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Posts posted by PrettyBaby


    Very interesting. Disturbingly similar parallels to certain church groups I used to be a part of that advocated gender roles for modern couples. Especially the power dynamics. :shiver: Get the women into groups without men because supposedly they won't ask too many questions... led by "exceptional women" whose job it is to talk up the male guru's superior insight and connection to the divine... bonus points for crying sessions...


    Not all manipulative groups are in it for the money. I think some people just really get hooked on the social power. Women as well as men. And vulnerable people let themselves get sucked into the dynamic because at least the attention feels better than the solitude or neglect they're used to :'(

  2. Thanks guys! I find her collection not nearly as easy to organize in comparison to, say, Lana's unreleased.


    I also can't decide with things such as snippets; I feel like if you have them, you should have them all, or none at all. There's some like the Hallucination snippet that are nice, whereas I could go the rest of my life without the Kiss N' Tell snippet. I even want to delete As Mean As You (because of its low quality), but I can't decide if I should or not.


    I couldn't find good qualities for these, so if someone could help me out with any single one, I'd appreciate it:

    - Mariah Carey 2.0

    - Lick My Twit

    - Look At You

    - Paper Doll

    - Shiny Toy (Final)

    - Black (G-Dragon feat. Sky)


    I use As Mean As You as an outtro :)

  3. Like an Endless Summer



    West Coast


    Off to the Races

    Us Against the World


    Florida Kilos

    High by the Beach

    Music to Watch Boys To

    Serial Killer


    Shades of Cool

    Kill Kill

    Summertime Sadness

    Blue Jeans

    Video Games

    Honeymoon (shortened version)

    Cruel World

  4. Sorry for reviving this thread, but goodness, some of Lana's unreleased lyrics like this song really do seem fucked up!

    If she is really referencing a relationship with a priest, oh god, I don't even know what to say.

    I don't think the lyric is "priest's son" because 1) Seeing as Lana is a Catholic and it's most likely that's the specific Christian denomination she's referring to here, and priests aren't allowed to marry and it's EXTREMELY rare for priests to have had children, so I highly doubt she's mentioning a priest's son. 2) A lot of lyrics are in reference to the expectation of this guy to be holy, and for some reason I just can't see there being  much of an expectation on a priest's son to be holy, but rather just the priest having an expectation to be holy.

    Idk, maybe she's not even singing about a priest here, but either way, the whole idea of this guy is fucked up, and reminds me of Put Me in a Movie a little bit.


    There can be a lot of pressure on preachers' kids, actually. Hence the stereotype that they tend to turn out as little angels or little devils.


    I do think it's "preacher's song," though. It's like a siren song luring its "willing" victims. (Rhymes better with "wrong" and sort of with "gone.")

  5. Sometimes a novel is so good, I picture the film in my head. And every great film needs a great soundtrack :) So now I make playlists for books. Feel free to post yours here!


    "So Yesterday" by Scott Westerfeld explores the blurred lines between art and commerce as its heroes, a "cool hunter" and an "innovator," roam NYC searching for a kidnapped marketing executive ...and the holy grail of athletic shoes.



  6. ...aaaaand I just finalized my Sucker playlist.




    Half punk. Half pop. With a VERY pointed transition. Could be two playlists. It's not :D


    (UPDATE: Switched out the photo in 2018. Because Photobucket sucks now. In case anyone ever runs across this page again.)

  7. omg!!!! had no idea!!!! v happy for her, hope the next album is about motherhood etc (itd be nice for her to explore a different direction)


    Would it be tacky to say I hope she'd include "Knocked Up"? Cause it totally needs a re-release :D

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