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Everything posted by hornymoon

  1. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    well atleast if charli fucks up her voice to the point of no return from drinking kim can ghost sing for her and give us vocals
  2. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    Omg its a TRUE bop LOCK IT LOCK LOCK IT UNLOCKIT also some gay better get on editing out the shitty jay park verse pls
  3. Imo this is the best she's looked in a while this era face-wise the cheek fillers aren't THAT bad, they look alot more natural and less stuffed than before...maybe it's because the makeup is ALOT better and her brows aren't fucked
  4. I feel the only correct answer is Paradise and this is coming from a gay who's a UV stan. y'all we got a fucking mini movie ala Tropico, the ep was so lush and rich in sound and she was at her peak in terms of looks imo her face was always beat for filth and some of the looks were just...immaculate. A beautiful era if I ever saw one
  5. Toot, the babydoll dress is super cute especially with the stripper heels not a fan of the hair tho alil flat looking
  6. its a cute toot, doesn't looks like she wearing much makeup here but the dress and hairband are cute
  7. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    Y'all better hot glue your edges because track 10 is gonna be ATAP with Boys as an interlude
  8. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    charli's voice nowadays sounds so damaged like even her normal speaking voice she needs to stop drinking/partying and take care of herself..she sounding like a goat
  9. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    okay so I'm guessing it was just played on a discord call and non of you gays actually have it or recorded it
  10. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    girls where's taxi? I'm ready for her wheres the links
  11. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    bitch if you respected charli YOU WOULDN'T HAVE THIS SONG IN THE FIRST PLACE get out ur flat ass out of here with this snowflake fighter for justice shit. leak it fat
  12. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    oh wow.. that tko snippet I'm ready for her to be leaked I'm ready to be saved
  13. I only ever listen to this album when I'm high I never listen to it sober because I'll notice some of the shitty production
  14. they're with our sweet baby angels yosemite, wild one and RBFY jk she'll prbly tweet out "oh hey bitch kids nearly forgot the tour dates are up I'm doing 5 shows in europe isnt that neat? x" in the next couple of days heres hoping
  15. hornymoon


    asdhfjkvprtrpkl the album is.. I'm speechless truly AOTY for me, ms kelela rlly did that! it's so sensual and the instrumentals are fuck me. Take Me Apart (the song) is amazing I'm blasting this on my speakers and the bass is insane
  16. these rumours gonna get my fucking hopes up if theres a video for 13 beaches and get free I might still have love for this era I really miss/want gorgeous visuals from lana so bad edit: not saying the videos so far have been bad they're just not my favourite and I'm still bitter about the white mustang video
  17. hornymoon


    love kelela so much can't wait to see her in november, will she sell her vinyls at the venue or should I buy it before?
  18. so u girls think will there be anymore visuals this era? I'm guessing no lol it's almost criminal to not give Cherry, Get Free or Heroin a video to end this messy era the latter two making the most sense, the visuals this era rlly disappointed me the album trailer got my gay boy hopes up
  19. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    queen of drugs tbh jk she prbly just smokes weed and drinks nowadays
  20. oh god.. the tomorrow never came love on here is rampant again I see I need to smoke whatever y'all are smoking because that song is a song only a mother could love dont ask me whyyy whahahahahawhy
  21. HAHAH $50-$80 for that basic white mess you've shook me outta enough coin this era lana u can keep that
  22. Queen of embroidery tbh and MESS at her saying theres only 7 places in europe for the tour girl..
  23. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    daily reminder that some gay needs to leak imma take u offline, our boyfriend, issues and stickyhq thanks
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