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Everything posted by baddisease

  1. they aren't, but they aren't always mutually inclusive either. why doesn't she just get a restraining order?
  2. woah woah woah don't lump the mentally ill - who are more likely to be victims of crime - with stans who don't care about her privacy. what is their job again? cuz they seem to not be doing a good job at whatever it is they do.
  3. what I meant was your lack of contribution to the discussion. I'm not interested in supporting Putin or America. is that alright with you?
  4. what exactly am I supposed to do? this is a forum, where people talk.
  5. I just think people need to be more nuanced in dealing with Russia. Sorry for thinking you're an American, and that you're doing the traditional American anti-Russia stance. Also yes, Putin sucks ass. hey look, someone who doesn't contribute to anything!
  6. It is possible for nationally oppressed people to vote for their own independence no matter how much Americans stick their fingers in their ears and scream out RUSSIA BAD. Normally I agree with you but I strongly disagree here. Also NATO is always bad, even if it isn't the aggressor. exactly. America is involved in too many wars already. it didn't need to intervene in this one and in Ukraine AGAIN. Other countries have been sanctioned and it didn't actually work. I don't see it working in Russia.
  7. I just read this: Statement of the Tudeh Party of Iran - "Down with the Dictator!": There is no end to the regime's murderous thuggery! - Tudeh Party of Iran (tudehpartyiran.org) I have every hope this regime will collapse on its own.
  8. But Donetsk and Luhansk genuinely voted to be independent. Putin sucks but they deserve to make decisions on their own. I wanna like this 1000 times.
  9. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. why are we in such a hurry for new music? we just got great albums fairly recently.
  11. It's not just an emotion based argument, but ok. and i don't even know how you got that, either. serious question: do you care even the slightest bit about people harmed by America? or no? be honest.
  12. I don't know every single atrocity that's ever happened. But I do know what America has done and I don't appreciate people dismissing their actions.
  13. tell them what, precisely? Tell them that America kills Africans and Arabs and mistreats Black Americans over nothing and Asian Americans over COVID-19? I can do that.
  14. Iranian Woman Brain Dead After Arrest By Morality Police Over Hijab Rules (rferl.org)
  15. she reminds me of Ink Master's Tatu Baby. idk why.
  16. go tell that to the children murdered by drone strikes. or the black people murdered by police. or the poor who have to beg for scraps only to get shit on by the better off.
  17. I can't lie: I am anti-American. Not anti-American PEOPLE (unless they're rude or supporting imperialism) but anti-American politically and militarily.
  18. With all due respect, do you not see how this issue is far bigger than Iran? If the current Iranian regime falls - be it bc of American influence, American leading, or just American whispering) - the world would be changed and not in a good way. It would empower the USA in a deeply negative way. All of America's "enemies" have one thing in common and its their position in standing against American capitalism-imperialism. Now if there were a working class revolution, I'd support that. Edit: I HATE the Islamic Republic, btw.
  19. I wasn't trying to. When I say "we", I mean the entire world. Also I'm not an American.
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