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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Now this is good news to wake up to! So glad to hear that he's guilty, I can't really imagine a reason why he shouldn't be. Kneeling on someone's neck for like 10 minutes... that's... just awful. Of course it can harm and kill someone. Good news, and a good morning!
  2. I don't consider myself to be a Marina fan, I only listen to a few songs and not very often, but I'm really listening to Man's World to right now and I like it.
  3. So. It came to my attention that Lust For Life, the single, was released four years ago today, and it made me think back to when Love got released lol. Four years ago, I was just becoming depressed, if I wasn't already, and my dad's health was really bad. I hadn't found this place yet, I didn't know much about any "insider" info such as Love leaking too early, and I remember being so alone in my excitement to hear Lana's new single. I remember staying in a classroom at my old campus at university after the last lecture of the day was over and I watched the video on my phone's screen. I wanted to believe Lana's words, "don't worry, baby", so badly and find comfort in them, but deep down inside, I knew things wouldn't be okay. Still, that song meant a lot to me, and still does in a sense, even though I don't consider it to be her best song. It was dark outside by the time the lecture was over (winter days are short and dark here) and I think I stayed in that classroom for a little while as I watched the video one more time and silently fangirled. I was lonely; I saw my family maybe one weekend per month (more than most students, but still) , I didn't have good friends, my dad was getting worse and I didn't really have anyone to talk with. It would take a few more months before I once again tried to find a Lana fan forum, found LanaBoards and signed up immediately. Life was pretty shitty, but I loved being a part of this site and chatting with all kinds of people who also loved Lana, even though it could be a bit hostile at times. Lana and this place made me feel something to be glad for, something to find joy in. Four years have passed and I'm a completely different person today. Not really sure what I wanted to say with this post, but, well, LFL's anniversary made me think back I guess, haha. Thanks for Love, Lana, and thank you LanaBoards and Elle for keeping this site alive. <3
  4. Black tea with a touch of bergamot. What would you like your future to look like?
  5. Can’t wait to see what next Lana meme pic they’ll post next.
  6. Wtf, why do people have to be like this? I was just admiring her flawless lashes and matching sunglasses and lips, like, she looked like a Barbie doll, so perfect and pretty.
  7. Nooo it was such a gorgeous selfie!
  8. That I kind of only go on living for my friends I mean, have you seen this smile on my face? Me and dark secrets don't go together, haha! Unless you prefer a dark and brooding noble? Have you ever caught a fish?
  9. The glasses wouldn’t suit me at all but I want them
  10. All these hawt selfies lately
  11. I got an ad from Lana on Instagram about “new merch”.
  12. Again, I don't exactly mind that because A) it's a small glimpse into her current mindset and life, B) she delivers the lyrics so beautifully lol, and C) it paints a beautiful picture in a sense "washing my hair, doing the laundy, late night TV, I want you, honey". But then again, yeeeaaahhh, it's nothing too special. But maybe it doesn't have to. It fits the feeling of the song pretty well in my opinion.
  13. I don't mind her lyrics on the past two albums, in fact, I was positively surprised and genuinely glad to hear that they were better on Norman than LFL, but I kind of agree with you. I don't mean that her lyrics are bad, they're far from that, but she's been describing and singing about ordinary life in most songs and left that little bit of mystery she used to have in her older albums. Except for, like, Tulsa Jesus Freak which is kinda freaky in a sense. But I, too, wish to hear lyrics that make me think; me and god, we don't get along? they judge me like a picture book? lies can buy eternity? life rocked me like Mötley? etc etc I miss her world building in a sense, I guess. Lyrics like "back to work or the coffee shop", "we laugh about nothing", they are sweet, and I'm so glad Lana has found a better life for herself (if she is genuine about the things she's been singing about lately). So what I really want for this album is some interesting, clever lyrics and less about everyday life... not saying it's exactly bad , but I like to dream away when I listen to her songs. I think she's really good at that too, to describe worlds and situations and feelings.
  14. I'm guessing November 2020. In October, she was still hesistant to add Dealer to the tracklist, in December she started filming the video for White Dress and said that the vinyl production was slower than she anticipated. It was also in December when we found several tracks through Shazam.
  15. Sometimes I'm just so grateful and glad that Venice Bitch exists.
  16. America was pretty good!
  17. Not thirsting over Mr Antonoff, no ma’am, not me. I can join the Banister hoe anthem movement though.
  18. Is this horny week or something, first the thirst for Jack thread and now Banisters is a hoe anthem, I-??
  19. Nah, nothing will happen this month I think. Not in May either. But in June, something will happen! We'll realize the album is postponed.
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