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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by champagnecigarettes in Charli XCX   
    Ever since she said that she felt like TR wasn't her authentic self and rather a shy muted version of herself to compensate for always being "too much", and that there were other voices involved other than her own in that album, True Romance has lost it's glimmer. It's still a beautiful album and I know she somewhat backpedaled by recently tweeting "wow true romance is such a good album" but like can a decent interviewer ask her to elaborate on that instead of being all "heehee what does xcx stand for ^_^ what's ur favorite color XD"?? 
  2. xcx liked a post in a topic by champagnecigarettes in Charli XCX   
    Ever since she said that she felt like TR wasn't her authentic self and rather a shy muted version of herself to compensate for always being "too much", and that there were other voices involved other than her own in that album, True Romance has lost it's glimmer. It's still a beautiful album and I know she somewhat backpedaled by recently tweeting "wow true romance is such a good album" but like can a decent interviewer ask her to elaborate on that instead of being all "heehee what does xcx stand for ^_^ what's ur favorite color XD"?? 
  3. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by champagnecigarettes in Charli XCX   
    update: I know she was trying to sell Sucker (lol remember when she told us she had to push back the release date for sucker because of the success of boom clap, as if that wasn't a decision made by some label dumbass) and was trying to convince us that Sucker was her authentic self (TR to Sucker was a huge change). Maybe now that she's done promoting Sucker and doesn't have to deal with all the commercial bullshit, she can finally admit that she really did like True Romance. It could also be that she just hated that era of her career and life. How sad that she's still stuck in the cycle of being expected to get a hit while not even being able to release hits because she needs a hit before she can release a hit.
  4. champagnecigarettes liked a post in a topic by cool3dworld in Charli XCX   
    all that glitter, like wasted tunes
    It all falls down because I'm losing my cool
  5. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by champagnecigarettes in Charli XCX   
    Ever since she said that she felt like TR wasn't her authentic self and rather a shy muted version of herself to compensate for always being "too much", and that there were other voices involved other than her own in that album, True Romance has lost it's glimmer. It's still a beautiful album and I know she somewhat backpedaled by recently tweeting "wow true romance is such a good album" but like can a decent interviewer ask her to elaborate on that instead of being all "heehee what does xcx stand for ^_^ what's ur favorite color XD"?? 
  6. champagnecigarettes liked a post in a topic by lonely lonely night in Charli XCX   
    i feel like she wouldn't mind to be honest but i don't know. she's all but confirmed she hates the sucker era and never wants to perform break the rules again and i imagine she's not thrilled that two slots on her set are taken up by songs that aren't even actually hers.
  7. champagnecigarettes liked a post in a topic by Mista Midnight in Charli XCX   
    I wish we could get another True Romance
    That album was so damn good. I know the chances are slim since Charli said she doesn't like to repeat herself, but man....
  8. Touch liked a post in a topic by champagnecigarettes in Charli XCX   
    I would try but my upload speed is terrible 
  9. champagnecigarettes liked a post in a topic by canela in Charli XCX   
    studio snippets of Round and Round and No Angel are going around 
  10. champagnecigarettes liked a post in a topic by cool3dworld in Charli XCX   
    bich where's taxi?
    also will we ever hear the other losing my cool...
  11. Valentino liked a post in a topic by champagnecigarettes in Charli XCX   
    I will also forever be salty about the fact that the Red Bull 30 Days in LA concert was fucking FREE and the only reason I couldn't go was because the event was 21 and over. I could've witnessed the legendary Exchange songs and that iconic HBA jacket (that would later make an appearance on the cover of Number One Angel) paired with the red latex in person. I could've been there.
    Also, I've been meaning to post this thought I've had for quite some time: If that fat bitch @fckyeahcharli didn't PUBLICLY TWEET that Charli PRIVATELY MESSAGED them shortly after the release of N1A that she would be sending a WeTransfer file with the Exchange tracks sometime in the following week... we would probably have them. But no, they had to fuck it up and paint Charli as a liar for never sending it. Obviously it's a risky situation if she's having to go behind her label's back and message a fan account in order to get those songs released in some way but, I can't say I expect whoever runs that account to be smart enough to realize that. Angels, get your pitchforks and torches ready, @fckyeahcharli needs to be exterminated.
    Charli's career frustrates me so much
  12. Valentino liked a post in a topic by champagnecigarettes in Charli XCX   
    Does anyone think Charli's still dealing with nasal congestion from the flu or whatever she had? She did have to be on vocal rest... fuck idk her voice just sounded really, really bad and I'm trying to figure out why she sounded so husky and congested. Her voice even kinda cracked. Wtf is going on. Her tone is consistent in the studio (that's not something you can edit) so why can't she reproduce the same sound live? It doesn't even sound like she can hold a steady note anymore. Is it laziness or health? Maybe all the partying is destroying her voice?? Boys is a terrible song to sing live anyways.
    Charli is such a prolific artist and she's too talented to spend her time and effort on trying to fulfill a record label quota. XCX3 should've been out by now but her label is STILL forcing promo out of Boys. ATAP was a bit of a slow burner hit, but it's not like that matters because her label is too fucking stupid to realize she know's what she's doing. All they've ever done is hold her back.
    I bet Charli is soooo tired of these games, she must be so frustrated. 
    She doesn't need more mainstream success, she needs her label to give her more freedom over her own career. To the GP, she looks like a talentless one hit wonder trying to score another hit with subpar songs, WHEN SHE"S SITTING ON BOPS 1000x BETTER THAN BOYS OR ATAP!!!! Remember that IG post months ago about how excited and happy she was after having the best meeting ever with her label and how she can't wait to get all the new music to us? That might all be over now because of the leaks. I wish she would've had some sort of announcement to make: a title, a release date, even a release month, instead of dragging us along. I wanna see her contract details tbh
  13. Valentino liked a post in a topic by champagnecigarettes in Charli XCX   
    The Sucker era really, really took a toll on Charli. She worked sooo hard and burned out and her label STILL wants to put her through the stress of trying to make XCX3 a commercial hit? I feel so bad for her, it must be the worst feeling in the world to not be able to release your own art AND not be able to tell the truth about how you feel. The shitty cover ups for her label don't work!!
    Going from being frustrated at your label for delaying your album the FIRST time and making a mixtape behind their back and having to FIGHT to get it released
    Then it's delayed a SECOND time and your feelings are "I just want to make sure it's as good as possible", "2018 is just the best time for me"??
    I think she's gonna burn out again. Singing that shitty setlist for a whole tour with halsey and then doing the same thing with Sia? Absolutely tragic. I'm sure she's sick of 80% of those songs already. 
    fffff  I'm frustrated again Charli's in record label hell. In an alternate universe, she'd prosper under a different record label and finally be able to release all the bops into the world. The music industry is so fucking twisted and corrupt and Charli is a perfect example of that. 
    Imagine Atlantic loosened up and Charli released the Exchange songs an EP and she dropped a second mixtape before the album's release. That would totally make up for this royal fuck up on Atlantic's behalf but that would never happen.

