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Everything posted by champagnecigarettes

  1. literally what are you talking about it was a joke that wasn't a joke
  2. LMFAOOO mess... I'm only half kidding
  3. hello skinnies please leak japan and the original upbeat blame it on ur luv
  4. me realizing that miss bicassie was most likely banned for shitposting on ATRL so she came here to shitpost and disrupt the peace (just kidding cassie love ya bitch xx you are annoying but you could be worse I guess just delete your account and you should be fine )
  5. idc if she sees it or not it's still disgusting behavior you guys know better
  6. Y'all are so fucking ugly Yes Alma is fat and fat acceptance is a load of bullshit but really? There's a difference between pushing someone to get healthy and being a nasty cunt. If you're gonna make fat jokes at least make them tasteful get a sense of rhythm challenge 2018
  7. can anyone link me to the demo version of boys?
  8. Charli has 12 million monthly listeners on Spotify, ranked as 121st in the world. Imagine her label sees how all the collabs on Pop 2 bring in big numbers and they try to make XCX3 full of features??? XCX3 better be completely solo (with the exception of MO, they make bops together... but I'd still prefer no features unless it makes the song a hit) or I will start a war
  9. that's the joke, it's backwards on purpose
  10. sis if you knew what's good for you, you wouldn't try to get cute with the legends (except cybiko she can choke) who provided us countless bops. js
  11. I forgot Jay Park is on Unlock It and I was about to sing along to another chorus until I heard him instead I was like
  12. Charli putting bicasie in her place after the distasteful behavior y'all have been displaying in these past few pages
  13. tea (fixed that for you) this tea omg the kesha stan is back to say what needs to be said!! hi skinny
  14. is that neon hitch in your pfp? she filmed the music video for "Yard Sale" a few streets from my house omg
  16. do you have a link to her mentioning it? I've never heard of "True Romance" the song and now I'm wondering LMFAOOO
  17. https://twitter.com/superuItralove/status/954895839360704512 I would just like to say I loved the way True Romance and Sucker started off. Those dreamy synths in Nuclear Seasons and then the beginning of Sucker??? amazing . The beginning of Sucker sounds like the beginning of the movie! It's like an aerial view that flies away as the curtains are drawn to reveal Charli standing in front of a huge stadium/arena and she's ready to collect everyone's wigs one by one. Iconic. So cinematic.
  18. I'm not sure how I would feel about inorganic Charli memes as a ploy from her label, but I suppose as long as it's not obvious enough that we notice, it doesn't matter anyway. I get that you're talking about commercial memes but conversely, I wouldn't call a bunch of lanaboards stans making Vroom Vroom memes "inorganic", I mean, memes have to come from somewhere, and what's a better place than from dedicated stans? True but that was in it's "wild west" stage and all good things come to an end, it was bound to happen :/. Look at all those big 1mil+ meme pages on instagram that are all part of some weird club, it's not unlike the leakers' circles that are hoarding the Exchange songs. Most people like the feeling of exclusivity and feeling like they're in on something. I guess you could say that's the whole idea of advertisement - trying to get in on the next big thing before anyone else does and capitalizing on it. I feel like the major push behind Camila was that she went solo from a major girl group (biggest girl group in america etc however you wanna see it), and that made a lot of people wonder what would happen next - people were actually checking for her. Plus, given her circumstances, that's a lot of pressure for the label to make sure she doesn't flop. There just isn't that kind of major push behind Charli (but according to the Pop 2 stans, she doesn't need paid reviews as the critics love what she's doing) On top of all that, I'm not sure huge commercial success is where it's at for Charli. I've said this so many times it's becoming platitudinous, but she wasn't happy in the Sucker era and if you trace everything back, her unhappiness began when she broke into the industry with 'I love it' (although that could've gone way worse, look at Bebe Rexha with that rihanna monster song and how much of a sell-out she is now). Commercial success is a hit or miss when it comes to whether or not someone is truly happy with it and if everything doesn't go well, we'll have another Sucker type situation. But who knows, maybe the second time around she'll know how to play the game with what she already knows. I really just want Vroom Vroom to be a meme bop because I'm hoping it'll kickstart something. She's not making waves outside of her immediate reach (her fans and the fans of the people she's collabing with) and she's not producing work (I'm looking at you Pop 2) that showcases everything she can do. When she's given the chance, she can make some really solid, stellar pop, and that's what I miss. Best case scenario is that it kickstarts the proper era we've been waiting for. That's why these mixtapes don't feel substantial. I don't know about everyone else but I crave a proper era that I can look back on years from now the way I do with Sucker. idk. Maybe it's just because Sucker was my introduction to her music and it carries a lot of nostalgia for my sophomore year of high school and the summer of 2016. edit: i made the text smaller btw does anyone know where I can watch The Candy Shop without having an iTunes subscription or whatever? Not that I care what Billy Floplish has to say but yeah
  19. my impact omg let's make it happen
  20. really? what songs?? + if flop ass atlantic wasn't 'forward-thinking' enough to give Charli's bops the attention they deserve, they'd never be smart enough to come up with the idea for meme marketing those dusty old raisins probably don't even know what memes are
  21. let's all make vroom vroom memes in hopes of being ripped off by a popular meme page challenge 2018
  22. I haven't seen you here in a while, welcome back! mess at the charli drag in that second half we don't support unmerited XCX slander in this house we only support our queen winning
  24. the replies have a rip off of boom clap, a rip off of london queen, and the serayah photoshoot that looks like n1a
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