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Everything posted by Pluto

  1. Pluto

    Lady Gaga

    Yeah, they are $25. (oops I quoted the wrong person, sorry I'm on mobile)
  2. Pluto


    I definitely will!
  3. Pluto


    I still need to track down the others. The VHS quality SUCKS but the Homogenic commercial on it is so cool. I love how excessive Bjork was, it makes it more fun to collect haha. Yeah, it is twitter.
  4. Pluto

    Lady Gaga

    I went to the Winnipeg artRAVE and it was amazing, it made me fall in love with her all over again. She looked beautiful and her voice was flawless. A few pics/videos from the show, I got the cheapest tickets and had quite a good view: Videos:
  5. Pluto


    I've heard of them! I've only heard "Don't Just Sit There", but I really need to listen to their album.
  6. Pluto


    Here's a few pictures, my phone is incapable of taking good pictures, so sorry about that. For some reason I find tons of Bachelorette singles, I also have the Australian cardsleeve with 4 or 5 remixes and My Snare / Nature Is Ancient. (Random, but I'm pretty sure I follow you on either tumblr/instagram/twitter, I'm really not sure. )
  7. This list is a mess, Bjork can go way higher than Miley Cyrus. And what about Kate Bush? She used to be able to go pretty high.
  8. I would probably wear a shirt, maybe a Lana one, and jeans.
  9. A lot of my favourite songs mention blue, which is strange. I always associated blue with sadness.
  10. 1. How did you discover Lana? When and What Era? Born to Die era, and on a music forum. 2. First song(s)? Born to Die, I think. The single was free on iTunes. 3.what did you think? I kinda liked it but I wasn't blown away. 4. Your favourite song(s)? Gods and Monsters, I Don't Wanna Go, Off to the Races 5. Least favourite song(s)? Lucky Ones, Yayo (Paradise version) 6. What song(s) "grew" on you? West Coast, Radio, Body Electric 7. Whats your favourite Lana era as of now? (May jailer, Lizzy Grant, Lana Del Rey) Lana Del Rey. 8. Favourite Album(s)? Well she technically only has one that's available. So Born to Die. I have a feeling I'll like Ultraviolence more though. 9. Least favourite(s) ? 10. Favourite song preformed live? Not sure, I haven't really listened to much of her live stuff. I prefer studio versions. 11. First song/Album purchased/Downloaded? Born to Die 12. Favourite song quote/lyric? I can't choose!
  11. There wouldn't be music stores if nobody bought them.
  12. My interest in Gaga has faded but I saw her live last week, and I honestly think she will be around for a while. I'm not a huge fan of hers anymore but she KILLED it, and her voice is amazing.
  13. Pluto


    Thank you! And yes it's always nice to find other fans
  14. Pluto


    Bjork is one of my favourite artists. This is what I've managed to find of hers. this photo isn't recent, I'm sure it's missing a few things.
  15. Pluto

    Kate Bush

    Queen of everything.
  16. The main difference is that the vocals are higher up in the mix, and it is not as hazy.
  17. https://itunes.apple.com/ru/album/ultraviolence/id880097772 Lots of people. I don't remember how but in the iTunes store there is a way to see all the credits.
  18. Just like West Coast, I liked it way more after I head the HQ.
  19. Same, it's only minor differences and you can always listen to the original if you want to.
  20. So are the deluxe/standard covers going to be different other than the text size?
  21. It would be cool if it's an actual lithograph. Many artist's "lithographs" are posters on thick paper. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithography
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