    Didn't she allude to a possible second mixtape before the album earlier this year?

    There was also that instagram post a few months ago about having the best label meeting ever ksdvksdfvhj imagine she deletes it lmaoo I'd go bomb atlantic's headquarters 
  14. Valentino liked a post in a topic by champagnecigarettes in Charli XCX   
    I believe she's just a very tumultuous person; full of ups and downs. Here are some words from her Complex interview
     Charli considers herself an awkward person, or at least has felt like one lately. She’s had panic attacks in the studio, during which she’ll start to crawl on or under the equipment. She’s shut down before, emotionally. She’ll quickly cop to feeling self-conscious at existential moments of recognizing her weird, sometimes isolating existence.
    When I ask her to elaborate on all of this, she’s already ahead of me. It all just spills out:
    “There are days where I can go into a room full of people, talk to every single person, and feel completely at ease, and feel like making every single person laugh, and feel like everyone’s having a great time. There are other times where I go into a room of people and I literally want to run and hide. I want to lock myself in the bathroom and cry, which I’ve done. It’s not because anyone’s saying anything horrible to me. It’s just...people are asking me questions—not even asking me questions about Charli XCX.”
    Before I can ask her whom these people are asking her about: “I’ve felt like a schizophrenic person since the beginning of 2014. Sometimes I just shut down and want to stay in bed and cry. Other times I want to get fucked up in the most fun way possible.”
    Sorry for how squished-together it is, I had to remove the pink background formatting from the Complex website bc it was an eyesore 
  15. champagnecigarettes liked a post in a topic by Honeybear in Charli XCX   
    I miss those early XCX3 days when she was mostly wearing caps, bikini tops, and tennis skirts
  16. champagnecigarettes liked a post in a topic by Madrigal in Charli XCX   
    "Money" is SOOOOO GOOD, I listen to it more than almost every leak but "Can You Hear Me" & CTMP.
  17. Sky Ferreira liked a post in a topic by champagnecigarettes in Charli XCX   
    thank you so much! I hope they're not too "stream of consciousness"-y
    have you not seen the instagram post or did you take my bomb threat literal
    cocaine queen

