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Everything posted by Kerrigan

  1. say lou lou - feels like we only go backwards true queens of indie. i cant stop listening to this
  2. Panama - Destroyer this song is so friggin chill
  3. Kerrigan


    bitch maybe i dont
  4. Kerrigan

    Lady Gaga

    1. Donatella 2. the others Sexxx Dreams was my fave and then the chorus happened x
  5. Kerrigan


    i need a dl link tb effing h
  6. btd its sleeper success
  7. this kinda goes both ways tho. like our opinions dont affect them so why does it matter.. ill be honest hes ugly af
  8. agree cant even imagine how awkward only lana would be
  9. julie london - fly me to the moon
  10. Kerrigan

    Song vs. Song

    butterflies pt 2 vs dynamite
  11. Kerrigan

    Azealia Banks

    i really hate to say this bc i love azeals through her twitter bitching but im beginning to think shes just not as great as i once thought. she put out a few MASTERPIECES and seems to have dried up before her album even dropped.. now all i hear is the same flow on a different beat "the repetition kills you" intentionally ironic line?? lol
  12. Kerrigan


    love this i get so nervous right before she goes for the high notes tho
  13. 1: When did you first discover Lana Del Rey umm it was sometime over the ​summer of 2011 my friend posted the original yayo on facebook and i was mesmerized. but tbh i listened to other stuff that was online back then and didnt like her 2: What was the first song that made you fall in love with her music ​national anthem once she released the trailer video. i probably listened to it like 100+ times that day 3: Favorite Lana hairstyle ​idc honestly lana does hair so well 4: Favorite live performance ​idr where it was but somewhere she did a p good run of trash magic during in her lizzy grant dayz 5: Favorite lyric ​"its just you and the sun now, baby" 6: Would you make out with Lana if you had the chance to? omg yes 7: Favorite facial feature lipsss 8: What's one thing you don't like about Lana? shes so fuggin dramatic abt things in the industry and she never promotes her stuff like a little more confidence and advertising would go so far ugh i dont even... whatever 9: Have you ever met Lana? nup 10: Who's you favorite artist after Lana? who said shes my fave jk she is uM i like lorde and bon iver and azealia and why? a lot 11: Would you say you're obsessed or just a really big fan? o im obsessed 12: What if Lana was secretly an evil zombie would you still love her? ya the walking dead is like my fave show cy@
  14. Kerrigan


  15. Kerrigan


    the fucking QUEENE quoted and loves my favorite band i would cry but ive forgotten how ttyl
  16. Kerrigan


    haha oh god i thought the exact same thing when i first saw the Tennis Court cover that movie also any1 kno where Good Fights is cuz
  17. its been so long since we first heard about it i forgot she dresses as a chola
  18. KAl(SO4)2 · nH2O sry lame i had homework hehe
  19. Kerrigan


    omg that promo.. you have to
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