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Everything posted by UltraHeroin

  1. Her extensions Also, I kinda find these photos unflattering both for Lana and Chuck...they both look kinda weird and like..what is that?
  2. Also, I really like this current layout. Other forums have the members photo on the right and their posts are weird and the signatures are confusing and there's way too much white in some cases that it really feels empty. This layout is perfect in my dumb opinion. A new theme indeed would be really nice but overall, I don't think major changes are really that necessary
  3. Yeah, I saw main page later and I edited my post. That would be really great to have a personalized main page, not just your profile page
  4. ... But, you can.. I mean I don't know what you'reffering to exactly but you can put whatever image you want as your background on your profile page OH nevermind, you said main page. I'm dumb. Yeah that would be rad
  5. That gif truly represents Lana's personality and her entire life basically
  6. My initial guess, as you all may know, is Feb. 3rd...but to make a second guess, I would say Feb. 18th or something around that date (16th, 17th, 19th)
  7. Word...couldn't say the same about the LFL pre-release, the title track was already pretty stale by the time the album came out, Groupie love and Summer bummer didn't impress me, and Coachella was coachella, lol. Love was and is awesome but since it got released early, I overplayed it a little and I was mostly eager to listen to the new songs With MAC and VB though...2 months and they still feel fresh as fuck, That's a sign that a masterpiece awaits us in 2019 I would say
  8. Pretty much my favourites: Yayo, Venice bitch, Heroin, Honeymoon Lana song to scream the lyrics of it out loud really passionately
  9. Lol, people still haven't forgotten those lame ''alt girls'' from 2012...yikes..who are they again? Just kidding...but kinda not
  10. I noticed that Venice bitch didn't get it's usual appreciation post in a few pages so I'm here to remind you tasteless people that VB is one of her top 10 songs in her entire career..maybe even top 5
  11. Shades of cool aka the best Lana song ever A Lana song you play when taking a hot shower?
  12. Heroin Lana song to listen to while high?...(I know, pretty much all of them lol, but your no.1 favourite)
  13. Wow what a mess here. Typical for a LB thread. Don't worry guys, NFR will be at least top 3 in her discography... Also, LFL it's not that bad of an album as y'all make it out to be... It's just not up there with the rest of her work, but still pretty good. Love is an amazing song and nobody is allowed to slander it, cherry kinda lost a little bit of it's spark with time, but still pretty. Case closed.
  14. Oh, so the iconic: ''reported. thank you.'' transformed into Meryl Streep dramatic gifs? Not mad about it at all
  15. I would really love that but... Everytime I read ''Yosemite'' I sigh heavily and roll my eyes. Wtf guys? Yosemite is dead, sorry to say it (it didn't even sound that good)
  16. That was my first thought and I think it is exactly what she's doing because I know the fires have been pretty close to it
  17. Thanks for pointing it out, I really wanted to know what it was
  18. Definetly headphones over speakers any time. It's much more intimate and special in your ear and you can hear so many details and layers and the overall experience it's so good! I love those moments when you can hear Lana's tongue clicking while she sings particular words. She's our ASMR queen. Also, happy to be on the 300th page lol
  19. Yes! They may be fun at the beginning but they don't tipically age that well ( Yes, IMF, I'm looking right at you )
  20. UltraHeroin

    This or That

    2017 Flaunt shoot Acoustic HTD or with beats
  21. 24 Bel air Without you WTWWAWWKD...this one Maybe not that underrated Groupie love American Jump
  22. I mean look at all these: The list goes on and on with the Cola note, some SOC and WC live moments which were really great and of course TOSTB
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