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Posts posted by PrettyBaby

  1. And it's entirely possible an illness is making her feel too crummy to perform certain tasks she deems nonessential, but not too awful to :gasp: pursue her life. Her basic business tbh.


    I do wish she'd reschedule Letterman tho

  2. I need people's opinions on my "outtakes" albums.


    Born to Die - The B-Sides


    1. Put the Radio On

    2. Hundred Dollar Bill

    3. Dum Dum

    4. Velvet Crowbar

    5. You Can Be the Boss

    6. Driving In Cars With Boys

    7. Marilyn Monroe

    8. Fake Diamond

    9. Live Or Die

    10. Us Against the World

    11. Kinda Outta Luck

    12. Hollywood's Dead

    13. Damn You

    14. Serial Killer

    15. You and Me


    I saw this album including the songs that I thought would have been heavily considered for the album before the direction changed to something less pop-oriented. MM, FD, and LoD are questionable to me.


    The three you mention are from 2011, so good guesses. Live or Die was supposed to have been on that 18-track preview before BTD, so I think that one is a very good guess.


    I think Hundred Dollar Bill works if you mean the 3:13 version. I don't know about Velvet Crowbar, though. It's from 2010 and more of a rock song, so it sticks out imo... but I don't think we can say with any authority what "belongs" or doesn't, so if you love it, leave it in :)


    Sounds like a good one; i'mma take a listen...



    Paradise - The B-Sides


    1. Angels Forever

    2. I Don't Wanna Go

    3. Young and Beautiful (Demo)

    4. Chelsea Hotel #2

    5. Because of You

    6. JFK

    7. Starry Eyed

    8. Hollywood


    I included AF and CH to add length to the album.


    Is there anything you'd change about these? I'm having an issue with flow between songs. Help would be much appreciated. :)


    I would end with AF or CH#2, personally. Hollywood makes a good opener. Maybe try this order for flow? :


    1. Hollywood

    2. Young and Beautiful (Demo)

    3. Because of You

    4. JFK

    5. Starry Eyed

    6. Angels Forever

    7. I Don't Wanna Go

    8. Chelsea Hotel #2

  3. I should have qualified that having the adversarial system in criminal proceedings ***opens the door*** to treating victims this way, and rape cases are exactly the type where the problem occurs.


    There's plenty of room between the adversarial system and presuming guilt


    I'll add more details soon.


    I don't pretend to be any sort of expert on criminal law in general, or rape law in particular, but I promised to get back with further thoughts.


    What I had in mind was an inquisitorial system in serious criminal cases like rape or murder, either replacing the adversarial system, or incorporating elements of the inquisitorial system into the existing system (which might be easier). In an Iq. system, the judge/magistrate acts as factfinder. In such a system, the goal is to uncover the truth through investigation and consideration of all evidence, as opposed to the Adv. system's emphasis on competition to make the best case (which arguably puts too much of a focus on *winning*). An Iq. system allows more evidence to be considered, because prejudicial effect is not (as much of?) a concern. Apparently conviction rates under both systems are similar -- they are different approaches with similar results -- but the Iq. approach itself seems more appropriate in cases of rape.


    Presumption of innocence and burden of proof on the prosecution *could* change under Iq. systems, but do not always. That is not at all what I had in mind; I have studied American criminal procedure in the past, and it's hard for me to imagine putting the burden of proof on the accused as a good thing.


    There are other alternatives to the pure adversarial system: rape shield laws which limit evidence concerning the victim, restorative justice, and specialized courts/police to deal with rape cases. Those are not what I had in mind, but I see potentially beneficial elements in those ideas as well.



    Bottom line: I believe rape prosecution is in need of serious reform in the U.S. I am interested to hear perspectives from other people about the state of rape law/prosecution in their own countries.


    (Of course, none of this applies directly to a civil proceeding, as in Kesha's case. I will only point out that I suspect she has a much better chance of actually accomplishing something by pursuing a civil remedy as opposed to a criminal sentence. *If* she is successful in her suit, I do hope she pursues a criminal charge as well... but probably the statute of limitations has kicked in by now.)


    One more note: I don't know how to explain this adequately to people who haven't experienced it, but I'm not inclined to hold Kesha's apparent passivity up until now against her. I really think an individual's upbringing has *a lot* to do with how equipped they are to protect themselves/problem-solve/confront people who take advantage of them in life. It is entirely possible for a person to live with abuse, without having the thought process be so much "I want to keep/achieve such-and-such so I'll put up with it," so much as "this sucks, but it's part of normal life." To some extent, one needs to experience healthy relationships with appropriate boundaries, before one can identify which relationships need to be ended/renegotiated.

  4. I should have qualified that having the adversarial system in criminal proceedings ***opens the door*** to treating victims this way, and rape cases are exactly the type where the problem occurs.


    There's plenty of room between the adversarial system and presuming guilt


    I'll add more details soon.


    Lizzy: Yes, I just want to have something to do all the time-- and it's easier to do when people think you're great.



    She really comes across to me as someone who is not so much obsessed with people's adoration, as resigned to the fact that sometimes she needs their approval.

  6. Why do I get the feeling we won't get the full story on Charli's feelings about True Romance until after the Sucker era is over? Maybe it just takes that long for an artist to sort out what they've achieved vs. what they wanted to achieve vs. what they still want to achieve.

  7. Apples and Cigarrettes demo 2 is live? It does have that recorded-in-one-take vibe, but that's what makes it neon awesome! We're talking about the 3:51 one, right?

  8. And Apples and Cigarettes!

    I love the demo more. It's nice to have the reworked versions of that one and Kill the Light, but I never listen to them.

  9. Is it really bad that I was SO hyped for this album and have all three EPs and the unreleased but I've still never listened to the album? :rip:


    Idk I heard some previews of it and it really turned me off so I never downloaded it :toofloppy:


    Worthwhile mainly for Cathedral, Why I Wait, and Lia

  10. I think I've figured out how to best appreciate the UV experience, for me at least. Rather than trying to capture higher fidelity with better headphones, I need to hear it coming out of crappy computer speakers, from across the room, through a couple layers of blankets over the head, when I'm in the mood to be lulled asleep by someone else's apparent emotional fog.


    Not trying to be negative here; it just really seemed to work for me. I know Lana speaks of passion and fire, but it just seems to me like there's a fair amount of dissociation going on, on this record. Speaking of tracks one through eleven; Black Beauty and Florida Kilos really do seem like they don't quite fit the emotional soundscape. (But Flipside, Is This Happiness and Guns and Roses fit it remarkably well.) 

  11. So the season premiered yesterday... did anyone see it? like I have to wait bc I live in Spain and I wanna know the song!!! PLEASE


    I think Lana's song will be in next week's episode?


    Here's the AHS thread: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/2726-american-horror-story/  It might be the more active thread for awhile until they air Lana's song.


    Trying to decide whether to get into this show... guess I'm a little behind already :tsk:




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