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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. LOVE the new singles and video! I objectively liked the songs on Love + Fear from a place of auditory pleasure, but I just didn’t feel as connected to them thematically and stylistically, so I didn’t really keep up with Marina as much as I did with her first three records, but this next album is really shaping up to be amazing. The writing, melodies, and production are all killer, and they’ve reminded me of why I felt so drawn to Marina in the first place back about 10 years ago can’t wait to hear the full record tonight! <3
  2. What is the opposite of a hater? A lover? I think I am one of those.
  3. Whaaaat I had no idea! I totally thought everyone in this thread was going to some third-party site and resizing it LOL! Omg that’s game-changing. Thank you, legend!!
  4. Omg thank you so much for resizing it! <3
  5. I think this is really cute and has a *lot* of potential on this site, especially, LOL. dontbeajerkdontcallmeataxi.gif
  6. This record brings me immense happiness. I don’t know if it’s because I live on the west coast + lead a very west-coast-centric life (casual, relaxed, slow living, etc.) that is totally in line with the mood of the album, but I really feel a resonance with its entire essence. I know it’s a bit controversial to like this album on here, but I really do love it and think it was an amazing addition to Lana’s already consistently-superb discography at the time (her discography continues to be amazing and WILL continue to be as such!). Venice Bitch is my favourite song of all time and is a staple in Lana’s discography. The levels of simplicity and complexity that interact with each other throughout the song are beautiful. This whole record is art and is just so comforting to listen to. Love it just wanted to shower a bit of appreciation on this record as I really was reminded of how much I love it today.
  7. Lana said the album is coming on July 4th. At the end of the day, an individual is the only one responsible for their own frustration about an album release. Maybe for some people, being on LB and in this thread is like watching paint dry - I think the entitlement and claim that Lana has inflicted "emotional abuse" upon people really says more about them than it does about her. So if you really feel that way, here's a friendly reminder:
  8. Ugh she looks killer. Love her white hoodie and jeans are always a classic LDR staple. Her hair also looks so good and I’m here for a blonde comeback! <3 summer queen indeed.
  9. I think BoZ indirectly confirmed that LYTAN/RCS is on BB - he is the one who told us that they were the same song, and it wasn’t one of the 12 tracks from the Chemtrails masters that people got ahold of last summer (the missing 12th track only could have been Dealer, as we know). How else would he have had access to it? Through Blue Banisters.
  10. Love this! It looks amazing, thank you so much for making this and sharing it <3
  11. IanadeIrey

    Song vs. Song

    Sad Girl vs. Tulsa Jesus Freak
  12. One of her best songs, absolutely
  13. Mike said “you all have at least one song on the new album” in his interview with Anthony Fantano. So I’m wondering if that was Wildflower Wildfire and the rest of Blue Banisters was done with Gabe Simon and Zach Dawes. Since Mike said they’re planning on working together for a while, maybe they’re now recording for the next album. Lana did confirm to that fan in Texas that the album was finished and she was working on “new music.”
  14. I know, right! I feel like this album is shrouded in so much mystery, more than her previous records - that makes it so much more exciting of a wait because it truly will be a surprise! and yes, everything’s all good! To be honest, I can’t decide on a profile picture that represents the vibe I want right now, I am so indecisive, I keep changing it thank you for checking in though, that’s super sweet of you I love your new pfp btw <3
  15. I think her most contemplative album is coming - and that’s saying a lot because if you could sum up Lana’s entire lyrical sensibility in one word, one of your options would be “contemplative.” How surreal is it that we’re (allegedly) 5 weeks away from hearing it?!
  16. The MTWBT video is quite stunning! The cinematography is some of her best and complements the song and overall aesthetic of Honeymoon quite well I like that it’s in b&w - truly lives out the noir feel that she said she was inspired by when she first announced it.
  17. So well-said, as always! I also love how her breathy backing vocals are added only on "IVs" - it's truly magical.
  18. People blatantly trashing the new songs and calling it “constructive criticism” can’t even be taken seriously, especially when the same people were dismissing Honeymoon as a “snooze-fest” back in 2015 and would say “Lana needs to stop working with Grandpa Nowels” but now beg for him to come back. It’s cyclical and the lack of self-awareness is appalling. Be respectful or leave. You don’t have to like every single piece of music, but you also don’t have to disrespect the people making the music. They’re human too!
  19. So today, on this very lazy Wednesday, I tried out @stupidapartmentcomplex's method derived from the song sorters! 1. UV 2. HM 3. NFR! 4. COTCC 5. BTD 6. P 7. LFL
  20. Omg throwback to 2017 when the words “Your Girl” were replaced with “According to all laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly”
  21. Blue Banisters - painted self-portrait album cover with clear vinyl concept. A simple portrait because this album is shaping to essentially be an extensive self-examination.
  22. People can say what they want about Lana’s “antifeminism” but if there’s anything that that quote about her production process proves, it’s that she truly is an empowered woman. Her close production circle has consistently been men (other than Laura Sisk, who engineers records with Jack) and she never lets her voice go unheard - she’s the one in charge. And I love that (we all know by now that I’m a #girlboss advocate it’s super important to see educated, empowered, and flourishing women of all types succeed). I think her self-assuredness is really stark considering the fact that so many people have tried to paint her as some sort of submissive personality, when really, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Even in her music, I never got a true “submissiveness” from her, as critics would say they did. Blue Banisters as a record is truly poignant because Lana is reclaiming her voice as a woman - and I think her telling her own story is the most powerful thing anyone can do. Setting the record straight and exploring her femininity by recognizing that while there have been women who have truly hurt her, she can now celebrate the women who have healed her. That’s in and of itself the opposite of what people have defamed Lana to be. I really do admire the fact that Lana calls all the shots when it comes to her career - whether or not you like the changes in production each album, or the promotional strategies (or lack thereof, sometimes) you can’t deny the fact that Lana Del Rey is a confident woman who truly is a great symbol of “traditionally feminine” women being empowering - especially when culture has, for a long time, accepted the masculinization of women as “true” feminism. That’s also why I also love artists like Nicki Minaj, Beyoncé, Megan Thee Stallion - they reclaim the hyper-sexuality and femininity that women have been conditioned to dissociate from in order to be taken seriously. Women like these, Lana included, give us the option to be comfortable in ourselves and to set our own boundaries when it comes to our presentations of self. Sorry for such a long rant - but @PatentLeatherDoOver’s quote set me off LOL <3 and I think this really ties into the album and the commentary Lana seems to be making by telling her own story (intentional or not) .
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