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Everything posted by baddisease

  1. Not to disrespect you or your opinion, how do you figure they're awful? She has such great unreleased songs: She's Not Me, Serial Killer, Us Against The World, Velvet Crowbar, I Talk to Jesus, etc.
  2. I hate that Chemtrails Over The Country Club is only 11 tracks long. It's too short. I definitely would pay for a deluxe with more songs on it.
  3. baddisease

    Song vs. Song

    Fine China vs I Talk To Jesus (Version 1)
  4. baddisease

    Song vs. Song

    Sad Girl vs Bartender
  5. Norman Fucking Rockwell is one of Lana's best albums. I don't like that people don't see that.
  6. baddisease

    Song vs. Song

    Chemtrails Over the Country Club vs. How To Disappear
  7. baddisease

    Song vs. Song

    West Coast vs. High By The Beach
  8. it's not just SZA. it's all of it. all the music that came before fucking sucked.
  9. I got a Lana tattoo and I don't regret it, but I'm glad nobody recognizes it as a Lana tattoo.
  10. baddisease

    Song vs. Song

    Get Free vs Boarding School
  11. he didn't even dogwhistle. the fool straight up took a metaphorical megaphone to support those terrorists.
  12. i wanna go fly my USSR flag at the capitol and see what happens.
  13. "Happy, Joyous, and Free" is an AA slogan. https://anonpress.org/bb/Page_133.htm https://www.aagrapevine.org/magazine/2015/jul/happy-joyous-and-free Edit: it's in the video.
  14. I so wish Lana would stop quoting AA/12 Step bullshit. I really, really wish that.
  15. baddisease

    Song vs. Song

    Mariners Apartment Complex vs. Cherry Blossom (Take 1)
  16. baddisease

    Song vs. Song

    Born To Die vs. Yes To Heaven (Version 2)
  17. I see it as potentially being received the same as Norman Fucking Rockwell, since it's with Jack again. It'll be great, I just know it.
  18. baddisease

    Song vs. Song

    Music To Watch Boys To vs. Lust for Life
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