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Posts posted by PrettyBaby

  1. I love James Dean's remix of Heavy Hitter, and can vouch for him that he's competent to do this mix of Jealous Girl. Also, I don't hear any new Lana vocals in this edit -- just the same ones duplicated. I'm more than inclined to believe him :)

  2. I think I'm satisfied with these track orders.


    Anyway, I made B-sides albums bc it always felt sort of wrong putting the Paradise Rick Nowels leaks + AFFA in with all these 2010/11 songs. No particular love for these track orders but the options are obv limited so really just customize to your fancy here





    ^Pre-2009, essentially POTENTIAL AKA demos (based on No Kung Fu, studio session leaks)




    ^Not particularly hot on either of these covers tbh, they don't match my demos covers enough...Hopefully will remedy soon






    ^Idk whether or not I'll eventually make Big Eyes and I Can Fly Honeymoon b-sides...




    And considering all the tracks I moved to b-side status and the fact that we'll probably never have another old leak that isn't a laptop demo, I came up with 4 concise 16-song albums plus 2009 Lizzy era, choosing to organize based more on cohesive sound than "mood" like my old volumes--so they read more as albums





    ^With the new Strange Love...this volume is my crown jewel tbqh. Inspiration for giving other albums more of an "album feel" w/ variety




    ^Sweet, nostaglic, lots of Lana "classics"




    ^Bad bitch




    ^Don't particularly care for an album called "Velvet Crowbar" but idk what else to do...considering retitling to "The Revenge of Lana Del Rey." Basically my emo "Black Leather Moonlight" album but with more of an edge




    ^Still the essential pure pop wtf-were-you-thinking-Lana album




    ^Minus AKA b-sides




    ^Same, and infinitely expanding



    Thoughts? :ohno: @@PrettyBaby @@National Anthem @


    Loving the albums. Not sure how I feel about the B-sides ... AKA B-sides seems to be stealing from South Beach Swing. But there's enough material for two, so I'm okay with it ...To make a BTD B-sides meaningful I really think you need to either raid the unreleased albums or combine it with Paradise B-sides. Agree on including Ridin' and Spender.


    I could see Chelsea Hotel on UV B-sides.

  3. Here's a good summary of the poem if anyone's interested… http://www.shmoop.com/four-quartets/burnt-norton-section-1-summary.html

    Thanks! Poetry for Dummies FTW! :party:


    It actually reminds me of a screenplay I wrote years ago in which I explored the Freewill vs. Destiny debate. Too bad it was a lame timecop story :noparty:


    Of course it's triggering for me all sorts of MBTI and cognitive functions analysis too. Sensors like Eliot and LDR have much to teach us about the "first world." (Of course, as an Intuitive I would counter that for me, inside-my-head IS the "first world" ...although I do tend to be inside-my-head in-the-present ...it's complicated ...caffeine is awesome.)

  4. I love that it finally sounds like Charli is in it for the music again and not the money and success. Hopefully this is a turning point for the better.


    She's a performer at heart, I think. This is her chance to make the music truly her own.

  5. it's pretty obvious that the album was originally punk (mow my lawn, allergic to love) but the label warped it so much so it ended up a confusing mess w/ tiny little glimmers of punk showing through


    And Charli herself describes Sucker as a pop album.




    Sorry I don't have more recent sources to cite; I distinctly remember her saying so in a recent video clip, though.

  6. new poster says june 11 she'll be in washington ?? 




    Bristow is in Northern Virginia, basically a suburb of D.C. :)


    I plan to be there, in the first seated section.  I have to work that day, but in theory it's possible I'll make it in time to see Grimes open  :excited:  My first concert by myself, guys! I've been inspired by people here at LB, who've talked about going to concerts alone and having a blast. So I decided I'm gonna do it too!   :woot:

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