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Everything posted by 13bitches

  1. Selon toutes les lois connues de l'aviation, il n'existe aucun moyen une abeille devrait être capable de voler. Ses ailes sont trop petites pour que son gros corps disparaisse. L'abeille bien sûr, vole de toute façon parce que les abeilles ne se soucient pas ce que les humains pensent est impossible. Jaune, noir. Jaune, noir. Jaune, noir. Ooh, noir et jaune! Secouons-le un peu. Barry! Le petit déjeuner est prêt! Ooming! Attends une seconde. Bonjour? Barry? -Adam? Pouvez-vous croire que cela se passe? - Je ne peux pas. Je te récupérerai. Regarder précisément. Utilisez les escaliers. Votre père a payé de l'argent pour ceux-là. Pardon. Je suis surexcité.
  2. So is the uncredited McLaren sample still there?
  3. Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing
  4. Yep. You can also change to not be affiliated with either party
  5. I'd personally love to hear her take a crack at Silver Springs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIpdNJdir8M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVE4aOUX2iM
  6. You did it aaaaaaallll for cloooouuuut
  7. Hairspray (2007), starring Nikki Blonsky From the Movie Hairspray
  8. 13bitches


    But HFK was also a Very Bad Album after a Great One tbh. It’s so bland and dull compared to Badlands and Room 93
  9. For me personally it’s just to collect/have though I do have a cheap cassette recorder/player from Walmart. I also wanted that damn glitter cassette, so it was worth it to me
  10. 13bitches


    For me personally, nothing from her has really topped her first album Badlands. From that album I’d recommend Roman Holiday, Haunting, Drive, Colors, and Hold Me Down, though the whole album (especially the deluxe edition) is pretty good. All of Room 93’s pretty solid too. From hfk I’d recommend Heaven in Hiding, 100 Letters, Hopeless, and Sorry
  11. It’s not so much the fact that it’s explicit but something about the title just sounds tacky as all hell. Like the “Fucking” is there just because. It doesn’t add anything imo
  12. 13bitches

    Summer Of Sam

    Baby, I'm a cinnamon giiiiirl Keepin' it fresh on the e-east side Baby, I'm a tenement giiiiirl Keepin' it uncut, ch-cherry pie B-A-D-D-E-S-T Baddest girl in En Why See Baby, I'm a dangerous giiiiirl Baby, you should stay away from me
  13. Replace it with the demo and replace Doin Time with Yosemite
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