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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. New confession: I'd love it if Lana decided to bring back a little of the sassy lyrics we have in National Anthem ("he said to be cool, but I'm already the coolest"). I kinda miss her old lyrics from time to time, even though they could be quite old fashioned sometimes. :3
  2. Omg, read "Lana PROMISE a Weeknd-less Lust For Life" and was like "but I like his voice in the song"! TT___TT Don't scare me like that..!
  3. Bless the person who put this together. She had so little and has so much now, makes me cry when I think of how fat she has come. And how she has stayed the same. She seemed so happy back then, I hope we get to see more of those smiles in this era.It must have felt weird, being a nobody and suddenly having so many fans loving you... Lana deserves everything is this world. ❤️ And my confession... well, I sometimes start crying when I play Ride, at the bridge and the last chorus. It's just so good. And her voice is magical. And her passion in the bridge makes me cry.
  4. YES I'm so happy to hear that! 18 tracks, wow! Now I look forward to the release date even more! Now I can sleep happily, good night everyone. :3
  5. I know Eurovision is over, I couldn't watch it this year and now I'm bored and the neighbors next door are having a loud party (so I can't sleep), so I just thought I would share this gem with you all. Loreen won a couple of years ago and I'll always stay mad that she didn't get to represent us this year (and I'll never understand why people didn't vote for her during the outtakes so she won the Swedish version and cövbdkcvkudv<bj). Just listen. This is magic. And it has a important message. I'm... just so mad that such a mediocre song represented us.
  6. Of course! Like I wrote somewhere else, I'm a member of a fan forum for a k-pop girlgroup as well, but it has been dead the last years so I'm glad to fangirl with other fans again! ♥ I actually think the other forum isn't accessable... again.
  7. Thank you everyone, this sure was fun and I'm so glad I found this forum a few days ago (and a little sad I didn't find it earlier), now I have to stay focused on other things (studying and doing the laundry). I just wanted to thank you all.
  8. ^ THANK YOU! ♥ So... where is the dress from? Looks on the logo that the brand name starts with F? P? Could it be Fendi?
  9. Am I the only one who thinks she was talking about the summer festival tour? I'd love her to have her own concert tour again though, but I guess the possibility of her coming back to Sweden after August is very small... hopefully I can fly overseas to see her then. Depends on school work... again.
  10. Ok, I kinda understand why you put "professional fangirl" on your CV now, lol.
  11. I FORGOT ABOUT MY LAUNDRY TIME, gotta go I'll catch up later bye
  12. I filmed a few snippets for my instagram live, you could check them out there? I didn't do it very good though, wanted to enjoy the show too. Same username as here.
  13. Argh, I just feel like OTTR was when she finally began to sing well, like all the others were only warm-ups! So tragic, I had hoped everything would have been a little bit better.
  14. Those sweet smiles while she sings, she's so cute, I'm dying! Video Games sounds amazing too!
  15. To be honest... I'm not feeling it. I know she can sing better. :/ But at least Cruel World is the best so far.
  16. She already sounds more confident when Cruel World came on, maybe she was just nervous with the new songs?
  17. I wanna cry, she feels so close yet so far away, I'm so sad I won't get to see her this summer. TT___TT Is it just me or is LFL performed kinda awkwardly?
  18. Have they fixed the sound setting yet, or is she still whispering because she can't hear herself?
  19. Hm. I was hoping for a better performance of Cherry to be honest. :/ The music is GREAT though, I just wished Lana sang a little better.
  20. I have goosebumps already!! Can you all hear that base?
  21. Look at her cute headband! I wonder what the first song will be?
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