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Everything posted by 13bitches

  1. 13bitches

    Song vs. Song

    Pawn Shop Blues vs. Million Dollar Man
  2. Bad Guy winning SOTY was a loss for the country but WWAFAWDWG winning AOTY is a loss for the culture
  3. Azealia... that’s fucking phony as fuck... that’s phony as fucking fuck
  4. Wait I’m confused is Cameltoe Caramello covering Lana on a night Lana’s being snubbed? Talk ab insult to injury
  5. Maybe if she submitted The Greatest or California
  6. This is absolutely not funny, delete this immediately or my lawyer will be in contact
  7. They’ll submit Divide for AOTY at the last minute and ignore the eligibility period like they did for Lizzo
  8. Have the tattoos near her collar bones (the names) always looked this faded? Could she be trying to have them removed?
  9. Wait did they have a legit feud? I know some Lana stans (including myself to an extent) were salty that her management seemed to prefer in terms of actually promoting her but that was like two years ago
  10. Y’all the title WHF still sounds weird af to me but it’s giving me major Lizzy vibes rn. Lemonade Motorcycle Heaven teas No it’s blue
  11. Completely off topic but I saw your avatar and thought it was Renata Bliss “Additionally, her ears are also too low on her head for ‘classic beauty’”
  12. I’d imagine Yosemite, considering it was supposedly her favorite from LFL
  13. I figured and was kidding back
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