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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Super-Spicy Fish Dango is one of my favorites! It’s so good! And also very easy to offer pretty girls... ; ) What are you doing later?
  2. I’m mad because they were up long enough for us to see them and then taken down.
  3. I’ve been wearing the Ferrari jacket today!
  4. New single came out a couple of days ago! https://open.spotify.com/track/5d6qTZOLnj4zbgFGRoJiNz?si=enJCW8I-RryCmngAyXOVlA
  5. Add me, I’m Clampigirl there too.
  6. Omg I’m getting that Ferrari jacket lol! I also fixed a print of Ultraviolence (urban outfitters cover) so I can hang it up on the wall later. I used this website! But you need the Nintendo Switch app on your phone to scan the QR code. https://acpatterns.com/editor
  7. This is a good place to start http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/forum/89-new-interviews/
  8. @@takeitdoen Nooo, join Zelda Universe instead! I’m there and I write columns for them! Yeah, I changed the voices to Japanese because I couldn’t stand Princess Zelda’s fake British voice (why not hire a voice actor from England instead?) and her weak sobbing when she finally breaks down. Everyone she knows is dead, apart from Link. Gimme some real crying coming from the heart instead!
  9. I had no problem with the motion controls while playing SS either, can only remember one time I was struggling to strike a skulltula (giant spider). ... Oh wait, stabbing could be pretty difficult too. Yeah. But overall, I had a great time and played it twice! I absolutely loved that I could swing the sword myself and be like Link instead of just pressing a button. =P I guess I can understand the feeling of having to move while playing - I stood up while playing Twilight Princess at first because I wasn't used to the Wii remote, haha! SS gets lots of criticism for a weak story, bad controls (as in motion controls), Fi's constant interruption about the batteries and the info boxes popping up every time you pick up a new rupee after starting up the game again.(Some say Link looks ugly too lol, I just find him adorable) I get that. But I didn't find those things bad enough to not enjoy the game, and I personally loved the story about how everything started.
  10. I think my favorite song from Skyward Sword is this one. I still remember how it felt to finally meet Zelda just to have to let her go again. I was so sad! This cover is also really great, it's just a guitar but that's all that's needed: The Dark World and Death Mountain have some really amazing tracks in ALTTP/ALBW!
  11. I bought the BotW DLC pack last summer but haven’t played much of it yet. But I’ll definitely finish it before the sequel is out! I’m currently playing a Link to the past, but mostly the new Animal Crossing.
  12. Gonna post a link to Mando Diao’s stories about Lana: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/11428-ex-mando-diao-members-talk-about-meeting-lana/page-1
  13. Yeah, an orange vinyl would be really pretty but I doubt they’ll make one. I’m guessing there’s only a black and cream white vinyl. :/
  14. I got a reply to my email to Bengans regarding the retail exclusive vinyl. I’ll translate what they wrote to me: Now this is interesting! They claim that they aren’t allowed to sell it online, but I’ve seen other webshops selling it too! Too bad he couldn’t check the color though. :/
  15. JB and Swedish Bengans have “retail exclusive color” for a vinyl and I suspect it’s the cream colored one but it doesn’t say on the website.
  16. Have you guys made any nice path patterns or found any to download? I downloaded a Moroccan tile and a stone path, tried to make a tile myself too but it’s not too pretty I think.
  17. Wait, Bengans “retail exclusive colour” is listed as 060250742982. Let’s see what it is then.
  18. The record store in town (Bengans) is where I usually go to buy records or check out stuff, they have Violet “retail exclusive colour” listed on their website and I assume it’s the cream colored vinyl. But it doesn’t say so I sent them an email this morning to ask (the exclusive vinyl wasn’t up on their webshop last night). I’ll let you know when I get an answer. https://www.bengans.se/cgi-bin/ibutik/AIR_ibutik.fcgi?funk=visa_artikel&artgrp=&artnr=3838570&visa=1-400&Sort=Osorterat&Visn=Sokresultat
  19. TFFFFFFF I’ll cancel my previous order THANK YOU!!! I searched for the ISBN a day (two?) ago but nothing showed up anywhere! Guys!! @@Skid Row Cherry Pie @@Zetterberg @@nevada darling
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