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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. LOL I hope so too! We know she was compiling Violet from April-June 2020 and released it in September, and she started that process with Behind the Iron Gates in January, so hopefully by this summer it’ll be out!
  2. Yes, I agree! I think she completed the initially-promised American Standards & Classics record but maybe is waiting to release it with the country cover album that she discussed in the Mojo interview (as it said that she has not one, but two cover albums waiting to be put out)? Especially since the delay with Chemtrails kind of ended up being sorted out! I think Chemtrails will come out, and then it’ll be maybe 6/7 months before the two cover albums, and then Behind the Iron Gates in early to mid-2022, and then the Zach-produced LDR8 in 2023? She kind of confirmed Zach is involved with LDR8 when she said to Annie Mac, “Like, I said to my friend, Zach Dawes...I was like, ‘I’m so tired, like, I think we need to just do a, you know, like a country...like a full-on country...uh...just cover album.’ Just for fun and see...see if it sparks anything” I took that as meaning she and Zach would do that project together to see if it led to another project they’d do together. And, like @Contemplating God said, Dealer being one of those tracks alongside the country album that would shape LDR8. Anyways, this has gone off-topic so apologies for that, but it’s really cool to see how all of Lana’s projects grow into each other!
  3. I also thought it was done in 2017 alongside the other TLSP sessions at first, but someone here (I forgot who) confirmed that it was actually done in 2020! And I feel like it makes sense that it would be done after Jack had already gone back to New Jersey, especially since Zach lives in LA, and Lana and Zach did/have been doing two cover albums since 2020! I also think Dealer will be on the next album if she does end up doing it fully with Zach!
  4. No, I also don’t think she changed it! I think it’s understood that Dealer was the last song done after April 2020 with Zach Dawes, so that would have been the only “last-minute addition”, since we know 8 out of the 11 tracks were done before the end of 2019, and one (Yosemite) was done in 2016, and the other (Dark But Just a Game) was done after February 9, 2020. Not All Who Wander Are Lost is the only song we don’t really have any information to guess when it was written/recorded, but yes, it seems that she didn’t adjust anything too much from her initial vision! I’m also so excited to hear it in full <3
  5. I feel like this pandemic really threw all of us for a loop and kind of stunted the creative process that Lana had already been on with Chemtrails. Since the whole album was written and probably recorded before Jack went back to New Jersey (which was in April 2020) I feel like the aftermath of QFTC and her personal life not lining up with what she had written about in Chemtrails (her time in the Midwest and being with Sean) made her feel like there needed to be songs that were still true to her at the present moment (hence, the uncertainty of Dealer being on the album, which we know she did with Zach Dawes, who is based in LA, unlike Jack). Since this album has shaped up to be so much about being grounded with the people you love and is idealistic in tone, the pandemic probably really shook that up because we’re all experiencing the opposite of that. It probably had her thinking about things that she’s hinted at exploring in Behind the Iron Gates. We know Lana truly is “lived-in” of all the words she writes so I think she just wanted to reconcile not fully being in the place she’s singing about in Chemtrails.
  6. I believe they’re just reiterating what she briefly mentioned in the MOJO magazine interview?
  7. I feel like this is the record Lana has been waiting to make her entire career. Knowing that it sonically lends itself to her roots (folk, country, instruments in their most organic form), I can tell this album is going to be similar to Honeymoon in that she truly made it for herself - a vanity project of sorts! Of course, all her records are uncompromisingly her own but with the narrative of some of the songs that we know of (the title track craving normalcy and detailing her wishes for that, White Dress having that strong autobiographical edge, Dance Till We Die paying homage to her relationships with her personal icons like Joan Baez, Joni Mitchell, Stevie Nicks, and Courtney Love) - it seems like this album is Lana catapulting herself forward both career-wise (in that she’s really embracing it being all about the music and her words) and in her personal life. I think after having done 6 albums with so much life experience written into them, this seventh album kind of feels like a personal reprieve for Lana where she’s truly found her group of people and is further establishing herself as one of the best singer-songwriters of our time. I cannot wait! Can’t believe it’s only 15 days!
  8. The album is literally coming out in 366 hours and 49 minutes. We have lived through over 5760 hours since she announced the title - we got this! No need to stress or panic!
  9. Oh, okay! Thanks for letting me know! I haven’t seen these lyrics anywhere myself so hopefully they don’t travel too far?
