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  1. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    There's something very Electra Heart about this one
  2. Life

    Lady Gaga

    Shadow Of A Man is one of her best songs *period*, along with Zombieboy and Perfect Celebrity.
  3. I’ll never forget that time Tenninch let me ch… nevermind
  4. Life


    someone needs to *still* post Hand On Me it's about time ladies
  5. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I saw that on the Xincel it's not that it's a *bad* song, but we all know she can do so much better is where the disappointment lies.
  6. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    The pitched vocals really doesn’t do it for me still I think lyrically it’s just a really awkward section and it just doesn’t work. They should have been more background vocals than the lead for that bit, but hey ho.
  7. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    God forbid artists work with the same producers
  8. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    it's very Kill V Maim by Grimes, or so they say
  9. Life

    The Sims

    Yeah, they fixed the issues just before the anniversary and it now works with Intel 13th and 14th gen processors!
  10. Life

    Lady Gaga

    oh, so we're back to this again i'm surprised they haven't screenshotted the scene from Bad Romance and claimed it was real yet.
  11. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Hummmm…. I mean, it’s the closest sorta kooky TFJ sound we’ve had since that album so we’ll see.
  12. Life

    Lady Gaga

    Absolute top-tier. I genuinly does feel like the Gaga 2.0 refresh that we all needed.
  13. Life

    Lady Gaga

    The only real line in that is the "I can be your girlfriend" - everything else is AI trash.
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