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Posts posted by PrettyBaby

  1. "True Romance is a cool album. I always equated being cool to being a bit rude or moody." But: "It's not who I am as a person and I struggled with that. When I was 16, I felt so much pressure to write a cool album because I thought I was so uncool. On this record, I don't care if people think I'm dorky or too happy."


    Moody = cool? :erm: Here for happy pop music though, if it's good.

  2. REQUEST: Does anyone have any playlists for relaxation/down time? Like songs you can listen to whilst soaking in the tub?  :)


    Sorry, I meant to get back to you... I guess I don't listen to various artist playlists when I want to relax, but my daughter and I love this Elizabeth Mitchell playlist (folk/acoustic) at bedtime. (Sort of children's lullabies, but sort of accessible to grownups too!)




    What kind of music do you like to relax to?

  3. I agree with you on Bel Air but Yayo no. I think the problem is that Yayo should've been shorter (Maybe take out a chours or two) in track length. Also imo the version on PD is awful compared to the a.k.a/certain live preformances versions. I adore the rocker version that she preformed live back in her lizzy grant days...


    The demo version ("No Kung Fu") is shorter. It lacks the verse "I need you like a baby..." and the tempo is a bit rockier. (It holds my daughter's attention better than the AKA version anyway.)

  4. And Copyright law has helped provide artists with incentive to create. Some argue that going beyond this creates an unfair burden on the public to enforce an artificial monopoly. 




    And I can see their point. Some seem to think Copyright law has outlived its usefulness and seem ready to abolish it. I just want to see it evolve. (I think :) )

  5. It is a legal gray area, but the courts are not going to side with someone reproducing music for personal enjoyment. If they were to do that, then that would lead to legalizing peer 2 peer sharing of music. There has to be some clear, non-profit purpose for reproducing the music. Peer 2 peer file sharing is non-profit, but people have been fined and lost lawsuits for doing this because its purpose is to avoid paying for music, movies, software, etc.


    The copyright laws are there to protect intellectual property and to give artists control over their property. If people are reproducing their works without their consent, then they have lost control. For artists who want to give consumers more flexibility in reproducing their works, there is the Creative Commons License.


    It's not about maximizing control; it's about maximizing creativity. I would like to see the artists benefit from their works, though. I'm hoping some new form of licensing (or other economic model) evolves to cover specifically music not available for purchase (in which case, the purpose is not to avoid paying).

  6. That is not Fair Use. Fair Use is when you reproduce someone's intellectual property for educational, parody, or commentary purposes.



    Not to stir shit up again, but just for clarification: Fair Use doctrine is actually something of a gray area. What you have provided is a non-exclusive list of examples of fair use.


    Actually Copyright law is constantly evolving, which is as it should be. In the internet age, there are many issues left to be tested. For now it would seem the pendulum is swinging in favor of big business. But what the law is supposed to do is advance artistic creativity, not necessarily protect privacy (there are other laws for that) or maximize profits.


    So it's an open question what should happen regarding leaked music that is not available for purchase.


    If you download a leaked song that is going to be sold or could have been sold, you are doing harm. That means you won't be buying the song when it's officially available. You might not think that some of the songs will be sold, but someone leaked songs that Charli was thinking about shopping to other artists. Even if Charli has no plans to make a song available, it is unethical to invade her privacy by obtaining a song she doesn't want leaked. You're also providing a market for the leaked music. People wouldn't leak music if they didn't get some kind of monetary or personal gratification.


    You make some good points here. Yes, it is harmful to download for free a song available for purchase... unless you go on to purchase it. Yes, it is harmful to dilute the market for a song actively being shopped to other artists.


    But it's difficult to see the harm in appreciating unreleased songs that would otherwise never see the light of day. In fact, I would argue that such activity benefits the artist by providing an audience for what in some cases is their better material, as well as serving as free promotion for their released material. But it's complex, especially when the songs in question could be released in the future or could be shopped around.


    The point to keep in mind is that Fair Use doctrine is a gray area of Copyright law. Not my legal opinion and the usual disclaimers, etc.

  7. TBH I think it's just that a lot of their songs are written from the guy's POV. I saw an interview vid from a couple years ago and Chloe seemed pretty boy-crazy at the time  :P


    @@iseeyouupsidedown I like your cover art! I hadn't put together the bit about opposites but the gist of the song totally supports it.


    "Remember what this looks like when you're 33" ...I never knew what to make of this lyric. It's the age of Jesus when he died. Maybe it's a milestone for some people?


    Hey, I'm seeing online that "Science and Regret" used to be song 6 of the Sunday School EP?!? I got it from amazon with just five songs. Is this the same acoustic version (3:23) or is it with bigger production?