  10. Hey! Can someone explain what's going on? I'm catching up on the pages of this thread but every post I read feels like it was taken out of context from a random thread and smushed together in this thread
  11. Are we sure Lana actually has vocals on the song? I listened to the snippets Haley teased but I personally don’t think it sounds like Lana. Maybe she tagged her because Lana helped fund the rework, or encouraged Haley to rework it? Edit: I see that we have found out that Lana is not on it
  12. Are you referring to the one I referenced in my post? If so, then yes, it came from the Mojo interview!
  13. I just wanted to point out that I think I Talk to Jesus and White Dress seem to be somewhat linked thematically! “We had a deal and I fucked it up when I made the decision to become someone” (ITTJ) and “Look how I do this, look how I’ve got this, it kind of makes me feel like maybe I was better off” (WD) These lyrics in particular both see Lana implicitly longing for a life before “ma[king] the decision to become someone” and upon making that decision, realizing that “maybe [she] was better off.” I Talk to Jesus seems to explore this sentiment through a slightly grainier and super-specific lens (with references to romantic relationships, biblical themes, and motifs from her earlier catalogue) and White Dress - while we haven’t heard it yet, so I’m solely making this comment based on what she’s said about it in interviews - seems to discuss it more holistically, and takes a more bird’s eye view of her life at the time? I can’t wait to hear it!
  14. I feel the same way about the Honeymoon video! And I think she included that little clip from the 2008 Index Mag interview because it’s from the time she’s singing about in White Dress, so for symbolic/sentimental reasons! Plus, in the video teaser, we can see that the roller-blading actress has a similar hairstyle to Lana in that 2008 clip, and we can see a trailer park, with a trailer park being where the 2008 interview took place!
  15. I absolutely love this and your insight! The second paragraph in particular is beautiful. The parts I’ve bolded here are what I think White Dress will capture perfectly. And it’s particularly telling that it’s the first track on the album because it immediately reintroduces us to what Lana does best but then allows her to expand on the future-oriented aspects of her writing that she’s said she’s exploring more with this record. So incredible - thank you so much for all this! <3
  16. I’m pretty sure it’s directed by Clark Jackson, (@/constellationjones), who also directed the LFL trailer, the Summertime the Gershwin Version video, and filmed Lana singing LMLYLAW for Jack’s Ally Coalition show. She tagged him in the first pictures she posted for White Dress on February 6th!
  17. We really are! And ugh, I love that so much, wow. The personal is the political, especially if you consciously take individual actions that are good-intentioned and of course are executed properly. I so agree that Lana sharing her insight is her way of doing that; zeroing in on her experiences and turning all the way inward is her contribution to the world - clearly we all resonate with it so much to the point that we’re on this site and I know we all come from so many different backgrounds. It’s crazy that we’re united by that. And to that I know a lot of people will think I’m just incredibly biased for crediting Lana that much - but the proof is in interactions like these, where we can place Lana’s work within the context of a broader world. Chemtrails is only going to solidify her being of that caliber!
  18. Yes, I 100% agree! I think she referred to herself as a fatalist who’s always seen something like this happening, and I’m excited to see her explore that in a very blunt but also bright-sided way. Like, “this is the state of the world and it’s insane but we’re making it all work” - I think that’s a really inspiring sentiment and Chemtrails will be like Norman in the way that it’s summative of our world at the time while not being a record “of the day” or dated - a broad cultural statement that is still so true to who Lana is!
  19. So well-said, my friend! I really love what this record’s narrative is shaping up to be so far. I always felt like Lana was really spot-on when it came to making social commentary through her music (even if it appeared to be solely autobiographical in some of her earlier records, but I believe that she’s always woven some sort of grander message into her experiences). While we can conclude this by reading between the lines and not so much what she’s word-for-word saying, I love how she seems to be exploring womanhood, the legacy of familial bonds - regardless of how they are - and staying strong in the midst of tension by centering yourself into the things that are important to you. I think we’ll see the latter bit on Dance Till We Die in particular!
  20. Yes, I also noticed that too! I really think it’s clear now that the “chemtrails” represent the turmoil she’s talked about in interviews (to Annie Mac she said she doesn’t find it hard to be good in the midst of all the bad) and in the IG caption when she put up the album cover (“there’s always turmoil and upheaval and in the midst of it - there’s always beautiful music”). It’s so cool to see how she’s going to address these anxieties that loom over and linger throughout our lives and the work we put into it to push through. I’m seriously so excited!
  21. Watching the White Dress teaser more closely and maybe everyone else noticed it too, but I think in this screenshot below, we can see a trailer park in the background! She’s really going all the way there with the references to her life in 2007/2008 truly a full-circle moment, wow
  22. I’m wondering this too! Maybe the single on the 5th or 12th? But lately she’s released singles alongside their respective videos so I think by precedent of the releases for this album cycle, it’s most likely that the video and single will be released together - especially because the only announcements of the song via social media have been video-related teasers!
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