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Everything posted by baddisease

  1. do you have a bigger version of that gif? I wanna steal it.
  2. I don't care about her as a human being except to say that she contributed to a wicked, heartless Empire. I feel bad in the sense that her family will miss her but I still think that about her.
  3. TIL. I learn something new every day. Thanks for that (not being snarky, I'm being serious)
  4. I don't know when that photo was taken and since she's a child she's not really capable of anything at that point in her life buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut the world outside Germany did know about Aktion T4 and the Ghettoization of the Jews. They just chose not to act. Even when the ghettoization led to what we know as the Holocaust.
  5. there have been some religious cults that claim you can be reincarnated at any point in one's life (Scientology and Heaven's Gate come to mind...)
  6. Everyone should be required to do an intensive world history class before they comment on world-level institutions.
  7. Basically this. She represents an institution that is and always has been vile.
  8. I would manifest this if it was done well. And not with only 3 minutes of vocals.
  9. Yo I wouldn't unstan if she did this but I would get such embarrassment that I wouldn't openly stan for her. Also I agree.
  10. I blame the lack of information about LDR9.
  11. dreaming of an Allie X x Lana song hint being dropped.
  12. steal all the wealth of the Royal Family and share it with everyone!
  13. so that's a yes. But keep on simping for the queen, since that's the only thing you seem to wanna do.
  14. so uh, those of us whose families have lived through them... we should just not care? those of us still impacted by them shouldn't care? it sounds like you don't give a single fuck about anything and want the rest of us not to give a fuck about anything.
  15. But the Troubles ended within your lifetime. Did you not care? Or was your family not impacted?
  16. "What happened in the past can remain in the past." spoken like someone who has never been impacted by the effects of the past.
  17. The institution is more than complicated. It is evil. From Ireland, to Africa, to the Americas, to the Middle East, to Oceania... the Monarchy has done or represented evil things. And it makes me incredibly angry for people to reduce that to "Oh she was just a beloved old woman!"
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