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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Like many of you have already said, this song still works and still sounds so beautiful. 10 years? It could’ve been released today and it’d still sound fresh. Isn’t it crazy that I’m still not tired of hearing it and singing along to it? I didn’t know of her til like 2013 but whatever. I’m really glad she released it and that people still today recognize how great it is.
  2. Hollywood Sad Core Gangster Nancy Sinatra DOPE
  3. Hey hey, no fighting in here, please! Try to be nice to each other and keep the tone civil and non-malicious, I know you guys can do that.
  4. @Rachel97 Welcome! Feel free to make a thread to introduce yourself. http://lanaboards.com/forum/21-welcomes-and-introductions/
  5. Just your mod here kindly asking you to discuss the snippet in its thread instead.
  6. Seriously though, I wouldn’t mind if Lana had a song like Utada’s Stay Gold if she’s going to keep with the piano thing. A catchy piano on loop and add some beats on top of that, would almost be like r’n’b.
  7. I dunno, I can kinda see her do a digital only release if the cd and vinyl factories take a couple of months to do stuff and the album isn’t fully complete yet, but then again, the album is finished if we are to believe rumors so maybe we’ll get a physical release anyway?? I’m living in my two delulu worlds at the moment!
  8. That would be kinda stupid though, considering how well she does when it comes to physical sales?
  9. Ah, that's great! (but we kind already knew that he was working with Lana, haha)
  10. I've been busy with school all day, can someone update me why we're talking about Daisy Chains Summer Bummer all of a sudden?
  11. Sometimes nothing else but the chaotic energy in Lolita is good enough to keep on repeat
  12. Manifesting a single release on my birthday even though it's on a Sunday
  13. Doodled Dorothea from Fire Emblem: Three Houses late last night! I didn't bother too much to make the feet and hands look great, it was like 2 AM and I told myself I should go to sleep instead, haha.
  14. I'm gonna have to do a LDR MV marathon sometime this summer and come back to answer this later.
  15. I was asleep when it was live but I caught a video recording on youtube instead, that was pretty cute.
  16. I know this is probably a joke, but please don't do it if a) you're a minor b) you don't feel comfortable about it c) you think it will give you some status on a silly fan forum; it's not worth it. (and d) the person recieving the nudes might not appreciate it)
  17. I still stand by my opinion that I want to hear lyrics about something else than everyday life, and Blue Banisters kiiinda still has that? But so far it sounds more like a sad love song than “yay let’s laugh over a coffee!” so I’m here for it, and I still think it’s gonna grow into something bigger and even more beautiful.
  18. Crap, I gotta sleep. Not sure how I’ll do that now that I’m all excited for this project. Good night, I’ll join the fun again tomorrow.
  19. Her sister’s pregnant and she might just be excited about that.
  20. Lana’s gonna stay silent about it until July, I just know it.
  21. Blue Banisters Cherry blossom Dealer (Rock Candy Sweet?) Produced by Mike Dean; one single, entire album? The way I’m already more hyped for this than what I was for Chemtrails.
  22. It’s a page or two back, I think! Edit: Or now three lol
  23. Yes, I have high hopes that this will develop into something very interesting and cool and special!
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