my hand but it went better with time (and a good tutorial on how the software I used works). ♥
  13. I agree, but I’m kinda glad there’s no orange color from UO, I can’t deal with the shipping fee right now.
  14. She did say ages ago that she wanted to surprise drop it but we have a date... kind of... But no singles so far and (THANK YOU, LANA) not hundreds of video snippets of the songs. This will be exciting!
  15. Nowhere. A fan (on reddit?) said they saw here at a restaurant and took a selfie, there’s a picture somewhere a few pages back.
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