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  1. liam liked a post in a topic by Florida-Native in Why do you love Lana?   
    There is truly no one like her. Video Games was so captivating that I was hooked instantly. She is so sweet to fans and truly makes an effort to get to know them and talk to them. She is also so down to earth, like even though she is famous she stills acts like a normal person instead of some spoiled celebrity. The mystery of her life also captivates because it's like doing a puzzle with no clear image and you can choose which pieces you accept and which pieces you think are rumor. I could keep writing, but I don't want to spend my entire New Years writing an essay on how much I love her and she was my first musical obsession.
  2. naachoboy liked a post in a topic by liam in Azealia Banks   
  3. iloveguineapigs liked a post in a topic by liam in Azealia Banks   


    https://soundcloud.com/azealia-banks/bbd by https://soundcloud.com/azealia-banks/bbd
  4. liam liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Naw, i wouldn’t go that far and say that i corrected you. We’re just talking and exchanging ideas here. You stated your opinion, i disagreed with it and i explained why. Your opinion is no less valid or correct than mine or anyone else’s. And no need to apologize for your post, haa.
    Continuing on this subject though, because i think there's a lot of good stuff to talk about here, something i love so much about Lana Del Rey is how much of a ‘90s/early 2000s kid she is. Nirvana, Britney Spears, Guns N' Roses, Biggie Smalls, but with that very crucial component of having one foot planted firmly in the past, and all the inspirations and obsessions that come along with that--Elvis, Americana, old Hollywood, etc. She’s a little too old to have grown up with the internet and YouTube, but she’s still very much a product of it. That is just so apparent in all her homemade videos. And part of that is the whole webcam aesthetic: kids sitting in their poorly-lit room in front of the computer, un-self-consciously hamming up the camera, knowing you’re alone in your room, that no one is looking, you’ve got your ridiculous wigs on and you’re dancing like a fool. There are no pretenses there about the “right” lighting and camera angles and even picture quality. Forget that, leave that to the people who already shot the footage that she’s stealing and splicing into her videos. And i even love the fact that rather than, say, scouring for old VHS videos at the library and thrift stores, she just gets the footage directly off of YouTube, including the atrocious quality and compression artifacts. It’s like she’s wearing it on her sleeve and reminding us that she’s of her generation and time. It’s great, i don’t think she’s trying to fool anyone or pretend as if she transcends her era or anything. And i think this is where a lot of the magic in her whole persona, artistry, and aesthetic comes in--that highly idiosyncratic conflation of influences, styles, and ethos that form something without precedent. She is neither here nor there, but at the same time, as i mentioned before, she’s totally right here in the present, sort of holding a mirror up to the past--albeit a highly romanticized one. She could not have materialized as the artist we have come to know as Lana Del Rey any other way or time but the here and now.
    Oh, and what you said about how she pushes your buttons...that, too, is why i’m here right now. She’s flawed and a lot of her choices are rather questionable. But that’s exciting. I don't want some perfect package that is always doing the right and artistically-sound thing. I want the hiccups, missteps, the warts and all. The Brite Lites video, a little embarrassing? Sure. And like you yourself said, awkward. But that’s a real person sitting in their home without any pretenses, and that sort of clumsy, incongruous pairing of music style and imagery is refreshingly baffling and inviting. At least i think so.
  5. liam liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in What would you do if you could be Lana for one week?   
    send mean dm's to annoying fans on twitter ^_^
  6. liam liked a post in a topic by YouMakeMeWild in Paradise Singles   
    I don't think she'll release another single after Cola, but I think Gods And Monsters would be a good single.
  7. liam liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    I feel so bad for Lindsey though. She gets so much shit. I'm sure Lana handled her drug addiction well. Lindsey is just getting more problems. . I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up like Amy Winehouse. Poor thing.
  8. liam liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I love the homemade videos the are so interesting and so unique like no other artist would do that
  9. liam liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Lana covers Rolling Stone: Mexico   
    The January issue will have Lana on the cover, they will be talking about the best things in 2012.


    Muse at the best of 2012

  10. liam liked a post in a topic by HammondCheezeFilms in The "Lana Del Rey Holiday Album" Music Video   
    We LOVE Lana Del Rey and have been playing her music while shooting all of our projects over the last year... and NOW, we thought "what if Lana Del Rey had a holiday album?" Check it out and share this awesome video with your friends and family for the holidays!
    Merry Christmas!
    Hammond Cheeze Films

  11. liam liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Plans for Lana in 2013? You decide!   

