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Hello Heaven

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Everything posted by Hello Heaven

  1. I'm actually thinking maybe Blue Jeans is my least favourite. Yesterday I went throught the whole album, doing this test I always do to find out my fave/least fave of something and it turned out to be Blue Jeans? But I'm not sure with BJ or TIWMUG
  2. YES. I'm pleased it's not just me who feels this way. That's why I don't want it to be re-released.
  3. aha, why do I even find this smiley hilarious?
  4. The Lorax :L My sister and her friend were going so I just sorta tagged along. The one before that I belive it was Katy Perry: Part Of Me aswell. It was good, it's made me appreciate Katy more now.
  5. I don't think I want LDR a.k.a LG to be re-released
  6. Playing Dangerous Carry me up them stairs with my white socks on...
  7. Baby if you love me, call me your bunny
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuI91zEIM5I This is from her album which is all in english from '92
  9. Haha, me too! I can't believe Smarty has 5 votes. 5!
  10. I'm not even sure myself. I'd rather think of it as 'born to live' than die but honestly, I've been thinking a lot about why we were born because of the song, haha. Anyway, the song title sounds better than something happy like 'born to fly on a rainbow' or something.
  11. I agree. I'd definatly describe it as auburn but I'm sure it could pass as light ginger.
  12. haha, I think we were born to live aswell and sometimes I don't really feel like listening to the song but I feel that when I skip a song, my mind then starts to think I don't like it or something so I get annoyed everytime it plays. So I try and avoid that.
  13. I love the album too, it's just perfect. It's amazing to think people didn't know about it when it was on sale. I just chose PSB because I sometimes find it a little hard to digest and it can't quite reach in and touch my heart but it's still very pretty.
  14. Yes! Back in Feb when I was obsessed with all her Lizzy/unreleased stuff, my favourites were Money Honey and Trash Magic. I never listen to Money Honey anymore.
  15. I voted This Is What Makes Us Girls, I'm expecting Lucky Ones will be the least favourite though.
  16. I'm already 99% sure I know what the answer will be
  17. Yeah, a few minor errors but that can be sorted. I kind of ignore this song now which is sad because it's a beautiful song and it used to be one of my favourites.
  18. Because of your avi' and signature ;D
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