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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. LOL we should dream big, you’re right! But I think the reality is that a selfie is going to make its way somewhere into the foreground of this album’s visuals (which I think is hilariously iconic and simply profound at the same time)
  2. I actually think that that photo is from either February or May, because: In November & December - she had a silvery-pink manicure that didn’t really wear off until January In March - she had a silver manicure In April - she had a nude manicure with a slight metallic tinge In June - she has the yellow manicure currently The necklace she’s wearing actually looks very similar to the one she bought at Fringe Jewels in CA the day after the 2020 Grammys so, I’m thinking it’s definitely a recent photo considering that + her hair colour being that reddish shade of brown (throughout most of 2020 she had that medium brown to blonde ombré and was of course, fully blonde so it’s definitely from this year!) Also, in February she had natural nails - we can see them in the popsicle selfies, which I’m almost certain were taken at that time because Tracey Cunningham posted about her new reddish-brown hair colour using the gas station pictures from that month (which is the same shade in the popsicle selfies and the new cookie picture) so my bets are on February!
  3. She looks too good her outfits lately have been so cute and trendy but still classically her. I’ve been living for this hair on her, it’s something new but just soooo her at the same time.
  4. I absolutely love the highlights and subtle curtain bangs she added
  5. Bro same, he’s got that west coast drip locked and LOADED.
  6. Posted by Rob to IG! Happy birthday to him <3 They all look amazing.
  7. Lana looks stunning (as do Chuck and the birthday boy )! <3
  8. Actually she wrote/recorded Change on June 8th 2017 at around 8 PM and ended up finishing the song on June 9th at 2 AM, which was the day she needed to turn it in! Rick Nowels confirmed this in an interview with Genius that was published in 2017. So June 9th 2017 was when she turned in the album, which was about a month-and-a-half before LFL came out, and 3-and-a-half months before the vinyls were released (they came out around September 29th)!
  9. I think July 4th is still possible - regardless of what she does and how little or largely she broadcasts it, she always manages to make some noise about it and her career is beyond stable. The 3 singles were released without any promotion, were still picked up on by major publications, and were met with a considerable amount of fanfare. I think she will just release the album like the singles, especially since she’s proven that she can top charts, sell extremely well, and break records without publicizing her work too much (Chemtrails - prime example). I could also see her not wanting to exploit her most personal and albeit, darkest thoughts derived from her home life for the sake of commercialism. I can’t speak for everyone, but I wouldn’t necessarily want to add a lot of gloss over my own familial strains (the difference being that it involves other people who are easily identifiable and in general, family is super personal, rather than discussing my troubles in romantic love - which is a more universal and accepted sentiment in music). I know some people will read that and think “well, why would she release the songs, then?!” - and to that I’d say: telling your own story through your music gives you that autonomy and freedom to sort out your own thoughts. Putting it out there is one thing - but to be unapologetically promotional about it is another. So I understand if that’s part of the reason why she’s being very hush about everything. Hell, I would be too if I had the year she did in the public eye throughout 2020.
  10. I haven’t coasted this thread in a long time. I have to say - it makes the wait more bearable, it’s like you’re not watching paint dry everyday! I think that’s why NFR! felt like a, dare I say, great pre-release period for me. Highly recommend just going about your life without thinking about this too much to anyone who’s experiencing frustrations! <3
  11. Yes, exactly! The structure of the tracklist really reflects those themes as well, there’s a chronological element to it that really allows you to listen to the album as a journey of the mind, if that makes sense. I absolutely love it <3
  12. I feel like she wrote this album for me in a lot of ways - I relate to every single song. Melodically, it’s so soft and intimate and takes me back to summer 2020 <3 I loved it upon first listen and my love for it has only continued to grow since its release.
  13. IanadeIrey


    I listened to Melodrama for the first time since it came out and man, it’s such a great album. The first five tracks are my favourite and I love Sober II (Melodrama) so much - it functions as a great interlude for the record.
  14. Agreed! I’m lucky in the way that I always love what Lana does and I can objectively say that her gift of writing shines through every song we’ve heard. I’m just here for the journey she’s been taking us on and I can’t wait to see where she goes <3
  15. Yes, I think Lana always is the most involved in her work (I don’t agree with the arguments I’ve read on here about Jack monopolizing the creative control over the last 2 albums) but I think he really did bring a lot of great writing out of her - as a producer/songwriting partner should! She said she wasn’t in the mood to write a new album after LFL but after she met Jack, an album was just spawned!
  16. I actually really like Jack Antonoff and from what I’ve seen of his interactions with other people and his interviews, etc. he’s a really nice guy and he really cares about music and what it stands for. I will say, though, I do think that NFR really changed this trajectory he has been on since then; you could argue that a lot of the major albums that he has worked on since NFR’s release (excluding his own Bleachers projects) contain echoes of what people think “Lana Del Rey” has evolved to sound like. I think they’re all great albums but I do think that there seems to be a sort of continuity between a lot of his production on other people’s records lately - and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, it’s his signature style and his “tag” I guess. But I am glad that Lana seems to be branching out a bit and is continuing to forge her own path. She is simultaneously an artist with a signature style and a musical chameleon. Whether or not you would care to admit it, she has an influence that I think a lot of people pretend isn’t there - but it’s there. Even if certain alternative artists don’t know it, their output is shaped and albeit, only possible because of her impact on the scene.
  17. Love the new album! Every song is amazing and the production on all of them is top-tier. I love a good ballad and I’m glad she had some on this record, they complement the first half of the record and its upbeat tracks so nicely. <3 I can’t really choose a favourite because every song really adds something different but New America and I Love You But I Love Me More really hit me. Flowers and Goodbye were also really beautiful <3
  18. I woke up to these photos and they’re just so warm and she looks amazing. She always kills it with the blue jeans + white shirt combo and the Gucci shades complement her nail and hair colour so nicely. Living for this, everything is perfect about it <3
  19. The new B&W background image on her site actually has this 90s grunge feel to it!
  20. IanadeIrey


    Awww. You’re too kind. I can say the same about you - love the positivity and kindness and light you bring to the forum. You stand for what keeps it alive as well <3
  21. I still think there’s a chance the record will come out on July 4th. Given the hushed nature of this release cycle, I think it would be fitting to just release the record with no formal lead-up other than the 3 singles we already got. Unpopular opinion, but I quite like the “purist” approach to releasing music where you just put things out and say nothing else. I think it’s a way of letting the music speak for itself and that’s certainly fitting for the thematic content of the songs we’ve heard from the album. Don’t get me wrong, I love photoshoots and interviews and other goodies, but I am okay with her not doing anything because the music lives on without it!
  22. IanadeIrey


    I liked the new song! It was very light and summery! Can’t wait to hear what else she has up her sleeve
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