    Eh nah, maybe in 2020?
  12. liam liked a post in a topic by yu16273947 in Interview (french radio): RFM 14/12/12   
    Lana I've read that you said of that remake album "it's me without makup"
    Why ?
    I didn't said that but its a good phrase. It's not me, its always me with makeup but thats beautifuller than me with a makeup that I create myself.
    Because it seems me more natural and I'm feeling good with it, just like driving to Santa Monica. I could registrate all my songs in one time and let them in studio and let saying me that's is good there is nothing to change. Then I would say yes, i adore, more than the original.
    Why calling this album the remake of "The Paradise Edition" ?
    I beclieve in the beauty and in the power of the strong deads. I love the word "Paradise", I tatoed it"
    You tatoed the word paradise ?
    Yes I have one. I love the words like "paradise", "heaven". The words who have a sence, who want say much. Lana Del Rey, I like just it sounds. I like the words "tropico", "exotic".
    In the song "Body Electric", you are saying Elvis is my dad and Marilyin is my mother. Now you are a icone, a star. How do you live beeing a such big star daily.
    I'm feeling so in France of in London. In the United-States, its totally different. You laughing? The United-States doen't respect me , they aren't hearing my music there.
    I dont know, it's not my point of view. It's the truth. The France saved my disk, London has saved my disk, Brasil. I want say that the people are thinking here my music is more interesting but elsewhere they're thinking it's not good. I dont feel like a icone, i'm worring about my songs future, what they will become.
    Lana you are a star, we have seen a lot of things about you this year, especially this rumor : you gonna stop with music. Is it right of wrong ?
    So, when the people are interviewing me, they push me always to say : " do you gonna be stopping to sing! All the world think that you have a lot of critisms. So do you gonna be stop with singing?" I want say, the people did't stopped to ask me this and I answer simply, I don't know. Maybe ?"
    Then it could become maybe be a no ?
    Yes, maybe it become a no. The journalistes are also artistes for themselves, it's not interesting to say the truth. They want telling stories, they want to create an image with informations they have I think it's important, I want say as a humen. It's so like we had the intuition to create an artistic work during the life. And I think that when the puplic isn't interested of that, it's better to keep it private for yourself, so it didn't touch you personal relations. Bacause when you feel that someone like what you do, it's ruin you relations with people who are closely to you because you have the impression that nobody want beeing witness of your life.
    We have loved you here, Lana.
    Lana, I want to know, you favourites in the music, what is it?
    I had the best proffessors, I heard all the big masters : Jeff Buckley is my favourite, Jim Morrison des Doors, Kurt Cobain is my biggest inspiration.
    About Jim Morrison, you have the same passion for Los Angeles, for the district of Laurel Canyon who descend up to the Santa Monica Boulevard. Is it the coolest place for you, the most inspirant ?
    Hum, it's one of my good moments in the evening, driving with a open roof, thinking about all the words I want to write. I'm feeling excited when I am there alone on the road and my imagination is so big like the sky. But I like to live in Paris in fact. I was passionated of New York, I lived 10 years. I dont want to sing there, I'm feeling good where I am acceptet, I'm feeling good here.
    So when we want to see you in Paris, we need to pick a car to see you driving on the Champs Elysées, is it?
    (laughing) Yes, I were singing, close to the water. "Non rien de rien" (laughing).
    Lana, the best out of the cinema for you. I read that you like it to watch films ten times in a row.
    Is it weird?
    So like a child ?
    No, so like a student. The best students are probably the most childs of us.
    And you like "Le Parrain", is it? What are the other films that you could watch ten times of fifteen times in a row?
    Yes I like "American Beauty", "Don't look back" who follows Bob Dylan of his tour in the 60'. I like "Girl interrupted".
    Ah, so no films of the french cinema ? In revenge the french artists who you like particulary, except Edith Piaf that you are singing in the moment?
    Yes but just the very popular. I like much Serge Gainsbourg and, Leonard Cohen is not french but I think of him when I'm thinking of the France. And generally also when I love the music, and also when I am inspired a lot of the music, I am the most influented of the powerful images. I like the idea of Paris, that will say the same thing what America was : romantic, free. So the images can be very powerful.
    Here is the translated text. Maybe some mistakes but I hope good understandable.
  13. BluVelvUnderground liked a post in a topic by liam in Songs Lana should cover   
    Radiohead - Creep
    I would give anything to hear her cover this song, it would be perfect.
  14. liam liked a post in a topic by teethclick in Crystal Castles   
    I'm not sure, but I guess so. Hahhah.
  15. liam liked a post in a topic by ednafrau in Lana performs at The Roxy Theatre with cover band Camp Freddy   
    hey guys!
    i finally came across video (a minute long, but )!!

    and complete audio with video featuring only billy morrison
    love her version of "wonderwall"!
    once again, let me hope for a covers album (a la cat power) from lana

  16. liam liked a post in a topic by TIARNZUS in Lana Board Demographics   




    Sexual Orientation

    Political Ideology

    Favourite LDR album

    Favourite song on Born to Die

    Favourite song on LDR AKA LG

    Favourite single

  17. liam liked a post in a topic by imissedthlastbus in Well, I guess I should post some of my art...   
    I ended up giving this drawing to Lana at the premiere for her short film Ride.

  18. liam liked a post in a topic by Dimitry Kubrick in Your Lana Collection   
    Last picture before the world ends haha

  19. liam liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Vote for Your LEAST Favorite Song on Paradise!   
    me give a sarcastic/blunt reply? never
  20. liam liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana Board Demographics   
    Really? Beyonce is your best example for a black woman?
  21. liam liked a post in a topic by Eulonzo in Vote for Your LEAST Favorite Song on Paradise!   
    They should've just made a shortened version of it because I can stand 5 minutes of a song, but not 5 minutes of a slow-as-fuck song. It's a rare when I can actually listen to Yayo in it's entirety.
  22. PARADELREY liked a post in a topic by liam in Vote for Your LEAST Favorite Song on Paradise!   
    I was actually thinking the same thing about Yayo today. I've started to skip it because I just can't be bothered to listen to it anymore purely because of it's length!
  23. liam liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Favourite Candid shot(s) of Lana?   
    i like this one the best
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