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Posts posted by PrettyBaby

  1. New summer playlist: Mermaid Motel (Surf Noir 2014)


     1. West Coast (Radio Mix)

     2. Jump (demo)

     3. Lolita (demo 1)

     4. For K Part 2

     5. Mermaid Motel

     6. Heavy Hitter (James Dean Remix)

     7. Hawaiian Tropic

     8. Oh Say Can You See

     9. Daytona Meth

    10. Pin Up Galore

    11. You & Me

    12. Trash Magic

    13. Black Beauty (demo)

    14. Burning Desire

    15. West Coast (Rob Ortin version)

    16. Kill Kill







    original artwork "Mermaid Hotel" by unknown (posted at http://coney-marmont.blogspot.com/ (NSFW?); also posted by thedirtydollhaus)




  2. So excited to hear an album's on the way! I love Charli's remix of "Cut it Out" ...but for some reason I thought Kitten had broken up?

  3. I don't see what was shady or condescending in my post either, I wasn't condoning abuse, which I do know something about btw.

     I think TPD meant she was about to say something that might come across as shady/condesceding.



    I said aggressive men, not abusive ones. There is a difference. Most men that I see today seem to have their balls clipped and I find it quite sad. 



    Agreed. Most grown up women i know would agree with this also. Mind you, these are women who run their own businesses, are independent and have had long term relationships.


    I wish it was easier in our culture to let men be the men they are, with different personalities being appreciated. Some guys are more aggressive and that's okay, but being less aggressive is okay too. We all need the freedom to pursue our own styles, without worrying so much about whether our choices are going to make someone feel we're choosing "against" their "side" somehow.

  4. tumblr_mt8zphpiql1swc3i6o1_500.gif


    Aggressive =/= Abusive so can we please stop the whole taking-shit-out-of-context?


    Jesus fucking Christ, whatever it takes to get to nag, it seems. Poor girl could never catch a break with self-disclosure without her own fans turning it into a psychoanalysis under the false pretense that she condones domestic abuse.


    Re-fucking-lax, re-fucking-lax.


    I think you're right, Vinny... but if someone's concerned about the acceptance of violence, why respond with a tongue-in-cheek expression of semi-violence?



    There is no problem, really. It is not a new or poor habit of artists to implement lyrics from songs that were influential to their work or the particular song, I think it's a lovely tribute and it's interesting to see how different artists delivering the same lyric could totally change the meaning or feeling behind it. People are getting salty over nothing.  :whatever:



    Yes, but I think violence is something, and that's why Lana's choosing it as a topic to sing about. (Or at least reference. How remains to be seen, I guess.)

  5. I'm blown away. I wasn't expecting to love the new sound BUT I DO LOVE IT and I hope the rest of UV lives up to it.


    The high-pitched keyboard at the end reminds me of Dumpster's "I Am the Hunter." (Just a random thought, don't bother Googling them, it would seem their album Sky-Fi has disappeared from the internet...) So trippy  :flutter:

  6. I really don't get how this Lona Delery shit is any funny. I see people post this sometimes (not here, though) and every time I'm just


    To me it's so unfunny it's pathetic.

    I can't imagine wasting my time on watching those video, ditto running a fanpage on facebook

    (Sorry if someone of you is connected to this thing - hope that you won't take offence by my opinion)


    The point is that it's so stupid it's funny.  :teehee:

  7. I prefer Y&B. OUAD is... nice, but it bores me to tears. Maybe if it was a two-minute song... no no, they needed it in quantity for use in the film, I understand and all... I'm glad she made it, I'm glad I bought it, but I'm just not gonna listen to it much. Meh.


    ...I think the lyrics are a bit clumsy sometimes; 'Oh that grace, oh that body/Oh that face, makes me wanna party'.


    And that is what prevents Y&B from slaying. So that's my real vote. No slayage. :P


    I'm happy that somebody gets me about Linkin Park! Thanks for letting me know about Puller, I've never heard about this band, and it sounds interesting. And I get how you feel as a feminist (I'm one too) - a lot of good music stops being pleasurable when you realize how misogynistic the lyrics are. It's not only about Christian music... It's such a shame that music of every genre is ruined by it - alt rock, rap... even indie rock, which should be against mainstream trends. It makes me sad that I have to reject a lot of good tunes, because the artist is an asshole (and it puts me off).


    Puller may be hard to find these days; they broke up around 2002. Worth checking out if you run across them, though :D Sometimes amazon has their CDs in stock.


    Yeah, we do get to decide what we want to put up with in our music choices. If it's not pleasurable anymore, why bother? I'm finding, though, that it can be enjoyable to cast a wider net as I relearn the art of the mixed response. I don't have to agree with an artist's perspective to love their music. And I can even find different perspectives interesting when I don't agree with them. I guess I've been trying to retrain myself to "catch people doing right," but without turning a blind eye to what's wrong, if that makes sense. In all areas of life, not just music. I find I'm a much happier person this way. But when faced with something that amounts to an onslaught of trauma (and I'm sensitive, so for me slander = trauma), I feel very free to hit the off button :P

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