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Everything posted by ultrabanisters

  1. the instagram comments are so embarrassing this is a good lineup and they’re still complaining because beyonce and taylor swift arent playing
  2. fun and non-chart conforming production, lyrics that are actually well thought out if she made a political statement (savages) and a fun era where she didnt feel like an LA try hard
  3. she needs to dip her hand back into the froot-bowl (aka one of the best albums of all time) because the half baked and pretentious ‘self-aware’ lyrics are unlistenable atp
  4. adele annoucned her support less than a week in advance and i didnt see people saying it was cancelled because we didnt the full line up calm down everyone
  5. lmfao it’s not cancelled the instagram stans are just riling themselves up in the comments BST ONLY ANNOUNCES ACTS FAR IN ADVANCE IF THEY NEED TO SELL TICKETS they will announce them over the next few days
  7. guys just go onto olympias website soso easy to get tix on there
  8. yes, you have GA early entry at 1pm north entrance is to the top of the event, check the bst website for the map lana will come on around 8:30pm
  9. girl be calm please just be respectful to eachother lol having vocal discussions about things like this is great and encouraged but don’t act rude when someone raises a point be kind
  10. PLEASE just go to the bathroom. the people around you will let you back in
  11. if u wanna argue (about non topic fingz) go to random thread mwah now continue i enjoyed reading ur thesis's on why x lana song is better than x
  12. the comments are embarrassing theyre threatening an established and professional event for not announcing a lineup that will be announced the week before i hate lana fans so much
  13. i would so go to this but i would have to buy the ticket, fly to pisa, rent a car then find a hotel near the venue too spenny rn
  14. i feel like she/her label might have some weird feeling it will flop if it isnt purple too aka theyre trying to replicate the success of sour
  15. usa fans got the nfr tour now we get the tunnel tour
  16. idk but she has a dome also me being on holiday when these dates are she did this on purpose miss grant when i catch you
  17. hard agree with the album aging well it still sounds so fresh to me i adore her also sweet being a top 10 career moment if you get it you get it if you don’t i’m sorry i hope you feel better soon because that second verse delivery and instrumental … she was insane for that
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