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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Lmao! Nah, but, honestly, I can get mad too even though it’s not that often. Have I told you of two teachers I had in grade 7-9?
  2. I was about to type something about this, not trying to defend her but maybe understand her?, but I changed my mind. Lana, please drive safely. And to those users here who says this is her being a baddie and she should be allowed to do this and we shouldn’t bash her because she’s a woman: there is absolutely nothing cool in the video she shared. She looked stunning, yes, vibing to Eminem is a mood, yes, but that cannot excuse her behavior. She’s 35, not 16.
  3. She honestly deserves to get dragged for driving like that.
  4. I genuinely want a police officer to stop Lana while she’s driving because the way she constantly films herself and the way she sits in the car isn’t safe. Someone, please stop her before something happens.
  5. Thank you! Yes, they (the games) look very interesting, I’d love to try them one day!
  6. Okay, so I finished my third sketch for homework... it took some time before I felt somewhat satisfied with my work, haha. This is supposed to be "Boy" from The Last Guardian. Another game I haven't played but I watched my brother play Shadow of the Colossus and it looked great, the trailer for this game looked amazing too.
  7. Oh I know. I was just thinking if Lana truly does lurk here sometimes, it might sound different I her ears. I know I wouldn’t like to be called negative things by strangers online.
  8. I think we should be careful of calling her a crazy cat lady or deranged, what if this is who she is?
  9. I hope these fans who does these things are just young teenagers who will grow up later and realize there’s better ways of being a fan. And regarding being infatuated with your oppa... I’ll never forget the time a radio station here interviewed two girls and they both said they’re looking for Korean boys to date and the reason behind that was because of cute k-pop oppas...! I mean, I was a teen into k-pop too when I heard that but COME ON. K-pop idols aren’t what most people look like and/or behave. Lemme just add that there are good k-pop fans out there too, it’s not good to just think of the extreme cases but... yeah. They’re maybe just harder to find among all the spamming posts and not the ones we remember.
  10. I agree, partly. I think it was a pretty clever strategy when k-pop wasn’t as big as it today, if was a way to bring attention to bands a majority of people living in the west would never have heard of. If it weren’t for k-pop stans 10-15 (20?) years ago, I don’t think the (music) world would look the way it does today, I think we’d only keep listening to western music. (But one might argue we still do as most/a lot of the songs are written by westerners, it’s just the language that’s different.) But yes, it’s gotten a bit out of hand the past years. Tweeting a reply with a k-pop video to a person, celebrity or not, who says they’re feeling suicidal isn’t the smartest thing stans have done. Extreme example, I know, but still. It’s better to share your love for k-pop when it’s relevant and not just pure spamming. I’m pretty sure the important and heavy awards are independent of what the fans think, but fans can definitely help their groups win awards through tele voting for certain tv-shows etc.
  11. One thing you need to understand about k-pop stans is that if it's k-pop group A VS group B, they'll make sure everyone in the fandom will vote for their group but when it's k-pop group VS an artist or band outside of the k-pop industry, they make sure everyone who's into k-pop vote for the group. It's been like this for years, even ten years ago when I was more into k-pop than what I am today. They're organized as heck, they know how everything works, how to win in polls, how to make things trending etc. Winning against k-pop stans is almost impossible, especially today when it's at its peak in popularity (meaning more international fans who take time to participate in these things).
  12. Another character to pick from the list was Stella from Spiritfarer... not a game I've played either but it looked cute. I hate this drawing though so I won't send it in to my teacher. Gonna have to start on a third sketch sometime later this week... ... Just realized I forgot to draw the eyebrows lol. Oh well. xP
  13. For this week's assignment, we have to show that we can break down characters into boxes and lines and circles etc. We had to pick from a list of video game characters so I went with someone called Traser from Overwatch... but this looks a bit complicated so I think I'll dump it and start over on a new pose.
  14. The screen was just black for the the other day, was it the same for anyone else too?
  15. Wait I’m stupid, the thread title literally says the magazine is for this month. Never mind lol.
  16. I know, that’s why I wrote that you can’t always blame things on others. Sometimes, yes. Every time? Not so sure.
  17. Ok, so some of my thoughts: When is “this month”?? When is the magazine supposed to be out?? September?? October?? YES ADD “DEALER” TO THE TRACKLIST AND GIVE ME THE SCREAMO SONG I’VE BEEN CRAVING SINCE 2017!! As we’ve been suspecting already, COCC most likely has country vibes. Not a genre I’m too excited about. But hey, Stupid for feeling so happy sounded like a sweet song! Not one I’m craving exactly, but cute nonetheless. It’ll be interesting to hear how she mentions her friends and family. Loved that they gave us some more info about the album, thank you. She’s been mentioning cats before but she has chickens too? I’ve totally missed that. I love Lana because her music is just genius and so beautiful to me. She definitely deserved the praise for Norman. But I think it gets dangerous to think that you’re the best and always knows what’s right - if you know what’s right for you, great. Also worrying about the “I’m feeling really bad because of you” mentality. I mean, it’s good that she has the courage to tell what’s bothering her but you can’t always say it’s someone else’s fault and never yours. Maybe you did something that made them behave in such a way that it’s hurting you? I don’t know, I try to see things form different points of views and understand people’s opinions. It seems a bit too easy to just point fingers and say “you made me like this”. I imagine it must be very hard to hear “you’re wrong, I’m right, look at how you’ve hurt me” from someone you care about deeply.
  18. In today's class, we practiced sketching trees growing away from us, as if they're tilting a bit.
  19. Lana stans will definitely lose, we’re not as organized as k-pop stans I’ll still vote tho
  20. She definitely lurks or she wouldn’t have given @vodkaa his pink vinyl!
  21. One half of my assignment for school this week is to go out, find a building and sketch it so I did that. I don't draw buildings that often (read: never) so it's not perfect but that's okay because the teachers just want to see what level we are on. I'm glad the lines are somewhat straight! I forgot to bring a ruler with me yesterday when I started sketching, haha.
  22. Omg I need the FIILY hoodie...! I shouldn’t spend more money than necessary since I just got a laptop but... I want it...!!
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