  8. Doesn't work that way. Everything gonna go to Icloud in the moment you chose to use it. No one reads that "contract" entirely and even if you do they use tricky sentences so you don't see that even if is not on your icloud all your info is on the cloud.


    :biblio: Say what?

  9. I thought we all knew that by now.


    "It’s punk-inspired. It’s definitely still a pop album, but there are moments where it is raw and wild. I’m commenting on the music industry, the female body, and money, whereas before I mainly spoke about love. This record definitely feels better informed.”



    I meant the bolded phrase gives me hope. I'm interested to hear her perspective on the industry.

  10. Any organization in which there's money involved. Get rid of one symptom and you'll see the potency crop up elsewhere.


    The answer is not to put down religion, but to speak up regarding specific instances of problems. It's more time-consuming that way, but in the long run more effective. So keep speaking out, yes. Just try to be more targeted.

  11. @ I know your title is just descriptive. But what do you think about changing it to "ISIL and other contemporary terrorists"?


    Atheism does not have to be anti-religion. Religion is not the problem; it's people using groupthink to manipulate other people. You might as well try to ban all human organizations. (Actually, we've been there and done that, and anti-establishment proponents generally go on to try and establish their own brand of groupthink. So good luck with that.)


    "It’s punk-inspired. It’s definitely still a pop album, but there are moments where it is raw and wild. I’m commenting on the music industry, the female body, and money, whereas before I mainly spoke about love. This record definitely feels better informed.”



    This actually gives me hope. I actually trust that she knows what she's doing. Whether I like the end result or not is a whole separate issue.


    I never sold out as a screenwriter... and I never sold a single script :'(

  13. His styling is way off. Yeah, I've gone to church with these people, but none of them were in their 20s. Good grief. I do think the weight range is sadly spot-on.


    As far as the beauty/weight issue goes, it's not about micromanaging who people are allowed to be attracted to. That's entirely subjective and no one else's business. It's about respect for individual dignity. How about we don't treat fat OR skinny people as trophies OR booby-prizes?



  14. But she didn't sell out because she worked with Stargate, she sold out because she wrote pandering crap in a thinly veiled attempt for a hit~


    Maybe she does think that's what people are saying though. She's remembering how she used to think as a musical elitist. Though I'd think, with all her experience, she'd be past that awkward stage by now, when you've figured out that elitism is ridiculous, but aren't sure how to open your heart without lowering the bar.


    If she's feeling more visceral than cerebral that's fine, but she can't demand that her fans "feel it." She has to earn that.

  15. Well, I must be somewhat excited because I just caved and made my first-ever pre-order for Sucker. Hoping the title's not prophetic I've been waiting to buy Boom Clap and I love Charli and well, I just caved, that's all.


    I guess BTR is sort of what we expected... as in, feared... we were just hoping for better :/  I have to admit I like parts of the song. As National Anthem pointed out, the verses are good. It really is the chorus that messes it up for me.


    But hey, there's 11 more tracks. I'm still holding out hope! Even if one of them is SuperLove because I really like it in a guilty-pleasure sort of way

  16. Here's one that's more purely pop. As one person put it, imagine if Lana debuted as a pop artist instead of doing her sad cinematic pop.

    Just A Party Girl

    1. Behind Closed Doors
    2. Butterflies Part 2
    3. True Love On The Side
    4. Shes's not me (ride or die)
    5. Push me down
    6. Lift your eyes
    7. Ghetto Baby
    8. Fake Diamond
    9. Butterflies
    10. St Tropez
    11. Is it wrong?
    12. Driving in cars with boys (v2)
    13. Live Or Die
    14. Go go dancer
    15. Ooh baby
    16. Hit and run (v1)
    17. Jealous Girl
    18. Paradise
    19. In The Sun
    20. Puppy Love
    21. Queen of Disaster
    22. Prom Song
    23. Take Me To Paris
    24. Never Let Me Go
    25. TV in black and white
    26. Break My Fall

    I need help with this playlist. I don't want it to include any low quality songs or demos (that's why Summer of Sam and Match Made In Heaven aren't here). I also feel like this is too long. Ideally I'd cut it down to make 17-19 songs. Bolded songs are ones I might remove. @@PrettyBaby help? *puppy dog eyes*


    Oooh, I've loaded this into iTunes, and when I get a chance I'll take a listen. Offhand, I'd say yes, delete the bolded ones, as I think you've succeeded in identifying the ones with a somewhat different sound, and that would take the playlist under 80 minutes. (Though I do like Never Let Me Go toward the end... :/ ) But I'll listen to it and see how it flows, and if any other song sticks out as a candidate for removing.

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