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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I don't feel like going through the rest of the 20+ pages - good morning everyone, nothing leaked I suppose?
  2. I heard something like that too, but I'm not sure if it's for everyone or for certain companies..? Gotta look it up, I haven't read/heard/watched a lot of news recently.Otherwise you guys will have to wait until I get back to Sweden before I upload anything.
  3. I'll try to, I can't promise anything because of roaming prices when abroad, but I'll definitely take pictures and a video if I can! I'm gonna ask the venue if it's ok to bring a compact camera with you.I usually just like to enjoy the moment but Lana is my absolute favorite... I just have to take at least a few photos..!
  4. I will! We have seen tigers, I don't think it should be that hard to add a doggo or two in the next video.
  5. Kinda off topic but MOM LET ME GO TO LONDON TO SEE LANA and my soon to be sister-in-law is coming with me!! If everything goes well tomorrow with the tickets, I'M GOING TO MY FIRST LANA SHOW GUYS!! I'm so happy, I cried tears of joy when I talked with them on the phone! I'm honestly the luckiest (fan)girl in the world right now.
  6. I am LITERALLY crying tears of joy now!! I begged mom to let me go and she said yes, if you bring someone with you and my SWEETEST soon to be sister-in-law happily said she'd love to come along - I AM SO LUCKY. I love my family, I never thought mom would let me go but she knows how much I love Lana (I also said that I've wanted to see her for 4 years now and this is the best chance I have so far, I think it worked) and my sister-in-law too.. she was like "I know a few Lana songs, I'd love to join you and hear new music, I'm gonna decorate your hair with daisies"! THIS IS THE BEST DAY IN MY LIFE!! (among others ) My brother is off work and promised to try to buy the tickets for us tomorrow since I'm busy at summer research school - I literally wept while talking with them on the phone. I'm so lucky to have such an amazing family, I don't really care anymore if I don't get any tickets because this is so sweet of them. Here's for hoping everything will go smoothly tomorrow morning.
  7. I SO want to go! I could actually go since summer research school will be over on Friday and I can always start studying for the exams a few days after Monday... but I don't have the money to buy a flight ticket, a ticket from Heathrow to London, a place to stay, food and the actual concert ticket. It's a shame, it'd be my only chance to see her this summer for me because I can't go to the festivals. And mom probably wouldn't let me go alone.
  8. I sooooo wanna go to the show now!! My summer research school will be over on Friday and I only need to study for two exams in August so I could easily take a super short trip to U.K. - but I don't have the money. It would be my only chance to see her this summer though... I can't go to any festivals. ... Is this the time I should remind mom of that travel money I got promised when I graduated high school..?!
  9. Did anyone else receive a LDR email with a pre-sale code for the O2 show? Too bad I can't go... ... *starts looking for flights and hotels anyway lol*
  10. My last day at summer research school is on Friday, so I won't be able to listen until I get home... and I'm also going back home to the family this weekend, so I probably won't get to listen until very late on Friday. Hopefully the CD will have arrived at the family home when I'm finally there.After that I have two exams to study for, so I'll try to focus on those two. I really need to pass or I'm pretty much screwed. So I don't know how much I can spazz with everyone here (I've loved this site since joining in late May), but I will be back - maybe later than sooner.
  11. I yet have like 20-30 pages to read before getting on the same page as everyone else but I just wanna add that I've played all the singles from LFL so far these past two days and I'm so happy. Love will be an excellent song to start with, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna cry when I hear it... all the singles are excellent. I'm still at summer research school and currently editing a schedule while listening to them all and I think this is the perfect way to pass the time while waiting for Friday to come - I'm so happy. I'm just. Happy. I wanna shout "cuz I'm young and I'm looooOOOOOOOoooovvveeee" because it's so beautiful even though I don't love anyone (and nobody loves me lol) and dbsbsjjsj I'm sorry if I'm annoying. I'm just sure that this will be such a great album, perhaps better than Ultraviolence or equally good. That's all, bye.
  12. I've only been here since page 900-something, but I've read most parts of it (although I skipped a majority of the glitter text pages and pages from the most recent snippets leaked and a few pages when there was nothing interesting to read). Haven't heard the snippet so I can't say anything about it but I love your signature.
  13. I'm really excited to hear Change in full. I've had the two (three) snippets Lana shared in my mind all day. The lyrics are so beautiful... and the piano too...
  14. No... earbuds. Do you own a phone case?
  15. Tea? I'm up for some! Vinyls?
  16. Chocolate! Red or blue nail polish?
  17. Yes please, I stayed away from this thread two days while everyone were talking about the new snippets. >__<
  18. I don't drink (I don't even like coffee...), smoke or do drugs so I'm gonna do it on a kiddie level. So snorting caffeine is not interesting to me!
  19. I should buy some chocolate to snack on while listening to LFL for the first time.
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