    remember this thread was all about begging for Mow That Lawn and then "Mess" and "Midnight" leaked and it was apparently the biggest deal ever until her whole third album leaked and the gays died hence why this thread has been so dead lately? also leak japan 
  18. LonelyHeart liked a post in a topic by champagnecigarettes in Charli XCX   
    thank you so much! I hope they're not too "stream of consciousness"-y
    have you not seen the instagram post or did you take my bomb threat literal
    cocaine queen

    remember this thread was all about begging for Mow That Lawn and then "Mess" and "Midnight" leaked and it was apparently the biggest deal ever until her whole third album leaked and the gays died hence why this thread has been so dead lately? also leak japan 
  19. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by champagnecigarettes in Charli XCX   
    I wonder if Our Boyfriend was a demo for someone...
    also I would've preferred Run 4 Ur Munty over Boys as a Charli song with no Charli writing credits 
    Blame It On Ur Luv better have been her own song she wrote for herself 

  20. bwugdakfbabue liked a post in a topic by champagnecigarettes in Charli XCX   
    I wonder if Our Boyfriend was a demo for someone...
    also I would've preferred Run 4 Ur Munty over Boys as a Charli song with no Charli writing credits 
    Blame It On Ur Luv better have been her own song she wrote for herself 

  21. champagnecigarettes liked a post in a topic by twitter in Charli XCX   
    i love listening to charli's music it like motivates me to do wild shit 
  22. champagnecigarettes liked a post in a topic by KillForLove in Charli XCX   
    Excuse me, what?
  23. champagnecigarettes liked a post in a topic by YourJustice98 in Charli XCX   
    I love your posts, they're so insightful.
  24. champagnecigarettes liked a post in a topic by lonely lonely night in Charli XCX   
    omg i've been approved <3 been lurking since july, hi girls
  25. twitter liked a post in a topic by champagnecigarettes in Charli XCX   
    I believe she's just a very tumultuous person; full of ups and downs. Here are some words from her Complex interview
     Charli considers herself an awkward person, or at least has felt like one lately. She’s had panic attacks in the studio, during which she’ll start to crawl on or under the equipment. She’s shut down before, emotionally. She’ll quickly cop to feeling self-conscious at existential moments of recognizing her weird, sometimes isolating existence.
    When I ask her to elaborate on all of this, she’s already ahead of me. It all just spills out:
    “There are days where I can go into a room full of people, talk to every single person, and feel completely at ease, and feel like making every single person laugh, and feel like everyone’s having a great time. There are other times where I go into a room of people and I literally want to run and hide. I want to lock myself in the bathroom and cry, which I’ve done. It’s not because anyone’s saying anything horrible to me. It’s just...people are asking me questions—not even asking me questions about Charli XCX.”
    Before I can ask her whom these people are asking her about: “I’ve felt like a schizophrenic person since the beginning of 2014. Sometimes I just shut down and want to stay in bed and cry. Other times I want to get fucked up in the most fun way possible.”
    Sorry for how squished-together it is, I had to remove the pink background formatting from the Complex website bc it was an eyesore 
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