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About softdecay

  • Rank
    evil bitchmonster of death
  • Birthday 01/03/2001

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  • Interests
    music, video games, memes, brooding, fantasizing about being happy one day
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  1. is the album still happening or can i go find someone else to stan?
  2. If I have patience to listen to a 23 minutes long track (pink floyd - echoes — great song by the best band of all time, you guys should check it out) I’m sure we can all handle a 10 minutes long song. Let’s just show Lana our support. Even though we aren’t all on the same page we can at least show some appreciation for another album that I’m sure will be fantastic. We owe her our love and support, guys. After all we are her stans.
  3. The album title is cringy but it confirms Lana has finally lost it and doesn’t give any fucks anymore. I think that’s nice, you know. That she finally feels comfortable enough to be herself, even if herself is kinda crazy and not worried at all.
  4. Me too! I just got home just to find out the new album will be a prog-ish masterpiece. I’m hyped af
  5. After listening to Venice Bitch I got a sorta prog rock vibe from it. Am I the only one who hopes the psychedelic era is finally arriving?
  6. Although innovating is always the keyword when it comes to Lana, I’d love to see some sort of shadow of her previous works. Perhaps using a similar imagery of UV and mixing with a little bit of every album in order to form a new one, but in a way that it kinda brings a nostalgic feeling. Maybe I’m just tripping too much, but I think I’d be a nice experience.
  7. I might check out then. I’m just not a fan of her MDM lives.
  8. Yesterday’s concert was pretty decent compared to this one tho
  9. I think the medley might be able to Change things for the better... get it? Change... nevermind
  10. I hope next week’s concert doesn’t go as bad as this one.
  11. I don’t usually complain about Lana and I always support her but she seems extra lazy today. Like, she’s not even trying.
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