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About yayoben

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  • Birthday 09/23/1999

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    England, UK.
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  1. yayoben

    Charli XCX

    People on Twitter seem to have White Mercedes - does anyone have the link to it or is it fake?
  2. I wont get that then haha. I bought the red sweater and although the fit isnt the best (I am a guy though) the quality is decent enough and I like it. I just wanted something for the Antwerp concert in April, like id get the hat but £35 is too much for that and the Cherry stuff seems way overpriced for what it is too :/
  3. Whats the racing jacket like? Would you say its good quality & worth money or?
  4. Thats what I thought, it looks genuine but obviously theres this storm of tweets and people saying theyre all fake, some of them do look iffy yes but she probably had to sign thousands
  5. This was my signed litho, a UK one, does it look fake do u think or..?
  6. The boxset, like the honeymoon one just seems so boring and disappointing, and way overpriced. Like the prints are ok but for what it is its way to expensive. I managed to get the BTD Paradise box set today and its so much better. The Ultraviolence vinyl one is super nice too, but these recent ones just seem a waste of money and time tbh.
  7. https://open.spotify.com/track/52xAOawE5GDmfmRQO5x048 Ellie Goulding - O' Holy Night as i'm seeing her Monday and it's nearly Christmas!
  8. Have any guys had the sweater? If so whats the sizing like?
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