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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Music video for When it breaks came out about an hour ago!
  2. The album isn't finished yet, "we're still doing bits and pieces" Eli said, but it sounded like it's about to be finished soon-ish? And since the pandemic made them cancel their gigs, they had more time to focus on the album instead. The album willhave their first, older singles included though, and new songs as well, of course. One song is about 4 years old that they made before they even considered themselves to be a band.
  3. If you want to answer personal questions, this is the thread for you: (see link below) This is only a game thread where you’re supposed to reply the answer above in the style of the person or thing in your profile picture! Please, pay attention to the previous answers and the very first post in this thread! Thank you!
  4. (You're supposed to reply in the style of the person or thing in your profile picture! ;P ) The funniest dream, hmmmmeow... It must’ve been when I rode a fish in space that had such reflective scales that it became a disco ball and then I was riding like the rainbow road from Mario Kart aaaand then I had to wake up, of course. What so you prefer to play with, yarn or mice?
  5. Elijah will speak about their debut album on radio tonight!
  6. How did I so soon forget about this little footage
  7. I have taste but I don’t discuss many other artists than Lana here. Yeah, maybe they’ll focus on a debut album since their tours were canceled this year!
  8. Beautiful Loser


    https://inhaler.band/home Inhaler is an Irish rock band that debuted at 2017 with "I Want You" and consists of band members Robert Keating (bass), Ryan McMahon (drums), Josh Jenkinson (lead guitar) and Elijah Hewson (vocals, rhythm, guitar). That's right, Hewson as in legendary rock band U2's frontman Bono's son. Elijah has said in an interview that his dad won't help with the band though, which I think is good. I personally didn't know the group existed until yesterday afternoon when I was listening to the radio and the radio producer said they had just played their song (which was wrong and they corrected it later; it was some band called Idle, or Idol). I'm listening to them now and if you like rock music and songs that sound like they were made in the 80's, this band might be for you. They latest single, "When It Breaks", sounds less 80's though. (And I'm really liking it!) Since Elijah is Bono's son, they voices sound very similar, just like how Bono could sound like in the early years of U2. I don't mind though, I love U2 and think Bono has one of the best vocals out there, but I think Inhaler need to find their own path and create something different to not become a copy. Kind of like how Greta van Fleet needs to steer away from sounding too much like Led Zeppelin. It'll be interesting to see if they'll succeed with that, and I think they might have a chance.
  9. Beautiful Loser


    What Teddy is wondering is something I’ve wondered before too, like, k-pop is literally western pop music but sung in Korean... why call it k-pop? Maybe because j-pop was bigger before and they just switched out the j for a k. But yeah, Rosé is right, the trainee thing they have in Korea is probably the biggest difference.
  10. Beautiful Loser


    I just finished watching the BP documentary on Netflix. It was pretty cool to be able to recognize footage from the start till today and their pre-debut days too, it reminded me of how long I’ve know of this group and their members. I also liked that they showed the darker sides of the k-pop industry, like, super hectic schedules, strict training (only two days off a month, poor things) etc.
  11. I wonder if this will be like Next best American record, a track Jack hasn’t touched and will sound very different to the rest of the album. :/
  12. I think it’ll be like this for me: I appreciate the song now - it’s nice, it’s pretty, it’s a typical Lana song - but one day I’ll hear it differently, probably when I’m a bit older, or perhaps much older, and then I’ll appreciate it more.
  13. ME TOOOO omg it really makes me frustrated! I can only hope it ends abruptly so the next song on the album starts nicely after.
  14. Who made that comic book art? Why are artists never credited? smh
  15. I have a feeling we'll get a beautiful video for COCC, she was all glammed up for a reason after all!
  16. I kind of agree, but is it wrong to wish for a tiny bit more commitment when it comes to cover arts and videos? She's a pretty big star now, not a soundcloud artist who has to do everything themselves.
  17. I've watched it now. 1. thank gawd she had the sense to film herself when the car wasn't moving for once 2. the chola button flannel shirt o___o 3. I didn't expect her to use fan's video clips of her live performances 4. this must be her most pre-BTD era music video in a loooooong time. At least, that's the feel I got.
  18. I have super low expectations on this. I think she'll just look pretty on camera and no real story or anything, not like her old DIY videos either. Not saying it's bad though! Just that I'm not expecting much.
  19. I just saw her shirt says Yosemite and gurl better have that song on the album or I'll- LANA, I'M UPSET, I HAVE COMPLAINTS, LISTEN TO ME!1!
  20. This week's mini group project was to pick a play and draw the characters as if someone has hired us to make a video game based on it. I convinced my group to pick Hamlet lol, and I just finished drawing the Ghost (Hamlet's father and the late king of Denmark). He mentions in the play that his brother poisoned him while pouring something into his ear, so I tried to add blood trickling down his ear. I also drew the bones of one of his hands and his ribcage can be seen under the vest. I wasn't sure if I would add a crown or not but a classmate suggested I draw it as if it's floating above his head and it sounded perfect, kinda like as if it would be his halo.
  21. Radio has been playing Talk about me pretty frequently, I always know when “meeting up with Lana just to talk about me” will come on lol. I’ve heard porcelain and wolf maybe two years ago, but I dunno, I never got obsessed with them.
  22. I got my book todayyyy! I just have to say, it’s a real pleasure to read the poems out loud to yourself.
  23. First week of Linktober! You can see day 1 above. Last year I made everything traditionally but this time I've drawn and painted digitally. I'm glad I've managed to draw something for the first week, even though I haven't spent that much time on most of them. Day 2: Princess Day 3: Time Day 4: Favorite place Day 5: Plant/flora Day 6: Shop/store Day 7: Ride/mount/transport
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