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Everything posted by jvcx

  1. jvcx


    hearing it so, so, so many times on tiktok totally ruined it for me. player of games is so much better
  2. jvcx


    ALBUM OUT THIS SUMMER https://www.laweekly.com/bjork-returns-to-cornucopia-tour-refreshed/ https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/01/19/bjork-talks-her-post-ecstatic-tour-and-new-album/
  3. jvcx

    The Weeknd

    I'm diggin' it! On my 8th listen so far and my favorites at the moment are (in tracklist order) • Gasoline • How Do I Make You Love Me? • Take My Breath • Sacrifice • Best Friends I just looove that TMB is the extended version, the bridge is so good
  4. jvcx


    the first one must be erased from the internet. but why use the second pic when there's this...
  5. jvcx

    The Weeknd

    Still bummed he cancelled the arena tour, me and my friend had good seats. I do hope he's still coming to Finland however and that those who had tickets for the arena tour actually will be prioritized once the stadium tour tickets come available. Take My Breath was one of my most played tracks in 2021 so I'm hyped for the album, the album cover is a mess although there's probably a story to it once we start getting music videos. Copped the second collector's edition CD, I can't wait
  6. jvcx

    Hikaru Utada

    never cared much for her but Movin' on without you is a total bop, absolutely love it
  7. jvcx


    Finallyyy And we actually get to see her for a couple of seconds against all odds!
  8. Jared Leto ruined it and the actual murder part was like 15 minutes tops and then the credits began??? entertaining at times but such a mess
  9. jvcx


    I mean it's kind of a bop once you accept the fact she's not going to reach her peak anytime soon
  10. jvcx


    Last night's show was so good omg all my faves from Homogenic and Vulnicura History of Touches with strings
  11. jvcx

    Rina Sawayama

    Did I really just pause Björk's Lionsong for this...?
  12. jvcx


    First news on what to expect from the upcoming album, from Björk's interview with an Icelandic radio station (full interview will be aired later today)!!! Google translate(d) interview here. You go girl, give us aggressive bangers Edit: Translation corrections by cu830 on 4um intrigued by google coming up with a beautiful "pink chill" in the translation of the interview, i researched some of the odd-sounding bits to check if they were pieces of legitimate poetry or simple mistakes. well, it turns out "pink chill" and "pink quiet" are not moments of synesthesia whatever but hide a much humbler "very". the "christmas balls" are neither seasonal celebrations or festive testicles. they're christmas bubbles, the small, selected group of people one was allowed to spend the holidays with because of covid restrictions in iceland. and luckily for him, the "man who banged his head at the party" wasn't victim of a domestic accident: he was simply headbanging, as one does at metal concerts and techno clubs. the whole quote ends painting up the same picture: a set of "very chill, very quiet" songs exploding in brief hardcore sections, just like an intimate close-friends house party is made of two hours of sitting around and fifteen minutes of wild dancing. looking for moments in björk's discography that fit the intimist+explosive bill, the first thing that came to mind was the volta tour version of "hyperballad". excited pink chills all over my body at the prospect. =================== Also the second Björk Orkestral show is today with the Hamrahlið Choir and organists Bergur Þórisson and Bjarni Frímann, she has teased the following songs on Instagram with her "score stories":
  13. jvcx


    awww that's so kind of you but you don't have to! unless if you really want to get rid of them, in that case just let me know how much shipping to Finland would cost
  14. jvcx


    oh damn i was on mobile and forgot to link it... but anyways bjork.fr (and mynameisobel on social media) had shared a French article or sumn of a project of Björk and James T. Merry that would allegedly be opened in France in May. both of them have removed the article so idk what's going on or if it turned out to be fake but i still have a part of the article bc I asked my friend to translate it for me and it said "Crée exclusivement pour le Centre Pompidou-Metz, le projet sera présenté à l'occasion de la sortie d'un nouvel album de l'artiste et d'une série de concerts en France." Edit: Found the article on Twitter
  15. jvcx


    NEW ALBUM NEXT SPRING!!! Edit: Source, could be a false alarm though
  16. jvcx


    Tonight is the night! 5 hours to go
  17. jvcx


    what the f
  18. jvcx


    Apologizes to those who noticed a new post, no news - kinda, scroll down -, just sharing the newest additions to my Björk shrine - I Miss You CD1 - Telegram - Bachelorette CD1 - Alarm Call EU CD - Hidden Place CD1 - Hidden Place CD2 - Greatest Hits (Gatefold Cardsleeve) However! The Björk Orkestral live streams will finally take place with the first one being on Oct 11th! More info and tickets can be found here I'm so happy we'll finally be able to see and hear her as this is her first public appearance in forever (those DJ gigs don't count) plus I'll get a glimpse of what to expect from my Björk Orchestral concert next summer... I have yet to buy my ticket for all the streams but!!!
  19. jvcx


    She's teasing a Shinigami Eyes video on Tiktok but girl no one cares for the song anymore...
  20. jvcx

    Lil Nas X

    His cover art is always so good... the industry needs to take notes
  21. jvcx

    Rina Sawayama

    why put out tracks like SAWAYAMA (Deluxe) when she's capable of so much more...
  22. The Suicide Squad Absolutely insane, an ultraviolent gorefest and I loved every minute of it, Margot nailed Harley yet again and *a mild spoiler not related to plot*
  23. jvcx


    oh god no one's gonna wait THAT long unless she like drops once in a month...
  24. jvcx


    The tiktok snippet actually sounded interesting and ngl I'm somewhat excited for Shinigami Eyes bc of the Death Note reference
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